
class astroquery.ipac.irsa.MostClass[source]

Bases: BaseQuery

Attributes Summary



Methods Summary

get_images([catalog, input_mode, ...])

Gets images containing the specified object or orbit.


Returns a list of queriable catalogs.

query_object([catalog, input_mode, ...])

Query the MOST interface using specified parameters and/or default query values.

Attributes Documentation

URL = ''

Methods Documentation

get_images(catalog='wise_merge', input_mode='name_input', ephem_step=0.25, obs_begin=None, obs_end=None, obj_name=None, obj_nafid=None, obj_type=None, mpc_data=None, body_designation=None, epoch=None, eccentricity=None, inclination=None, arg_perihelion=None, ascend_node=None, semimajor_axis=None, mean_anomaly=None, perih_dist=None, perih_time=None, get_query_payload=False, save=False, savedir='')[source]

Gets images containing the specified object or orbit.

Parameters are case sensitive. See module help for more details.


Catalog to query. Required. Default "wise_merge".


Input mode. One of "name_input", "naifid_input", "mpc_input" or "manual_input". Required. Default: "name_input".


Size of the steps (in days) at which the object ephemeris is evaluated. Required. Default: 0.25

obs_beginstr or None

UTC of the start of observations in YYYY-MM-DD. When None queries all availible data in the catalog which can be slow. Optional. Default: None.

obs_endstr or None

UTC of the end of observations in YYYY-MM-DD. When None queries all availible data in the catalog, can be slow. Optional. Default: None.

obj_namestr or None

Object name. Required when input mode is "name_input".

obj_nafidstr or None

Object NAIFD. Required when input mode is "naifid_input".

obj_typestr or None

Object type, "Asteroid" or Comet. Required when input mode is "mpc_input" or "manual_input".

mpc_datastr or None

MPC formatted object string. Required when input mode is "mpc_input".

body_designationstr or None

Name of the object described by the given orbital parameters. Does not have to be a real name. Will default to "TestAsteroid" or "TestComet" depending on selected object type. Required when input mode is "manual_input".

epochstr or None

Epoch in MJD. Required when input mode is "manual_input".

eccentricityfloat or None

Eccentricity (0-1). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

inclinationfloat or None

Inclination (0-180 degrees). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

arg_perihelionstr or None

Argument of perihelion (0-360 degrees). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

ascend_nodefloat or None

Longitude of the ascending node (0-360). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

semimajor_axisfloat or None

Semimajor axis (AU). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Asteroid".

mean_anomalystr or None

Mean anomaly (degrees). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Asteroid".

perih_distfloat or None

Perihelion distance (AU). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Comet".

perih_timestr or None

Perihelion time (YYYY+MM+DD+HH:MM:SS). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Comet".


Return the query parameters as a dictionary. Useful for debugging. Optional. Default: False


Whether to save the file to a local directory.


The location to save the local file if you want to save it somewhere other than cache_location


A list of HDUList objects.


Returns a list of queriable catalogs.

query_object(catalog='wise_merge', input_mode='name_input', output_mode='Regular', ephem_step=0.25, with_tarballs=False, obs_begin=None, obs_end=None, obj_name=None, obj_nafid=None, obj_type=None, mpc_data=None, body_designation=None, epoch=None, eccentricity=None, inclination=None, arg_perihelion=None, ascend_node=None, semimajor_axis=None, mean_anomaly=None, perih_dist=None, perih_time=None, get_query_payload=False)[source]

Query the MOST interface using specified parameters and/or default query values.

MOST service takes an object/orbit, depending on the input mode, evaluates its ephemerides in the, in the given time range, and returns a combination of image identifiers, image metadata and/or ephemerides depending on the output mode.

The required and optional query parameters vary depending on the query input type. Provided parameters that do not match the given input type will be ignored. Certain parameters are always required input to the service. For these the provided default values match the defaults of the online MOST interface.

Parameters are case sensitive. See module help for more details.


Catalog to query. Required. Default "wise_merge".


Input mode. One of "name_input", "naifid_input", "mpc_input" or "manual_input". Required. Default: "name_input".


Output mode. One of "Regular", "Full", "Brief", "Gator" or "VOTable". Required. Default: "Regular"


Size of the steps (in days) at which the object ephemeris is evaluated. Required. Default: 0.25


Return links to tarballs of found FITS and Region files. Optional, only when output mode is "Regular" or "Full". Default: False

obs_beginstr or None

UTC of the start of observations in YYYY-MM-DD. When None queries all availible data in the catalog which can be slow. Optional. Default: "None".

obs_endstr or None

UTC of the end of observations in YYYY-MM-DD. When None queries all availible data in the catalog, can be slow. Optional. Default: None

obj_namestr or None

Object name. Required when input mode is "name_input".

obj_nafidstr or None

Object NAIFD Required when input mode is "naifid_input".

obj_typestr or None

Object type, "Asteroid" or Comet Required when input mode is "mpc_input" or "manual_input".

mpc_datastr or None

MPC formatted object string. Required when input mode is "mpc_input".

body_designationstr or None

Name of the object described by the given orbital parameters. Does not have to be a real name. Will default to "TestAsteroid" or "TestComet" depending on selected object type. Required when input mode is "manual_input".

epochstr or None

Epoch in MJD. Required when input mode is "manual_input".

eccentricityfloat or None

Eccentricity (0-1). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

inclinationfloat or None

Inclination (0-180 degrees). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

arg_perihelionstr or None

Argument of perihelion (0-360 degrees). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

ascend_nodefloat or None

Longitude of the ascending node (0-360). Required when input mode is "manual_input".

semimajor_axisfloat or None

Semimajor axis (AU). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Asteroid".

mean_anomalystr or None

Mean anomaly (degrees). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Asteroid".

perih_distfloat or None

Perihelion distance (AU). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Comet".

perih_timestr or None

Perihelion time (YYYY+MM+DD+HH:MM:SS). Required when input mode is "manual_input" and object type is "Comet".


Return the query parameters as a dictionary. Useful for debugging. Optional. Default: False

query_resultsTable, VOTableFile or dict

Results of the query. Content depends on the selected output mode. In "Full" or "Regular" output mode returns a dictionary containing at least results, metadata and region keys, and optionally fits_tarball and region_tarball keys. When in "Brief" or "Gator" an Table object and in "VOTable" an VOTableFile. See module help for more details on the content of these tables.