CDS MOC Service (astroquery.mocserver)

Getting started

This module provides a python interface for querying the CDS MOCServer.

MOC is an IVOA standard enabling description of arbitrary sky regions. Based on the HEALPix sky tessellation, it maps regions on the sky into hierarchically grouped predefined cells. It corresponds to a set of HEALPix cells at different orders.

For those wanting to know more about MOCs, please refer to this IVOA paper and the MOCPy’s documentation developed by the CDS.

CDS has set up a server known as the MOCServer storing data-set names each associated with a MOC spatial coverage and some meta-datas giving a more detailed explanation of the data-set.

The MOCServer aims at returning the data-sets having at least one source lying in a specific sky region defined by the user. Internally the MOCServer performs the intersection between the given sky region and the MOCs associated with each data-sets. Because the MOC associated to a data-set describes its sky coverage, if the above intersection is not null then the MOCServer knows that some sources of this data-set are in the user defined sky region.

To be aware of what the MOCServer returns, please refers to this link. We have queried the MOCServer with a cone region of center ra, dec = (10.8, 32.2) deg and radius = 1.5 deg. In return, the MOCServer gives a list of data-sets each tagged with an unique ID along with some other meta-datas too e.g. obs_title, obs_description, moc_access_url (url for accessing the MOC associated with the data-set. Usually a FITS file storing a list of HEALPix cells).

It is also possible to ask the MOCServer for retrieving data-sets based on their meta-data values. Here we have queried the MOCServer for only the image data-sets being in the cone defined above (dataproduct_type meta-data equals to "image").

This package implements two methods:

  • query_region() retrieving data-sets (their associated MOCs and meta-datas) having sources in a given region.

  • find_datasets() retrieving data-sets (their associated MOCs and meta-datas) based on the values of their meta-datas.


The following packages are required for the use of this module:


Performing a CDS MOC query on a cone region

The first thing to do is to import the regions package and the mocserver module.

>>> from astropy import coordinates
>>> from regions import CircleSkyRegion
>>> from astroquery.mocserver import MOCServer

mocserver implements the method query_region() and this is what we will use. First, we need to define a cone region. For that purpose we will instantiate a regions.CircleSkyRegion object:

>>> center = coordinates.SkyCoord(10.8, 32.2, unit='deg')
>>> radius = coordinates.Angle(1.5, unit='deg')

>>> cone = CircleSkyRegion(center, radius)

And basically call the query_region() method with the cone and that’s all.

>>> MOCServer.query_region(region=cone)
<Table masked=True length=1317>
hips_service_url_8        hips_status         hips_status_7 ...   hipsgen_date_5                                  hips_master_url                                  moc_sky_fraction
      object                 object               object    ...       object                                           object                                          float64
------------------ -------------------------- ------------- ... ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.0588
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        2.066e-06
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.002134
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.003107
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0001764
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.008365
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0009891
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0004252
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0006163
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0008544
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0009243
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --          0.00016
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.000729
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        2.998e-05
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --          0.01136
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0006112
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        6.632e-05
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0001141
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0008666
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.001025
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.008088
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.000282
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --         0.002413
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        0.0001468
                -- public master clonableOnce            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.3164
                -- public master clonableOnce            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        4.444e-05
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --        4.641e-05
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --          0.00044
               ...                        ...           ... ...               ...                                                                              ...              ...
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                    0.7283
                --   public master unclonable            -- ... 2017-02-09T13:48Z                                                                               --           0.5723
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.5468
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                 0.8623
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.9635
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.4284
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --              1.0
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --            0.181
                --   public master unclonable            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.1918
                --   public master unclonable            -- ... 2017-05-15T12:44Z                                                                               --              1.0
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.1553
                --                         --            -- ...                --                                                                               --           0.2373
                -- public master clonableOnce            -- ...                --                                                                               --          0.08287
                -- public master clonableOnce            -- ...                --                                                                               --          0.02227
                -- public master clonableOnce            -- ...                --                                                                               --          0.02227
                -- public master clonableOnce            -- ...                --                                                                               --          0.02227

You can also query the MOCServer on a regions.PolygonSkyRegion or even an mocpy.MOC following the same pattern i.e. just by replacing cone with a polygon or a MOC object.

By default, query_region() returns an astropy.table.Table object storing the data-sets as rows and their meta-datas as columns. Data-sets might have no information for a specific meta-data. If so, the value associated with this meta-data for this data-set is set to “-”. The above astropy table looks like :

Retrieve only a subset of meta-datas

This table refers to a lot of meta-datas whereas we could only use a few of them. In fact, it is possible to ask the MOCServer to give us a reduced set of meta-datas for the resulting data-sets. The table returned by the MOCServer will be lighter and thus faster to retrieve.

The parameter fields of query_region() allows us to provide the list of meta-datas we want to get. Let’s say we would like only the ID, the moc_sky_fraction and the moc_access_url of the resulting data-sets:

>>> MOCServer.query_region(region=cone, fields=['ID', 'moc_sky_fraction', 'moc_access_url'])
<Table masked=True length=1317>
                                   moc_access_url                                                     ID                  moc_sky_fraction
                                       object                                                       str48                     float64
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ----------------              CDS/B/assocdata/obscore           0.0588                    CDS/B/cb/lmxbdata        2.066e-06                      CDS/B/cfht/cfht         0.002134                   CDS/B/cfht/obscore         0.003107                CDS/B/chandra/chandra        0.0001764                    CDS/B/eso/eso_arc         0.008365                  CDS/B/gcvs/gcvs_cat        0.0009891                   CDS/B/gcvs/nsv_cat        0.0004252                 CDS/B/gemini/obscore        0.0006163                     CDS/B/hst/hstlog        0.0008544                    CDS/B/hst/obscore        0.0009243                      CDS/B/hst/wfpc2          0.00016                   CDS/B/jcmt/obscore         0.000729                  CDS/B/merlin/merlin        2.998e-05                     CDS/B/mk/mktypes          0.01136                  CDS/B/pastel/pastel        0.0006112                       CDS/B/sb9/main        6.632e-05                       CDS/B/sn/sncat        0.0001141                 CDS/B/subaru/suprimc        0.0008666                 CDS/B/swift/swiftlog         0.001025
                        CDS/B/vsx/vsx         0.008088                     CDS/B/wd/catalog         0.000282
                        CDS/B/wds/wds         0.002413                     CDS/B/xmm/xmmlog        0.0001468
                                                                                  --                 CDS/C/GALFAHI/Narrow           0.3164
                                                                                  --                       CDS/C/HI4PI/HI              1.0                       CDS/I/100A/w10        4.444e-05                       CDS/I/100A/w25        4.641e-05                       CDS/I/100A/w50          0.00044
                                                                                 ...                                  ...              ...
                                                                                  --                 ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA9              1.0
                                                                                  --   ov-gso/P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLQ              1.0
                                                                                  --   ov-gso/P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLU              1.0
                                                                                  --                  ov-gso/P/DRAO/22MHz           0.7283
                                                                                  --            ov-gso/P/DWINGELOO/820MHz           0.5723
                                                                                  --                       ov-gso/P/EBHIS           0.5468
                                                                                  --                  ov-gso/P/GASS+EBHIS              1.0
                                                                                  --                ov-gso/P/GAURIBIDANUR           0.8623
                                                                                  --                      ov-gso/P/IRIS/1              1.0
                                                                                  --                      ov-gso/P/IRIS/2              1.0
                                                                                  --                      ov-gso/P/IRIS/3              1.0
                                                                                  --                      ov-gso/P/IRIS/4              1.0
                                                                                  --                         ov-gso/P/LAB              1.0
                                                                                  --                    ov-gso/P/MAIPU-MU           0.9635
                                                                                  --                      ov-gso/P/MITEoR           0.4284
                                                                                  --                        ov-gso/P/RASS              1.0
                                                                                  --                    ov-gso/P/RASS/EXP              1.0
                                                                                  --               ov-gso/P/RASS/HardBand              1.0
                                                                                  --               ov-gso/P/RASS/SoftBand              1.0
                                                                                  -- ov-gso/P/STOCKERT+VILLAELISA/1420MHz              1.0
                                                                                  --                   ov-gso/P/VTSS/CONT            0.181
                                                                                  --                     ov-gso/P/VTSS/Ha           0.1918
                                                                                  --                        ov-gso/P/WHAM              1.0
                                                                                  --                    0.1553
                                                                                  --                     0.2373
                                                                                  --                xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/color          0.08287
                                                                                  --                  xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb2          0.02227
                                                                                  --                  xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb3          0.02227
                                                                                  --                  xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb4          0.02227

This astropy table now have only 3 columns and can be manipulated much faster.

Retrieving data-sets based on their meta-data values

As expressed in the last paragraph of the Getting Started section, we can ask the MOCServer to do some filtering tasks for us at the server side. The meta_data parameter of query_region() allows the user to write an algebraic expression on the meta-datas. Let’s query the MOCServer for retrieving what we have done using the web interface in the Getting Started section i.e. retrieving only the image data-sets that lie in the previously defined cone.

>>> MOCServer.query_region(region=cone,
...                  fields=['ID', 'dataproduct_type', 'moc_sky_fraction', 'moc_access_url'],
...                  meta_data="dataproduct_type=image")
<Table masked=True length=279>
                             moc_access_url                                                 ID                   dataproduct_type moc_sky_fraction
                                 object                                                   str48                        str5           float64
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
                                              CDS/P/2MASS/H            image              1.0
                                              CDS/P/2MASS/J            image              1.0
                                              CDS/P/2MASS/K            image              1.0
                                      CDS/P/2MASS/color            image              1.0
                         CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/Color            image              1.0
                                CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/N160            image           0.9988
                                  CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/N60            image           0.9976
                              CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/WideL            image           0.9989
                              CDS/P/AKARI/FIS/WideS            image           0.9976
                                                                      --                     CDS/P/Ariel/Voyager            image              1.0
                                                        CDS/P/CO            image              1.0
                                                                      -- CDS/P/Callisto/Voyager-Galileo-simp-1km            image              1.0
                                                                      --        CDS/P/Charon/NewHorizon-PIA19866            image              1.0
                                                                      --            CDS/P/DM/flux-Bp/I/345/gaia2            image              1.0
                                                                      --             CDS/P/DM/flux-G/I/345/gaia2            image              1.0
                                                                      --            CDS/P/DM/flux-Rp/I/345/gaia2            image              1.0
                                                                      -- CDS/P/DM/flux-color-Rp-G-Bp/I/345/gaia2            image              1.0
                                                                      --                          CDS/P/DSS2/NIR            image           0.9943
                                 CDS/P/DSS2/blue            image           0.9956
                                      CDS/P/DSS2/color            image              1.0
                                      CDS/P/DSS2/red            image              1.0
                                                                      --            CDS/P/Dione/Cassini-PIA12577            image              1.0                 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/100-150            image              1.0               CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/1000-2000            image              1.0                 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/150-300            image              1.0               CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/2000-4000            image              1.0                   CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/30-50            image              1.0                 CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/300-500            image              1.0              CDS/P/EGRET/Dif/4000-10000            image              1.0
                                                                     ...                                     ...              ...              ...
                                                                      --                    ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA7            image              1.0
                                                                      --                    ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA8            image              1.0
                                                                      --                    ov-gso/P/DIRBE/ZSMA9            image              1.0
                                                                      --      ov-gso/P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLQ            image              1.0
                                                                      --      ov-gso/P/DRAO-VillaElisa/21cm/POLU            image              1.0
                                                                      --                     ov-gso/P/DRAO/22MHz            image           0.7283
                                                                      --               ov-gso/P/DWINGELOO/820MHz            image           0.5723
                                                                      --                          ov-gso/P/EBHIS            image           0.5468
                                                                      --                     ov-gso/P/GASS+EBHIS            image              1.0
                                                                      --                   ov-gso/P/GAURIBIDANUR            image           0.8623
                                                                      --                         ov-gso/P/IRIS/1            image              1.0
                                                                      --                         ov-gso/P/IRIS/2            image              1.0
                                                                      --                         ov-gso/P/IRIS/3            image              1.0
                                                                      --                         ov-gso/P/IRIS/4            image              1.0
                                                                      --                            ov-gso/P/LAB            image              1.0
                                                                      --                       ov-gso/P/MAIPU-MU            image           0.9635
                                                                      --                         ov-gso/P/MITEoR            image           0.4284
                                                                      --                           ov-gso/P/RASS            image              1.0
                                                                      --                       ov-gso/P/RASS/EXP            image              1.0
                                                                      --                  ov-gso/P/RASS/HardBand            image              1.0
                                                                      --                  ov-gso/P/RASS/SoftBand            image              1.0
                                                                      --    ov-gso/P/STOCKERT+VILLAELISA/1420MHz            image              1.0
                                                                      --                      ov-gso/P/VTSS/CONT            image            0.181
                                                                      --                        ov-gso/P/VTSS/Ha            image           0.1918
                                                                      --                           ov-gso/P/WHAM            image              1.0
                                                                      --                   xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/color            image          0.08287
                                                                      --                     xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb2            image          0.02227
                                                                      --                     xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb3            image          0.02227
                                                                      --                     xcatdb/P/XMM/PN/eb4            image          0.02227

Looking at the dataproduct_type column, all the data-sets seem to be images. We could have been done that using numpy operations on astropy.table.Table objects but here the MOCServer made it for us.

This page on the web interface of the MOCServer gives examples of some filtering expressions.

Alternatively, the method find_datasets() searches data-sets on the whole sky. If you want to get the MOCs or meta-datas from some specific data-sets this is the method to use. The next example retrieves all the moc_access_url of the Hubble surveys:

>>> MOCServer.find_datasets(meta_data="ID=*HST*",
...                   fields=['ID', 'moc_access_url'])
<Table masked=True length=42>
                   moc_access_url                             ID
                       object                               str21
--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/B
                                                 --          CDS/P/HST/CO     CDS/P/HST/GOODS/b CDS/P/HST/GOODS/color     CDS/P/HST/GOODS/i     CDS/P/HST/GOODS/v     CDS/P/HST/GOODS/z
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/H
                                                 --         CDS/P/HST/H2O
                                                 --      CDS/P/HST/Halpha
                                                 --       CDS/P/HST/Hbeta
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/I
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/J
                                                 --         CDS/P/HST/NII
                                                 --         CDS/P/HST/OII
                                                 --        CDS/P/HST/OIII  CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F110W  CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F160W  CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F275W  CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F336W  CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F475W  CDS/P/HST/PHAT/F814W
                                                 --      CDS/P/HST/Palpha
                                                 --    CDS/P/HST/Palpha_c
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/R
                                                 --       CDS/P/HST/SDSSg
                                                 --       CDS/P/HST/SDSSr
                                                 --       CDS/P/HST/SDSSz
                                                 --        CDS/P/HST/SIII
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/U
                                                 --          CDS/P/HST/UV
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/V
                                                 --           CDS/P/HST/Y
                                                 --       CDS/P/HST/other
                                                 --      CDS/P/HST/wideUV
                                                 --       CDS/P/HST/wideV
                                                 --  ESAVO/P/HST/ACS-blue
                                                 --       ESAVO/P/HST/FOC
                                                 --    ESAVO/P/HST/NICMOS
                                                 --      ESAVO/P/HST/WFC3
                                                 --      ESAVO/P/HST/WFPC
                                                 --     ESAVO/P/HST/WFPC2


Limiting the number of returned data-sets

Another parameter called max_rec specifies an upper limit for the number of data-sets to be returned:

>>> MOCServer.query_region(region=cone, max_rec=3)
<Table masked=True length=3>
publisher_id                 obs_description_url                                                     moc_access_url                                    ...    TIMESTAMP    obs_label moc_sky_fraction
    str9                            str52                                                                str84                                         ...     float64        str8       float64
------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... --------------- --------- ----------------
   ivo://CDS ... 1531742659000.0   obscore           0.0588
   ivo://CDS ... 1531742660000.0  lmxbdata        2.066e-06
   ivo://CDS ... 1531742660000.0      cfht         0.002134

This astropy table has only 3 rows although we know more data-sets match the query. It’s useful if you do not need to retrieve all the data-sets matching a query but only a few. Again, the result will come faster from the MOCServer because this operation is done at the server side.

Returning a MOC object as a result

Some users might want the union of all the MOCs from the data-sets matching the query. You can get a mocpy.MOC object instead of an astropy.table.Table by setting the parameter return_moc to True. An additional parameter max_norder allows the user to set the resolution/precision of the returned MOC that he wants.

As an example, we would like to obtain the union of the spatial coverage of all the Hubble surveys:

>>> from mocpy import MOC
>>> # We want to retrieve all the HST surveys i.e. the HST surveys covering any region of the sky.
>>> allsky = CircleSkyRegion(coordinates.SkyCoord(0, 0, unit="deg"), coordinates.Angle(180, unit="deg"))
>>> moc = MOCServer.query_region(region=allsky,
... # We want a mocpy object instead of an astropy table
...                        return_moc=True,
... # The order of the MOC
...                         max_norder=7,
... # Expression on the ID meta-data
...                        meta_data="ID=*HST*")
>>> moc.plot(title="Union of the spatial coverage of all the Hubble surveys.")

Retrieve the MOC of a specific data-set

Finally, if you want to retrieve the MOC of a specific data-set, please consider using the find_datasets method with the ID of the data-set you want to retrieve the MOC along with the return_moc parameter set to True. The last example will show you how to get the MOC (i.e. a mocpy.MOC object) of the GALEXGR6/AIS/FUV survey.

>>> from mocpy import MOC
>>> moc_galex= MOCServer.find_datasets(meta_data="ID=CDS/P/GALEXGR6/AIS/FUV", return_moc=True)
>>> moc_galex.plot("MOC associated to CDS/P/GALEXGR6/AIS/FUV.")

The mocserver package can therefore be used in complementarity with mocpy. We can now retrieve mocpy.MOC objects coming from the MOCServer and manipulate them in a python session with mocpy.


astroquery.mocserver Package

CDS MOCServer Query Tool


Matthieu Baumann (

This package is for querying the CDS MOC service, primarily hosted at:

Note: If the access to MOCs with the MOCServer tool was helpful for your research, the following acknowledgment would be appreciated:

This research has made use of the MOCServer, a tool developed at CDS, Strasbourg, France aiming at retrieving
MOCs/meta-data from known data-sets. MOC is an IVOA standard described in the following paper :



Configuration parameters for astroquery.template_module.


Query the CDS MOCServer