Source code for astroquery.casda.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from io import BytesIO
import os
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import keyring

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.table import Table
from import parse
from astroquery import log
import numpy as np

from ..query import QueryWithLogin
from ..utils import commons
from ..utils import async_to_sync
from . import conf
from ..exceptions import LoginError

__all__ = ['Casda', 'CasdaClass']

[docs] @async_to_sync class CasdaClass(QueryWithLogin): """ Class for accessing ASKAP data through the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA). Typical usage: result = Casda.query_region('22h15m38.2s -45d50m30.5s', radius=0.5 * u.deg) """ # use the Configuration Items imported from to set the URL, # TIMEOUT, etc. URL = conf.server TIMEOUT = conf.timeout POLL_INTERVAL = conf.poll_interval USERNAME = conf.username _soda_base_url = conf.soda_base_url _login_url = conf.login_url _uws_ns = {'uws': ''} def __init__(self): super().__init__() def _login(self, *, username=None, store_password=False, reenter_password=False): """ login to non-public data as a known user Parameters ---------- username : str, optional Username to the CASDA archive, uses ATNF OPAL credentials. If not given, it should be specified in the config file. store_password : bool, optional Stores the password securely in your keyring. Default is False. reenter_password : bool, optional Asks for the password even if it is already stored in the keyring. This is the way to overwrite an already stored passwork on the keyring. Default is False. """ if username is None: if not self.USERNAME: raise LoginError("If you do not pass a username to login(), " "you should configure a default one!") else: username = self.USERNAME # Get password from keyring or prompt password, password_from_keyring = self._get_password( "", username, reenter=reenter_password) # Login to CASDA to test credentals"Authenticating {0} on CASDA ...".format(username)) auth = (username, password) login_response = self._request("GET", self._login_url, auth=auth, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=False) authenticated = login_response.status_code == 200 if authenticated:"Authentication successful!") self.USERNAME = username self._auth = (username, password) # When authenticated, save password in keyring if needed if password_from_keyring is None and store_password: keyring.set_password("", username, password) else: log.exception("Authentication failed") return authenticated
[docs] def query_region_async(self, coordinates, *, radius=1*u.arcmin, height=None, width=None, get_query_payload=False, cache=True): """ Queries a region around the specified coordinates. Either a radius or both a height and a width must be provided. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates`. coordinates around which to query radius : str or `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional the radius of the cone search height : str or `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional the height for a box region width : str or `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional the width for a box region get_query_payload : bool, optional Just return the dict of HTTP request parameters. cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. Returns ------- response : `requests.Response` The HTTP response returned from the service. All async methods should return the raw HTTP response. """ request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates=coordinates, radius=radius, height=height, width=width) if get_query_payload: return request_payload response = self._request('GET', self.URL, params=request_payload, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=cache) # result = self._parse_result(response) return response
# Create the dict of HTTP request parameters by parsing the user # entered values. def _args_to_payload(self, *, radius=1*u.arcmin, **kwargs): request_payload = dict() # Convert the coordinates to FK5 coordinates = kwargs.get('coordinates') if coordinates is not None: fk5_coords = commons.parse_coordinates(coordinates).transform_to(coord.FK5) if kwargs.get('width') is not None and kwargs.get('height') is not None: width = u.Quantity(kwargs['width']).to(u.deg).value height = u.Quantity(kwargs['height']).to(u.deg).value top = + (height/2) bottom = - (height/2) left = - (width/2) right = + (width/2) pos = f'RANGE {left} {right} {bottom} {top}' else: radius = u.Quantity(radius).to(u.deg) pos = f'CIRCLE {} {} {radius.value}' request_payload['POS'] = pos band = kwargs.get('band') channel = kwargs.get('channel') if band is not None: if channel is not None: raise ValueError("Either 'channel' or 'band' values may be provided but not both.") if (not isinstance(band, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))) or len(band) != 2 or \ (band[0] is not None and not isinstance(band[0], u.Quantity)) or \ (band[1] is not None and not isinstance(band[1], u.Quantity)): raise ValueError("The 'band' value must be a list of 2 wavelength or frequency values.") bandBoundedLow = band[0] is not None bandBoundedHigh = band[1] is not None if bandBoundedLow and bandBoundedHigh and band[0].unit.physical_type != band[1].unit.physical_type: raise ValueError("The 'band' values must have the same kind of units.") if bandBoundedLow or bandBoundedHigh: unit = band[0].unit if bandBoundedLow else band[1].unit if unit.physical_type == 'length': min_band = '-Inf' if not bandBoundedLow else band[0].to(u.m).value max_band = '+Inf' if not bandBoundedHigh else band[1].to(u.m).value elif unit.physical_type == 'frequency': # Swap the order when changing frequency to wavelength min_band = '-Inf' if not bandBoundedHigh else band[1].to(u.m, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value max_band = '+Inf' if not bandBoundedLow else band[0].to(u.m, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value else: raise ValueError("The 'band' values must be wavelengths or frequencies.") # If values were provided in the wrong order, swap them if bandBoundedLow and bandBoundedHigh and min_band > max_band: temp_val = min_band min_band = max_band max_band = temp_val request_payload['BAND'] = f'{min_band} {max_band}' if channel is not None: if not isinstance(channel, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) or len(channel) != 2 or \ not isinstance(channel[0], (int, np.integer)) or not isinstance(channel[1], (int, np.integer)): raise ValueError("The 'channel' value must be a list of 2 integer values.") if channel[0] <= channel[1]: request_payload['CHANNEL'] = f'{channel[0]} {channel[1]}' else: # If values were provided in the wrong order, swap them request_payload['CHANNEL'] = f'{channel[1]} {channel[0]}' return request_payload # the methods above implicitly call the private _parse_result method. # This should parse the raw HTTP response and return it as # an `astropy.table.Table`. def _parse_result(self, response, *, verbose=False): # if verbose is False then suppress any VOTable related warnings if not verbose: commons.suppress_vo_warnings() # try to parse the result into an astropy.Table, else # return the raw result with an informative error message. try: # do something with regex to get the result into # astropy.Table form. return the Table. data = BytesIO(response.content) table = return table except ValueError as e: # catch common errors here, but never use bare excepts # return raw result/ handle in some way"Failed to convert query result to table", e) return response
[docs] def filter_out_unreleased(self, table): """ Return a subset of the table which only includes released (public) data. Parameters ---------- table: `astropy.table.Table` A table of results as returned by query_region. Must include an obs_release_date column. Returns ------- table : `astropy.table.Table` The table with all unreleased (non public) data products filtered out. """ now = str('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f')) return table[(table['obs_release_date'] != '') & (table['obs_release_date'] < now)]
def _create_job(self, table, service_name, verbose): # Use datalink to get authenticated access for each file tokens = [] soda_url = None for row in table: access_url = row['access_url'] if access_url: response = self._request('GET', access_url, auth=self._auth, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=False) response.raise_for_status() service_url, id_token = self._parse_datalink_for_service_and_id(response, service_name) if id_token: tokens.append(id_token) soda_url = service_url # Trap a request with no allowed data if not soda_url: raise ValueError('You do not have access to any of the requested data files.') # Create job to stage all files job_url = self._create_soda_job(tokens, soda_url=soda_url) if verbose:"Created data staging job " + job_url) return job_url def _complete_job(self, job_url, verbose): # Wait for job to be complete final_status = self._run_job(job_url, verbose, poll_interval=self.POLL_INTERVAL) if final_status != 'COMPLETED': if verbose:"Job ended with status " + final_status) raise ValueError('Data staging job did not complete successfully. Status was ' + final_status) # Build list of result file urls job_details = self._get_job_details_xml(job_url) fileurls = [] for result in job_details.find("uws:results", self._uws_ns).findall("uws:result", self._uws_ns): file_location = unquote(result.get("{}href")) fileurls.append(file_location) return fileurls
[docs] def stage_data(self, table, *, verbose=False): """ Request access to a set of data files. All requests for data must use authentication. If you have access to the data, the requested files will be brought online and a set of URLs to download the files will be returned. Parameters ---------- table: `astropy.table.Table` A table describing the files to be staged, such as produced by query_region. It must include an access_url column. verbose: bool, optional Should status message be logged periodically, defaults to False Returns ------- A list of urls of both the requested files/cutouts and the checksums for the files/cutouts """ if not self._authenticated: raise ValueError("Credentials must be supplied to download CASDA image data") if table is None or len(table) == 0: return [] job_url = self._create_job(table, 'async_service', verbose) return self._complete_job(job_url, verbose)
[docs] def cutout(self, table, *, coordinates=None, radius=1*u.arcmin, height=None, width=None, band=None, channel=None, verbose=False): """ Produce a cutout from each selected file. All requests for data must use authentication. If you have access to the data, the requested files will be brought online, a cutout produced from each file and a set of URLs to download the cutouts will be returned. If a set of coordinates is provided along with either a radius or a box height and width, then CASDA will produce a spatial cutout at that location from each data file specified in the table. If a band or channel pair is provided then CASDA will produce a spectral cutout of that range from each data file. These can be combined to produce subcubes with restrictions in both spectral and spatial axes. Parameters ---------- table: `astropy.table.Table` A table describing the files to be staged, such as produced by query_region. It must include an access_url column. coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates`, optional coordinates around which to produce a cutout, the radius will be 1 arcmin if no radius, height or width is provided. radius : str or `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional the radius of the cutout height : str or `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional the height for a box cutout width : str or `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional the width for a box cutout band : list of `astropy.units.Quantity` with two elements, optional the spectral range to be included, may be low and high wavelengths in metres or low and high frequencies in Hertz. Use None for an open bound. channel : list of int with two elements, optional the spectral range to be included, the low and high channels (i.e. planes of a cube) inclusive verbose: bool, optional Should status messages be logged periodically, defaults to False Returns ------- A list of urls of both the requested files/cutouts and the checksums for the files/cutouts """ if not self._authenticated: raise ValueError("Credentials must be supplied to download CASDA image data") if table is None or len(table) == 0: return [] job_url = self._create_job(table, 'cutout_service', verbose) cutout_spec = self._args_to_payload(radius=radius, coordinates=coordinates, height=height, width=width, band=band, channel=channel, verbose=verbose) if not cutout_spec: raise ValueError("Please provide cutout parameters such as coordinates, band or channel.") self._add_cutout_params(job_url, verbose, cutout_spec) return self._complete_job(job_url, verbose)
[docs] def download_files(self, urls, *, savedir=''): """ Download a series of files Parameters ---------- urls: list of strings The list of URLs of the files to be downloaded. savedir: str, optional The directory in which to save the files. Returns ------- A list of the full filenames of the downloaded files. """ # for each url in list, download file and checksum filenames = [] for url in urls: parseResult = urlparse(url) local_filename = unquote(os.path.basename(parseResult.path)) if == 'nt': # Windows doesn't allow special characters in filenames like # ":" so replace them with an underscore local_filename = local_filename.replace(':', '_') local_filepath = os.path.join(savedir or self.cache_location or '.', local_filename) self._download_file(url, local_filepath, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, cache=False) filenames.append(local_filepath) return filenames
def _parse_datalink_for_service_and_id(self, response, service_name): """ Parses a datalink file into a vo table, and returns the async service url and the authenticated id token. Parameters ---------- response: `requests.Response` The datalink query response. service_name: str The name of the service to be utilised. Returns ------- The url of the async service and the authenticated id token of the file. """ data = BytesIO(response.content) votable = parse(data, verify='warn') results = next(resource for resource in votable.resources if resource.type == "results") if results is None: return None results_array = results.tables[0].array async_url = None authenticated_id_token = None # Find the authenticated id token for accessing the image cube for result in results_array: service_def = result['service_def'] if isinstance(service_def, bytes): service_def = service_def.decode("utf8") if service_def == service_name: authenticated_id_token = result['authenticated_id_token'] if isinstance(service_def, bytes): authenticated_id_token = authenticated_id_token.decode("utf8") # Find the async url for resource in votable.resources: if resource.type == "meta": if resource.ID == service_name: for param in resource.params: if == "accessURL": async_url = param.value if isinstance(async_url, bytes): async_url = async_url.decode() return async_url, authenticated_id_token def _create_soda_job(self, authenticated_id_tokens, *, soda_url=None): """ Creates the async job, returning the url to query the job status and details Parameters ---------- authenticated_id_tokens: list of str A list of tokens identifying the data products to be accessed. soda_url: str, optional The URL to be used to access the soda service. If not provided, the default CASDA one will be used. Returns ------- The url of the SODA job. """ id_params = list( map((lambda authenticated_id_token: ('ID', authenticated_id_token)), authenticated_id_tokens)) async_url = soda_url if soda_url else self._get_soda_url() resp = self._request('POST', async_url, params=id_params, cache=False) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.url def _add_cutout_params(self, job_location, verbose, cutout_spec): """ Add a cutout specification to an async SODA job. This will change the job from just retrieving the full file to producing a cutout from the target file. Parameters ---------- job_location: str The url to query the job status and details verbose: bool Should progress be logged periodically cutout_spec: map The map containing the POS parameter defining the cutout. """ if verbose:"Adding parameters: " + str(cutout_spec)) resp = self._request('POST', job_location + '/parameters', data=cutout_spec, cache=False) resp.raise_for_status() def _run_job(self, job_location, verbose, *, poll_interval=20): """ Start an async job (e.g. TAP or SODA) and wait for it to be completed. Parameters ---------- job_location: str The url to query the job status and details verbose: bool Should progress be logged periodically poll_interval: int, optional The number of seconds to wait between checks on the status of the job. Returns ------- The single word final status of the job. Normally COMPLETED or ERROR """ # Start the async job if verbose:"Starting the retrieval job...") self._request('POST', job_location + "/phase", data={'phase': 'RUN'}, cache=False) # Poll until the async job has finished prev_status = None count = 0 job_details = self._get_job_details_xml(job_location) status = self._read_job_status(job_details, verbose) while status == 'EXECUTING' or status == 'QUEUED' or status == 'PENDING': count += 1 if verbose and (status != prev_status or count > 10):"Job is %s, polling every %d seconds." % (status, poll_interval)) count = 0 prev_status = status time.sleep(poll_interval) job_details = self._get_job_details_xml(job_location) status = self._read_job_status(job_details, verbose) return status def _get_soda_url(self): return self._soda_base_url + "data/async" def _get_job_details_xml(self, async_job_url): """ Get job details as XML Parameters ---------- async_job_url: str The url to query the job details Returns ------- `xml.etree.ElementTree` The job details object """ response = self._request('GET', async_job_url, cache=False) response.raise_for_status() job_response = response.text return ElementTree.fromstring(job_response) def _read_job_status(self, job_details_xml, verbose): """ Read job status from the job details XML Parameters ---------- job_details_xml: `xml.etree.ElementTree` The SODA job details verbose: bool Should additional information be logged for errors Returns ------- The single word status of the job. e.g. COMPLETED, EXECUTING, ERROR """ status_node = job_details_xml.find("{}phase") if status_node is None: if verbose:"Unable to find status in status xml:") ElementTree.dump(job_details_xml) raise ValueError('Invalid job status xml received.') status = status_node.text return status
# the default tool for users to interact with is an instance of the Class Casda = CasdaClass()