MAST Queries

The Mast class provides more direct access to the MAST interface. It requires more knowledge of the inner workings of the MAST API, and should be rarely needed. However in the case of new functionality not yet implemented in astroquery, this class does allow access. See the MAST api documentation for more information.

The basic MAST query function allows users to query through the following MAST Services using their corresponding parameters and returns query results as an Table.

Filtered Mast Queries

MAST’s Filtered services use the parameters ‘columns’ and ‘filters’. The ‘columns’ parameter is a required string that specifies the columns to be returned as a comma-separated list. The ‘filters’ parameter is a required list of filters to be applied. The mast_query method accepts that list of filters as keyword arguments paired with a list of values, similar to query_criteria.

The following example uses a JWST service with column names and filters specific to JWST services. For the full list of valid parameters view the JWST Field Documentation.

>>> from astroquery.mast import Mast
>>> observations = Mast.mast_query('Mast.Jwst.Filtered.Nirspec',
...                                columns='title, instrume, targname',
...                                targoopp=['T'])
>>> print(observations) 
            title               instrume     targname
------------------------------- -------- ----------------
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
De-Mystifying SPRITEs with JWST  NIRSPEC      SPIRITS18nu
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
                            ...      ...              ...
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
                      ToO Comet  NIRSPEC  ZTF (C/2022 E3)
Length = 319 rows

TESS Queries

TESS queries have 2 types of filtered services. To output a table and specify columns for a TESS query, use TIC or CTL services with ‘.Rows’ on the end (e.g. Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.Tic.Rows). Valid parameters for TIC and CTL services are detailed in the TIC Field Documentation.

>>> from astroquery.mast import Mast
>>> observations = Mast.mast_query('Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.Tic.Rows',
...                                columns='id',
...                                dec=[{'min': -90, 'max': -30}],
...                                Teff=[{'min': 4250, 'max': 4500}],
...                                logg=[{'min': 4.5, 'max': 5.0}],
...                                Tmag=[{'min': 8, 'max': 10}])
>>> print(observations) 
Length = 814 rows

TESS services without ‘.Rows’ in the title are used for count queries and will not mask the output tables using the columns parameter. Additionally, using a ‘.Rows’ service for a count query will result in an error.

>>> from astroquery.mast import Mast
>>> observations = Mast.mast_query('Mast.Catalogs.Filtered.Tic.Rows',
...                                columns = 'COUNT_BIG(*)',
...                                dec=[{'min': -90, 'max': -30}],
...                                Teff=[{'min': 4250, 'max': 4500}],
...                                logg=[{'min': 4.5, 'max': 5.0}],
...                                Tmag=[{'min': 8, 'max': 10}])
Traceback (most recent call last):
astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError: Incorrect syntax near '*'.

Cone Searches

MAST’s cone search services use the parameters ‘ra’, ‘dec’, and ‘radius’ and return a table of observations with all columns present.

>>> from astroquery.mast import Mast
>>> observations = Mast.mast_query('Mast.Caom.Cone',
...                                ra=184.3,
...                                dec=54.5,
...                                radius=0.2)
>>> print(observations)    
intentType obs_collection provenance_name ...    obsid         distance
---------- -------------- --------------- ... ----------- ------------------
   science           TESS            SPOC ... 17001016097                0.0
   science           TESS            SPOC ... 17000855562                0.0
   science           TESS            SPOC ... 17000815577 203.70471189751947
   science           TESS            SPOC ... 17000981417  325.4085155315165
   science           TESS            SPOC ... 17000821493  325.4085155315165
   science            PS1             3PI ... 16000864847                0.0
   science            PS1             3PI ... 16000864848                0.0
   science            PS1             3PI ... 16000864849                0.0
   science            PS1             3PI ... 16000864850                0.0
   science            PS1             3PI ... 16000864851                0.0
       ...            ...             ... ...         ...                ...
   science           HLSP             QLP ... 18013987996   637.806560287869
   science           HLSP             QLP ... 18007518640   637.806560287869
   science           HLSP       TESS-SPOC ... 18013510950   637.806560287869
   science           HLSP       TESS-SPOC ... 18007364076   637.806560287869
   science          GALEX             MIS ...  1000007123                0.0
   science          GALEX             AIS ...  1000016562                0.0
   science          GALEX             AIS ...  1000016562                0.0
   science          GALEX             AIS ...  1000016563                0.0
   science          GALEX             AIS ...  1000016563                0.0
   science          GALEX             AIS ...  1000016556  302.4058357983673
   science          GALEX             AIS ...  1000016556  302.4058357983673
Length = 77 rows

Cone search services only require positional parameters. Using the wrong service parameters will result in an error. Read the MAST API services documentation for more information on valid service parameters.

>>> from astroquery.mast import Mast
>>> observations = Mast.mast_query('Mast.Caom.Cone',
...                                columns='ra',
...                                Teff=[{'min': 4250, 'max': 4500}],
...                                logg=[{'min': 4.5, 'max': 5.0}])
Traceback (most recent call last):
astroquery.exceptions.RemoteServiceError: Request Object is Missing Required Parameter : RA

Using the ‘columns’ parameter in addition to the required cone search parameters will result in a warning.

>>> from astroquery.mast import Mast
>>> observations = Mast.mast_query('Mast.Catalogs.GaiaDR1.Cone',
...                                columns="ra",
...                                ra=254.287,
...                                dec=-4.09933,
...                                radius=0.02) 
InputWarning: 'columns' parameter will not mask non-filtered services

Advanced Service Request

Certain MAST Services, such as Mast.Name.Lookup will not work with astroquery.mast.MastClass.mast_query due to it’s return type. If the output of a query is not the MAST json result type it cannot be properly parsed into a Table. In this case, the service_request_async method should be used to get the raw http response, which can then be manually parsed.

>>> from astroquery.mast import Mast
>>> service = 'Mast.Name.Lookup'
>>> params ={'input':"M8",
...          'format':'json'}
>>> response = Mast.service_request_async(service, params)
>>> result = response[0].json()
>>> print(result)     
{'resolvedCoordinate': [{'cacheDate': 'Apr 12, 2017 9:28:24 PM',
                         'cached': True,
                         'canonicalName': 'MESSIER 008',
                         'decl': -24.38017,
                         'objectType': 'Neb',
                         'ra': 270.92194,
                         'resolver': 'NED',
                         'resolverTime': 113,
                         'searchRadius': -1.0,
                         'searchString': 'm8'}],
 'status': ''}