Source code for astroquery.esa.hubble.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
eHST Astroquery Module

European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
European Space Agency (ESA)

import os
from urllib.parse import urlencode

import astroquery.esa.utils.utils as esautils

from astropy import units
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from import MaskedArray

from astroquery.utils.tap import TapPlus
from astroquery.query import BaseQuery
import json
import warnings
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated

from . import conf
from astroquery import log

__all__ = ['ESAHubble', 'ESAHubbleClass']

[docs] class ESAHubbleClass(BaseQuery): """ Class to init ESA Hubble Module and communicate with eHST TAP """ TIMEOUT = conf.TIMEOUT calibration_levels = {"AUXILIARY": 0, "RAW": 1, "CALIBRATED": 2, "PRODUCT": 3} product_types = ["SCIENCE", "PREVIEW", "THUMBNAIL", "AUXILIARY"] copying_string = "Copying file to {0}..." def __init__(self, *, tap_handler=None, show_messages=True): if tap_handler is None: self._tap = TapPlus(url=conf.EHST_TAP_SERVER, data_context='data', client_id="ASTROQUERY") else: self._tap = tap_handler if show_messages: self.get_status_messages()
[docs] def download_product(self, observation_id, *, calibration_level=None, filename=None, folder=None, verbose=False, product_type=None): """ Download products from EHST based on their observation ID and the calibration level or the product type. Parameters ---------- observation_id : string id of the observation to be downloaded, mandatory The identifier of the observation we want to retrieve, regardless of whether it is simple or composite. calibration_level : string calibration level, optional The identifier of the data reduction/processing applied to the data. By default, the most scientifically relevant level will be chosen. RAW, CALIBRATED, PRODUCT or AUXILIARY filename : string File name to be used to store the artifact, optional, default None folder : string optional, default current folder Local folder to store the file verbose : bool optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process product_type : string type of product retrieval, optional SCIENCE, PREVIEW, THUMBNAIL or AUXILIARY ------------ Deprecation Warning: PRODUCT, SCIENCE_PRODUCT or POSTCARD are no longer supported. ------------ Returns ------- None. It downloads the observation indicated """ if product_type and product_type in ['PRODUCT', 'SCIENCE_PRODUCT', 'POSTCARD']: warnings.warn( "PRODUCT, SCIENCE_PRODUCT or POSTCARD product types are no longer supported. " "Please use SCIENCE, PREVIEW, THUMBNAIL or AUXILIARY instead.", AstropyDeprecationWarning) params = {"OBSERVATIONID": observation_id, "TAPCLIENT": "ASTROQUERY", "RETRIEVAL_TYPE": "OBSERVATION"} if filename is None: filename = observation_id if calibration_level: params["CALIBRATIONLEVEL"] = calibration_level # Product type check to ensure backwards compatibility product_type = self.__set_product_type(product_type) if product_type: self.__validate_product_type(product_type) params["PRODUCTTYPE"] = product_type filename = self._get_product_filename(product_type, filename) output_file = self.__get_download_path(folder, filename) self._tap.load_data(params_dict=params, output_file=output_file, verbose=verbose) return esautils.check_rename_to_gz(filename=output_file)
def __get_download_path(self, folder, filename): if folder is not None: return os.path.join(folder, filename) return filename def __set_product_type(self, product_type): if product_type: if 'SCIENCE_PRODUCT' in product_type: return 'SCIENCE' elif 'PRODUCT' in product_type: return None elif 'POSTCARD' in product_type: return 'PREVIEW' return product_type
[docs] def get_member_observations(self, observation_id): """ Returns the related members of simple and composite observations Parameters ---------- observation_id : str Observation identifier. Returns ------- A list of strings with the observation_id of the associated observations """ observation_type = self.get_observation_type(observation_id) if 'Composite' in observation_type: oids = self._select_related_members(observation_id) elif 'Simple' in observation_type: oids = self._select_related_composite(observation_id) else: raise ValueError("Invalid observation id") return oids
[docs] def get_observation_type(self, observation_id): """ Returns the type of an observation Parameters ---------- observation_id : string id of the observation to be downloaded, mandatory The identifier of the observation we want to retrieve, regardless of whether it is simple or composite. Returns ------- String with the observation type """ if observation_id is None: raise ValueError("Please input an observation id") query = f"select obs_type from ehst.observation where observation_id='{observation_id}'" job = self.query_tap(query=query) if any(job["obs_type"]): obs_type = self._get_decoded_string(string=job["obs_type"][0]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid Observation ID") return obs_type
[docs] def get_observations_from_program(self, program, *, output_file=None, output_format="votable", verbose=False): """ Retrieves all the observations associated to a program/proposal ID Parameters ---------- program : int Program or Proposal ID associated to the observations output_file : string optional, default None file name to be used to store the result output_format : string results format. Options are: 'votable': str, binary VOTable format 'csv': str, comma-separated values format verbose : bool optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- A table object """ return self.query_criteria(proposal=program, output_file=output_file, output_format=output_format, async_job=False, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def download_files_from_program(self, program, *, folder=None, calibration_level=None, data_product_type=None, intent=None, obs_collection=None, instrument_name=None, filters=None, only_fits=False): """ Download artifacts from EHST. Artifact is a single Hubble product file. Parameters ---------- program : int Program or Proposal ID associated to the observations folder : string optional, default current path Local folder to store the file calibration_level : str or int, optional The identifier of the data reduction/processing applied to the data. RAW (1), CALIBRATED (2), PRODUCT (3) or AUXILIARY (0) data_product_type : str, optional High level description of the product. image, spectrum or timeseries. intent : str, optional The intent of the original observer in acquiring this observation. SCIENCE or CALIBRATION obs_collection : list of str, optional List of collections that are available in eHST catalogue. HLA, HST, HAP instrument_name : str or list of str, optional Name(s) of the instrument(s) used to generate the dataset filters : list of str, optional Name(s) of the filter(s) used to generate the dataset only_fits : bool optional, default 'False' flag to download only FITS files Returns ------- None. It downloads the artifact indicated """ observations = self.query_criteria(calibration_level=calibration_level, data_product_type=data_product_type, intent=intent, obs_collection=obs_collection, instrument_name=instrument_name, filters=filters, proposal=program, async_job=False) if only_fits: self.download_fits_files(observation_id=observations['observation_id'], folder=folder) else: files = self.get_associated_files(observation_id=observations['observation_id']) for file in files['filename']: self.download_file(file=file, folder=folder)
def _select_related_members(self, observation_id): query = f"select members from ehst.observation where observation_id='{observation_id}'" job = self.query_tap(query=query) oids = self._get_decoded_string(string=job["members"][0]).replace("caom:HST/", "").split(" ") return oids def _select_related_composite(self, observation_id): query = f"select observation_id from ehst.observation where members like '%{observation_id}%'" job = self.query_tap(query=query) oids = job["observation_id"] return oids def __validate_product_type(self, product_type): if (product_type not in self.product_types): raise ValueError("This product_type is not allowed") def _get_product_filename(self, product_type, filename): if (product_type == "THUMBNAIL" or product_type == "PREVIEW"):"This is an image, the filename will be " f"renamed to {filename}.jpg") return f"{filename}.jpg" else: return f"{filename}.zip"
[docs] def get_artifact(self, artifact_id, *, filename=None, folder=None, verbose=False): """ Download artifacts from EHST. Artifact is a single Hubble product file. Parameters ---------- artifact_id : string filename to be downloaded, mandatory The identifier of the physical product (file) we want to retrieve. filename : string file name to be used to store the artifact, optional, default None File name for the artifact folder : string optional, default current path Local folder to store the file verbose : bool optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- None. It downloads the artifact indicated """ return self.download_file(file=artifact_id, filename=filename, folder=folder, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def get_associated_files(self, observation_id, *, verbose=False): """ Retrieves all the files associated to an observation Parameters ---------- observation_id : string or list of strings id(s) of the observation(s) to be downloaded, mandatory The identifier of the observation we want to retrieve, regardless of whether it is simple or composite. verbose : bool optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- None. The file is associated """ if isinstance(observation_id, list) or isinstance(observation_id, MaskedArray): observation_id = "', '".join(observation_id) query = (f"select art.artifact_id as filename, p.calibration_level, art.archive_class as type, " f"pg_size_pretty(art.size_uncompr) as size_uncompressed from ehst.artifact art " f"join ehst.plane p on p.plane_id = art.plane_id where " f"art.observation_id in ('{observation_id}')") return self.query_tap(query=query)
[docs] def download_fits_files(self, observation_id, *, folder=None, verbose=False): """ Retrieves all the FITS files associated to an observation Parameters ---------- observation_id : string or list of strings id of the observation to be downloaded, mandatory The identifier of the observation we want to retrieve, regardless of whether it is simple or composite. folder : string optional, default current path Local folder to store the file verbose : bool optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- None. The file is associated """ results = self.get_associated_files(observation_id=observation_id, verbose=verbose) for file in [i['filename'] for i in results if i['filename'].endswith('.fits')]: if verbose: print(f"Downloading {file} ...") self.download_file(file=file, filename=file, folder=folder, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def download_file(self, file, *, filename=None, folder=None, verbose=False): """ Download a file from eHST based on its filename. Parameters ---------- file : string file name of the artifact to be downloaded filename : string file name to be used to store the file, optional, default None folder : string optional, default current path Local folder to store the file verbose : bool optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- None. The file is associated """ params = {"RETRIEVAL_TYPE": "PRODUCT", "ARTIFACTID": file, "TAPCLIENT": "ASTROQUERY"} if filename is None: filename = file output_file = self.__get_download_path(folder, filename) self._tap.load_data(params_dict=params, output_file=output_file, verbose=verbose) return esautils.check_rename_to_gz(filename=output_file)
[docs] def get_postcard(self, observation_id, *, calibration_level="RAW", resolution=256, filename=None, verbose=False): """ Download postcards from EHST Parameters ---------- observation_id : string id of the observation for which download the postcard, mandatory The identifier of the observation we want to retrieve, regardless of whether it is simple or composite. calibration_level : string calibration level, optional, default 'RAW' The identifier of the data reduction/processing applied to the data. By default, the most scientifically relevant level will be chosen. RAW, CALIBRATED, PRODUCT or AUXILIARY resolution : integer postcard resolution, optional, default 256 Resolution of the retrieved postcard. 256 or 1024 filename : string file name to be used to store the postcard, optional, default None File name for the artifact verbose : bool optional, default 'False' Flag to display information about the process Returns ------- None. It downloads the observation postcard indicated """ params = {"RETRIEVAL_TYPE": "OBSERVATION", "OBSERVATIONID": observation_id, "PRODUCTTYPE": "PREVIEW", "TAPCLIENT": "ASTROQUERY"} if calibration_level: params["CALIBRATIONLEVEL"] = calibration_level if resolution: params["PRODUCTTYPE"] = self.__get_product_type_by_resolution(resolution) if filename is None: filename = observation_id self._tap.load_data(params_dict=params, output_file=filename, verbose=verbose) return filename
def __get_product_type_by_resolution(self, resolution): if resolution == 256: return 'THUMBNAIL' elif resolution == 1024: return 'PREVIEW' else: raise ValueError("Resolution must be 256 or 1024")
[docs] def cone_search_criteria(self, radius, *, target=None, coordinates=None, calibration_level=None, data_product_type=None, intent=None, obs_collection=None, instrument_name=None, filters=None, proposal=None, async_job=True, filename=None, output_format='votable', save=False, cache=True, verbose=False): """ To execute a cone search defined by a coordinate (an astropy.coordinate element or a target name which is resolved), a radius and a set of criteria to filter the results. This function comprises the outputs of query_target, cone_search and query_criteria methods. Parameters ---------- radius : float or quantity radius in arcmin (int, float) or quantity of the cone_search target : str, mandatory if no coordinates is provided name of the target, that will act as center in the cone search coordinates : astropy.coordinate, mandatory if no target is provided coordinates of the center in the cone search calibration_level : str or int, optional The identifier of the data reduction/processing applied to the data. RAW (1), CALIBRATED (2), PRODUCT (3) or AUXILIARY (0) data_product_type : str, optional High level description of the product. image, spectrum or timeseries. intent : str, optional The intent of the original observer in acquiring this observation. SCIENCE or CALIBRATION collection : list of str, optional List of collections that are available in eHST catalogue. HLA, HST instrument_name : list of str, optional Name(s) of the instrument(s) used to generate the dataset filters : list of str, optional Name(s) of the filter(s) used to generate the dataset proposal : int, optional Proposal ID associated to the observations async_job : bool, optional, default 'False' executes the query (job) in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous) filename : str, default None Path and name of the file to store the results. If the filename is defined, the file will be automatically saved output_format : string results format. Options are: 'votable': str, binary VOTable format 'csv': str, comma-separated values format save : bool optional, default 'False' Flag to save the result in a file. If the filename is not defined, it will use a formatted name to save the file cache : bool optional, default 'True' Flag to save the results in the local cache verbose : bool, optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- astropy.table.Table with the result of the cone_search """ crit_query = self.query_criteria(calibration_level=calibration_level, data_product_type=data_product_type, intent=intent, obs_collection=obs_collection, instrument_name=instrument_name, filters=filters, proposal=proposal, async_job=True, get_query=True) if crit_query.endswith(")"): crit_query = crit_query[:-1] + " AND " else: crit_query = crit_query + " WHERE (" if target and coordinates: raise TypeError("Please use only target or coordinates as" "parameter.") if target: coord = self._query_tap_target(target) else: coord = self._getCoordInput(coordinates) ra = coord.ra.deg dec = coord.dec.deg if isinstance(radius, int) or isinstance(radius, float): radius_in_grades = Angle(radius, units.arcmin).deg else: radius_in_grades = cone_query = "1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', ra, dec)," \ "CIRCLE('ICRS', {0}, {1}, {2}))". \ format(str(ra), str(dec), str(radius_in_grades)) query = "{}{})".format(crit_query, cone_query) if verbose: table = self.query_tap(query=query, async_job=async_job, output_file=filename, output_format=output_format, verbose=verbose) return table
def _query_tap_target(self, target): try: params = {"TARGET_NAME": target, "RESOLVER_TYPE": "ALL", "FORMAT": "json", "TAPCLIENT": "ASTROQUERY"} subContext = conf.EHST_TARGET_ACTION connHandler = self._tap._TapPlus__getconnhandler() data = urlencode(params) target_response = connHandler.execute_secure(subContext, data, verbose=True) for line in target_response: target_result = json.loads(line.decode("utf-8")) if target_result['objects']: ra = target_result['objects'][0]['raDegrees'] dec = target_result['objects'][0]['decDegrees'] return SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit="deg") except (ValueError, KeyError): raise ValueError("This target cannot be resolved")
[docs] def query_metadata(self, *, output_format='votable', verbose=False): return
[docs] def query_target(self, name, *, filename=None, output_format='votable', verbose=False, async_job=False, radius=7): """ It executes a query over EHST and download the xml with the results. Parameters ---------- name : string target name to be requested, mandatory filename : string file name to be used to store the metadata, optional, default None output_format : string optional, default 'votable' output format of the query verbose : bool optional, default 'False' Flag to display information about the process async_job : bool, optional, default 'False' executes the query (job) in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous) radius : int optional, default 7 radius in arcmin (int, float) or quantity of the cone_search Returns ------- Table with the result of the query. It downloads metadata as a file. """ coordinates = self._query_tap_target(name) table = self.cone_search(coordinates, radius, filename=filename, output_format=output_format, verbose=verbose, async_job=async_job) return table
[docs] def query_tap(self, query, *, async_job=False, output_file=None, output_format="votable", verbose=False): """Launches a synchronous or asynchronous job to query the HST tap Parameters ---------- query : str, mandatory query (adql) to be executed async_job : bool, optional, default 'False' executes the query (job) in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous) output_file : str, optional, default None file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead output_format : str, optional, default 'votable' results format verbose : bool, optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- A table object """ if async_job: job = self._tap.launch_job_async(query=query, output_file=output_file, output_format=output_format, verbose=verbose, dump_to_file=output_file is not None) else: job = self._tap.launch_job(query=query, output_file=output_file, output_format=output_format, verbose=verbose, dump_to_file=output_file is not None) table = job.get_results() return table
[docs] @deprecated(since="0.4.7", alternative="query_tap") def query_hst_tap(self, query, *, async_job=False, output_file=None, output_format="votable", verbose=False): """Launches a synchronous or asynchronous job to query the HST tap Parameters ---------- query : str, mandatory query (adql) to be executed async_job : bool, optional, default 'False' executes the query (job) in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous) output_file : str, optional, default None file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead output_format : str, optional, default 'votable' results format verbose : bool, optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- A table object """ self.query_tap(query=query, async_job=False, output_file=None, output_format="votable", verbose=False)
[docs] def query_criteria(self, *, calibration_level=None, data_product_type=None, intent=None, obs_collection=None, instrument_name=None, filters=None, proposal=None, async_job=True, output_file=None, output_format="votable", verbose=False, get_query=False): """ Launches a synchronous or asynchronous job to query the HST tap using calibration level, data product type, intent, collection, instrument name, and filters as criteria to create and execute the associated query. Parameters ---------- calibration_level : str or int, optional The identifier of the data reduction/processing applied to the data. RAW (1), CALIBRATED (2), PRODUCT (3) or AUXILIARY (0) data_product_type : str, optional High level description of the product. image, spectrum or timeseries. intent : str, optional The intent of the original observer in acquiring this observation. SCIENCE or CALIBRATION obs_collection : list of str, optional List of collections that are available in eHST catalogue. HLA, HST, HAP instrument_name : str or list of str, optional Name(s) of the instrument(s) used to generate the dataset filters : list of str, optional Name(s) of the filter(s) used to generate the dataset proposal : int, optional Proposal ID associated to the observations async_job : bool, optional, default 'True' executes the query (job) in asynchronous/synchronous mode (default synchronous) output_file : str, optional, default None file name where the results are saved if dumpToFile is True. If this parameter is not provided, the jobid is used instead output_format : str, optional, default 'votable' results format verbose : bool, optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process get_query : bool, optional, default 'False' flag to return the query associated to the criteria as the result of this function. Returns ------- A table object """ parameters = [] if calibration_level is not None: parameters.append("calibration_level={}".format( self.__get_calibration_level(calibration_level))) if data_product_type is not None: if isinstance(data_product_type, str): parameters.append("data_product_type LIKE '%{}%'".format( data_product_type)) else: raise ValueError("data_product_type must be a string") if intent is not None: if isinstance(intent, str): parameters.append("intent LIKE '%{}%'".format(intent.lower())) else: raise ValueError("intent must be a string") if proposal is not None: if isinstance(proposal, int): parameters.append("proposal_id = '{}'".format(proposal)) else: raise ValueError("Proposal ID must be an integer") if self.__check_list_strings(obs_collection): parameters.append("(collection LIKE '%{}%')".format( "%' OR collection LIKE '%".join(obs_collection) )) if self.__check_list_strings(instrument_name): if isinstance(instrument_name, str): instrument_name = [instrument_name] parameters.append("(instrument_name LIKE '%{}%')".format( "%' OR instrument_name LIKE '%".join(instrument_name) )) if self.__check_list_strings(filters): parameters.append("(filter LIKE '%{}%')" .format("%' OR filter " "LIKE '%".join(filters))) query = "select * from ehst.archive" if parameters: query += " where({})".format(" AND ".join(parameters)) if verbose: if get_query: return query table = self.query_tap(query=query, async_job=async_job, output_file=output_file, output_format=output_format, verbose=verbose) return table
def __get_calibration_level(self, calibration_level): condition = "" if (calibration_level is not None): if isinstance(calibration_level, int): if calibration_level < 4: condition = calibration_level else: raise KeyError("Calibration level must be between 0 and 3") elif isinstance(calibration_level, str): condition = self.calibration_levels[calibration_level] else: raise KeyError("Calibration level must be either " "a string or an integer") return condition def __check_list_strings(self, list): if list is None: return False if list and all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in list): return True else: raise ValueError("One of the lists is empty or there are " "elements that are not strings")
[docs] def get_tables(self, *, only_names=True, verbose=False): """Get the available table in EHST TAP service Parameters ---------- only_names : bool, TAP+ only, optional, default 'False' True to load table names only verbose : bool, optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- A list of tables """ tables = self._tap.load_tables(only_names=only_names, include_shared_tables=False, verbose=verbose) if only_names is True: table_names = [] for t in tables: table_names.append( return table_names else: return tables
[docs] def get_status_messages(self): """Retrieve the messages to inform users about the status of eHST TAP """ try: subContext = conf.EHST_MESSAGES connHandler = self._tap._TapPlus__getconnhandler() response = connHandler.execute_tapget(subContext, verbose=False) if response.status == 200: for line in response: string_message = line.decode("utf-8") print(string_message[string_message.index('=') + 1:]) except OSError: print("Status messages could not be retrieved")
[docs] def get_columns(self, table_name, *, only_names=True, verbose=False): """Get the available columns for a table in EHST TAP service Parameters ---------- table_name : string, mandatory, default None table name of which, columns will be returned only_names : bool, TAP+ only, optional, default 'False' True to load table names only verbose : bool, optional, default 'False' flag to display information about the process Returns ------- A list of columns """ tables = self._tap.load_tables(only_names=False, include_shared_tables=False, verbose=verbose) columns = None for t in tables: if str( == str(table_name): columns = t.columns break if columns is None: raise ValueError("table name specified is not found in " "EHST TAP service") if only_names is True: column_names = [] for c in columns: column_names.append( return column_names else: return columns
def _getCoordInput(self, value): if not (isinstance(value, str) or isinstance(value, SkyCoord)): raise ValueError("Coordinates must be either a string or astropy.coordinates") if isinstance(value, str): return SkyCoord(value) else: return value def _get_decoded_string(self, string): try: return string.decode('utf-8') except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): return string
[docs] def get_datalabs_path(self, filename, default_volume=None): """Get the available columns for a table in EHST TAP service Parameters ---------- filename : string, mandatory, default None file name to search for its full path default_volume : string, optional, default None Default folder name in datalabs. If None, it is filled automatically Returns ------- The complete path of the file name in Datalabs """ # FITS files are always compressed if filename.endswith('.fits'): filename = f"{filename}.gz" query = f"select file_path from ehst.artifact where file_name = '{filename}'" job = self.query_tap(query=query) if job is None: return None query2 = f"select observation_id from ehst.artifact where file_name = '{filename}'" job2 = self.query_tap(query=query2) if job2 is None: return None observation_id = job2["observation_id"][0] query3 = f"select instrument_name from ehst.observation where observation_id = '{observation_id}'" job3 = self.query_tap(query=query3) if job3 is None: return None instrument_name = job3["instrument_name"][0] # Output example for path: /hstdata/hstdata_i/i/b4x/04, or hstdata_i/i/b4x/04 for path_parsed path = self._get_decoded_string(string=job["file_path"][0]) path_parsed = path.split("hstdata/", 1)[1] # Automatic fill: convert /hstdata/hstdata_i/i/b4x/04 to /data/user/hub_hstdata_i/i/b4x/04 if default_volume is None: full_path = "/data/user/hub_" + path_parsed + "/" + filename file_exists = os.path.exists(full_path) # Use the path provided by the user: convert /hstdata/hstdata_i/i/b4x/04 to /data/user/myPath/i/b4x/04 else: path_parsed = path_parsed.split("/", 1)[1] full_path = "/data/user/" + default_volume + "/" + path_parsed + "/" + filename file_exists = os.path.exists(full_path) if not file_exists: warnings.warn(f"File {filename} is not accessible. Please ensure the {instrument_name} " "volume is mounted in your ESA Datalabs instance.") return full_path
ESAHubble = ESAHubbleClass()