Source code for astroquery.eso.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import base64
import email
import json
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import warnings
import webbrowser
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from io import BytesIO
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict, Set

import keyring
import requests.exceptions
from astropy.table import Table, Column
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from astroquery import log
from . import conf
from ..exceptions import RemoteServiceError, NoResultsWarning, LoginError
from ..query import QueryWithLogin
from ..utils import schema

__doctest_skip__ = ['EsoClass.*']

def _check_response(content):
    Check the response from an ESO service query for various types of error

    If all is OK, return True
    if b"NETWORKPROBLEM" in content:
        raise RemoteServiceError("The query resulted in a network "
                                 "problem; the service may be offline.")
    elif b"# No data returned !" not in content:
        return True

class CalSelectorError(Exception):
    Raised on failure to parse CalSelector's response.

class AuthInfo:
    def __init__(self, username: str, password: str, token: str):
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.token = token
        self.expiration_time = self._get_exp_time_from_token()

    def _get_exp_time_from_token(self) -> int:
        # "manual" decoding since jwt is not installed
        decoded_token = base64.b64decode(self.token.split(".")[1] + "==")
        return int(json.loads(decoded_token)['exp'])

    def expired(self) -> bool:
        # we anticipate the expiration time by 10 minutes to avoid issues
        return time.time() > self.expiration_time - 600

[docs] class EsoClass(QueryWithLogin): ROW_LIMIT = conf.row_limit USERNAME = conf.username QUERY_INSTRUMENT_URL = conf.query_instrument_url CALSELECTOR_URL = "" DOWNLOAD_URL = "" AUTH_URL = "" GUNZIP = "gunzip" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._instrument_list = None self._survey_list = None self._auth_info: Optional[AuthInfo] = None def _activate_form(self, response, *, form_index=0, form_id=None, inputs={}, cache=True, method=None): """ Parameters ---------- method: None or str Can be used to override the form-specified method """ # Extract form from response root = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html5lib') if form_id is None: form = root.find_all('form')[form_index] else: form = root.find_all('form', id=form_id)[form_index] # Construct base url form_action = form.get('action') if "://" in form_action: url = form_action elif form_action.startswith('/'): url = '/'.join(response.url.split('/', 3)[:3]) + form_action else: url = response.url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' + form_action # Identify payload format fmt = None form_method = form.get('method').lower() if form_method == 'get': fmt = 'get' # get(url, params=payload) elif form_method == 'post': if 'enctype' in form.attrs: if form.attrs['enctype'] == 'multipart/form-data': fmt = 'multipart/form-data' # post(url, files=payload) elif form.attrs['enctype'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': fmt = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' # post(url, data=payload) else: raise Exception("enctype={0} is not supported!".format(form.attrs['enctype'])) else: fmt = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' # post(url, data=payload) # Extract payload from form payload = [] for form_elem in form.find_all(['input', 'select', 'textarea']): value = None is_file = False tag_name = key = form_elem.get('name') if tag_name == 'input': is_file = (form_elem.get('type') == 'file') value = form_elem.get('value') if form_elem.get('type') in ['checkbox', 'radio']: if form_elem.has_attr('checked'): if not value: value = 'on' else: value = None elif tag_name == 'select': if form_elem.get('multiple') is not None: value = [] if'option[value]'): for option in'option[value]'): if option.get('selected') is not None: value.append(option.get('value')) else: for option in'option'): if option.get('selected') is not None: # bs4 NavigableString types have bad, # undesirable properties that result # in recursion errors when caching value.append(str(option.string)) else: if'option[value]'): for option in'option[value]'): if option.get('selected') is not None: value = option.get('value') # select the first option field if none is selected if value is None: value = 'option[value]')[0].get('value') else: # survey form just uses text, not value for option in'option'): if option.get('selected') is not None: value = str(option.string) # select the first option field if none is selected if value is None: value = str('option')[0].string) if key in inputs: if isinstance(inputs[key], list): # list input is accepted (for array uploads) value = inputs[key] else: value = str(inputs[key]) if (key is not None): # and (value is not None): if fmt == 'multipart/form-data': if is_file: payload.append( (key, ('', '', 'application/octet-stream'))) else: if type(value) is list: for v in value: entry = (key, ('', v)) # Prevent redundant key, value pairs # (can happen if the form repeats them) if entry not in payload: payload.append(entry) elif value is None: entry = (key, ('', '')) if entry not in payload: payload.append(entry) else: entry = (key, ('', value)) if entry not in payload: payload.append(entry) else: if type(value) is list: for v in value: entry = (key, v) if entry not in payload: payload.append(entry) else: entry = (key, value) if entry not in payload: payload.append(entry) # for future debugging self._payload = payload log.debug("Form: payload={0}".format(payload)) if method is not None: fmt = method log.debug("Method/format = {0}".format(fmt)) # Send payload if fmt == 'get': response = self._request("GET", url, params=payload, cache=cache) elif fmt == 'multipart/form-data': response = self._request("POST", url, files=payload, cache=cache) elif fmt == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': response = self._request("POST", url, data=payload, cache=cache) return response def _authenticate(self, *, username: str, password: str) -> bool: """ Get the access token from ESO SSO provider """ self._auth_info = None url_params = {"response_type": "id_token token", "grant_type": "password", "client_id": "clientid", "client_secret": "clientSecret", "username": username, "password": password}"Authenticating {username} on '' ...") response = self._request('GET', self.AUTH_URL, params=url_params) if response.status_code == 200: token = json.loads(response.content)['id_token'] self._auth_info = AuthInfo(username=username, password=password, token=token)"Authentication successful!") return True else: log.error("Authentication failed!") return False def _get_auth_info(self, username: str, *, store_password: bool = False, reenter_password: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Get the auth info (user, password) for use in another function """ if username is None: if not self.USERNAME: raise LoginError("If you do not pass a username to login(), " "you should configure a default one!") else: username = self.USERNAME service_name = "" # Get password from keyring or prompt password, password_from_keyring = self._get_password( service_name, username, reenter=reenter_password) # When authenticated, save password in keyring if needed if password_from_keyring is None and store_password: keyring.set_password(service_name, username, password) return username, password def _login(self, *, username: str = None, store_password: bool = False, reenter_password: bool = False) -> bool: """ Login to the ESO User Portal. Parameters ---------- username : str, optional Username to the ESO Public Portal. If not given, it should be specified in the config file. store_password : bool, optional Stores the password securely in your keyring. Default is False. reenter_password : bool, optional Asks for the password even if it is already stored in the keyring. This is the way to overwrite an already stored passwork on the keyring. Default is False. """ username, password = self._get_auth_info(username=username, store_password=store_password, reenter_password=reenter_password) return self._authenticate(username=username, password=password) def _get_auth_header(self) -> Dict[str, str]: if self._auth_info and self._auth_info.expired():"Authentication token has expired! Re-authenticating ...") self._authenticate(username=self._auth_info.username, password=self._auth_info.password) if self._auth_info and not self._auth_info.expired(): return {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self._auth_info.token} else: return {}
[docs] def list_instruments(self, *, cache=True): """ List all the available instrument-specific queries offered by the ESO archive. Returns ------- instrument_list : list of strings cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. """ if self._instrument_list is None: url = "" instrument_list_response = self._request("GET", url, cache=cache) root = BeautifulSoup(instrument_list_response.content, 'html5lib') self._instrument_list = [] for element in"div[id=col3] a[href]"): href = element.attrs["href"] if u"" in href: instrument = href.split("/")[-2] if instrument not in self._instrument_list: self._instrument_list.append(instrument) return self._instrument_list
[docs] def list_surveys(self, *, cache=True): """ List all the available surveys (phase 3) in the ESO archive. Returns ------- survey_list : list of strings cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. """ if self._survey_list is None: survey_list_response = self._request( "GET", "", cache=cache) root = BeautifulSoup(survey_list_response.content, 'html5lib') self._survey_list = [] collections_table = root.find('table', id='collections_table') other_collections = root.find('select', id='collection_name_option') # it is possible to have empty collections or other collections... collection_elts = (collections_table.findAll('input', type='checkbox') if collections_table is not None else []) other_elts = (other_collections.findAll('option') if other_collections is not None else []) for element in (collection_elts + other_elts): if 'value' in element.attrs: survey = element.attrs['value'] if survey and survey not in self._survey_list and 'Any' not in survey: self._survey_list.append(survey) return self._survey_list
[docs] def query_surveys(self, *, surveys='', cache=True, help=False, open_form=False, **kwargs): """ Query survey Phase 3 data contained in the ESO archive. Parameters ---------- survey : string or list Name of the survey(s) to query. Should beone or more of the names returned by `~astroquery.eso.EsoClass.list_surveys`. If specified as a string, should be a comma-separated list of survey names. cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` or `None` A table representing the data available in the archive for the specified survey, matching the constraints specified in ``kwargs``. The number of rows returned is capped by the ROW_LIMIT configuration item. `None` is returned when the query has no results. """ url = "" if open_form: elif help: self._print_surveys_help(url, cache=cache) else: survey_form = self._request("GET", url, cache=cache) query_dict = kwargs query_dict["wdbo"] = "csv/download" if isinstance(surveys, str): surveys = surveys.split(",") query_dict['collection_name'] = surveys if self.ROW_LIMIT >= 0: query_dict["max_rows_returned"] = int(self.ROW_LIMIT) else: query_dict["max_rows_returned"] = 10000 survey_response = self._activate_form(survey_form, form_index=0, form_id='queryform', inputs=query_dict, cache=cache) content = survey_response.content # First line is always garbage content = content.split(b'\n', 1)[1] log.debug("Response content:\n{0}".format(content)) if _check_response(content): table =, format="ascii.csv", comment="^#") return table else: warnings.warn("Query returned no results", NoResultsWarning)
[docs] def query_main(self, *, column_filters={}, columns=[], open_form=False, help=False, cache=True, **kwargs): """ Query raw data contained in the ESO archive. Parameters ---------- column_filters : dict Constraints applied to the query. columns : list of strings Columns returned by the query. open_form : bool If `True`, opens in your default browser the query form for the requested instrument. help : bool If `True`, prints all the parameters accepted in ``column_filters`` and ``columns`` for the requested ``instrument``. cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` A table representing the data available in the archive for the specified instrument, matching the constraints specified in ``kwargs``. The number of rows returned is capped by the ROW_LIMIT configuration item. """ url = self.QUERY_INSTRUMENT_URL + "/eso_archive_main/form" return self._query(url, column_filters=column_filters, columns=columns, open_form=open_form, help=help, cache=cache, **kwargs)
[docs] def query_instrument(self, instrument, *, column_filters={}, columns=[], open_form=False, help=False, cache=True, **kwargs): """ Query instrument-specific raw data contained in the ESO archive. Parameters ---------- instrument : string Name of the instrument to query, one of the names returned by `~astroquery.eso.EsoClass.list_instruments`. column_filters : dict Constraints applied to the query. columns : list of strings Columns returned by the query. open_form : bool If `True`, opens in your default browser the query form for the requested instrument. help : bool If `True`, prints all the parameters accepted in ``column_filters`` and ``columns`` for the requested ``instrument``. cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` A table representing the data available in the archive for the specified instrument, matching the constraints specified in ``kwargs``. The number of rows returned is capped by the ROW_LIMIT configuration item. """ url = self.QUERY_INSTRUMENT_URL + '/{0}/form'.format(instrument.lower()) return self._query(url, column_filters=column_filters, columns=columns, open_form=open_form, help=help, cache=cache, **kwargs)
def _query(self, url, *, column_filters={}, columns=[], open_form=False, help=False, cache=True, **kwargs): table = None if open_form: elif help: self._print_query_help(url) else: instrument_form = self._request("GET", url, cache=cache) query_dict = {} query_dict.update(column_filters) # TODO: replace this with individually parsed kwargs query_dict.update(kwargs) query_dict["wdbo"] = "csv/download" # Default to returning the DP.ID since it is needed for header # acquisition query_dict['tab_dp_id'] = kwargs.pop('tab_dp_id', 'on') for k in columns: query_dict["tab_" + k] = True if self.ROW_LIMIT >= 0: query_dict["max_rows_returned"] = int(self.ROW_LIMIT) else: query_dict["max_rows_returned"] = 10000 # used to be form 0, but now there's a new 'logout' form at the top # (form_index = -1 and 0 both work now that form_id is included) instrument_response = self._activate_form(instrument_form, form_index=-1, form_id='queryform', inputs=query_dict, cache=cache) content = instrument_response.content # First line is always garbage content = content.split(b'\n', 1)[1] log.debug("Response content:\n{0}".format(content)) if _check_response(content): table =, format="ascii.csv", comment='^#') return table else: warnings.warn("Query returned no results", NoResultsWarning)
[docs] def get_headers(self, product_ids, *, cache=True): """ Get the headers associated to a list of data product IDs This method returns a `~astropy.table.Table` where the rows correspond to the provided data product IDs, and the columns are from each of the Fits headers keywords. Note: The additional column ``'DP.ID'`` found in the returned table corresponds to the provided data product IDs. Parameters ---------- product_ids : either a list of strings or a `~astropy.table.Column` List of data product IDs. cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. Returns ------- result : `~astropy.table.Table` A table where: columns are header keywords, rows are product_ids. """ _schema_product_ids = schema.Schema( schema.Or(Column, [schema.Schema(str)])) _schema_product_ids.validate(product_ids) # Get all headers result = [] for dp_id in product_ids: response = self._request( "GET", "{0}".format(dp_id), cache=cache) root = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html5lib') hdr ='pre')[0].text header = {'DP.ID': dp_id} for key_value in hdr.split('\n'): if "=" in key_value: key, value = key_value.split('=', 1) key = key.strip() value = value.split('/', 1)[0].strip() if key[0:7] != "COMMENT": # drop comments if value == "T": # Convert boolean T to True value = True elif value == "F": # Convert boolean F to False value = False # Convert to string, removing quotation marks elif value[0] == "'": value = value[1:-1] elif "." in value: # Convert to float value = float(value) else: # Convert to integer value = int(value) header[key] = value elif key_value.startswith("END"): break result.append(header) # Identify all columns columns = [] column_types = [] for header in result: for key in header: if key not in columns: columns.append(key) column_types.append(type(header[key])) # Add all missing elements for i in range(len(result)): for (column, column_type) in zip(columns, column_types): if column not in result[i]: result[i][column] = column_type() # Return as Table return Table(result)
@staticmethod def _get_filename_from_response(response: requests.Response) -> str: content_disposition = response.headers.get("Content-Disposition", "") filename = re.findall(r"filename=(\S+)", content_disposition) if not filename: raise RemoteServiceError(f"Unable to find filename for {response.url}") return os.path.basename(filename[0].replace('"', '')) @staticmethod def _find_cached_file(filename: str) -> bool: files_to_check = [filename] if filename.endswith(('fits.Z', 'fits.gz')): files_to_check.append(filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0]) for file in files_to_check: if os.path.exists(file):"Found cached file {file}") return True return False def _download_eso_file(self, file_link: str, destination: str, overwrite: bool) -> Tuple[str, bool]: block_size = headers = self._get_auth_header() with self._session.get(file_link, stream=True, headers=headers) as response: response.raise_for_status() filename = self._get_filename_from_response(response) filename = os.path.join(destination, filename) part_filename = filename + ".part" if os.path.exists(part_filename):"Removing partially downloaded file {part_filename}") os.remove(part_filename) download_required = overwrite or not self._find_cached_file(filename) if download_required: with open(part_filename, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=block_size): fd.write(chunk) os.rename(part_filename, filename) return filename, download_required def _download_eso_files(self, file_ids: List[str], destination: Optional[str], overwrite: bool) -> List[str]: destination = destination or self.cache_location destination = os.path.abspath(destination) os.makedirs(destination, exist_ok=True) nfiles = len(file_ids)"Downloading {nfiles} files ...") downloaded_files = [] for i, file_id in enumerate(file_ids, 1): file_link = self.DOWNLOAD_URL + file_id"Downloading file {i}/{nfiles} {file_link} to {destination}") try: filename, downloaded = self._download_eso_file(file_link, destination, overwrite) downloaded_files.append(filename) if downloaded:"Successfully downloaded dataset" f" {file_id} to {filename}") except requests.HTTPError as http_error: if http_error.response.status_code == 401: log.error(f"Access denied to {file_link}") else: log.error(f"Failed to download {file_link}. {http_error}") except Exception as ex: log.error(f"Failed to download {file_link}. {ex}") return downloaded_files def _unzip_file(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Uncompress the provided file with gunzip. Note: ``system_tools.gunzip`` does not work with .Z files """ uncompressed_filename = None if filename.endswith(('fits.Z', 'fits.gz')): uncompressed_filename = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0] if not os.path.exists(uncompressed_filename):"Uncompressing file {filename}") try:[self.GUNZIP, filename], check=True) except Exception as ex: uncompressed_filename = None log.error(f"Failed to unzip {filename}: {ex}") return uncompressed_filename or filename def _unzip_files(self, files: List[str]) -> List[str]: if shutil.which(self.GUNZIP): files = [self._unzip_file(file) for file in files] else: warnings.warn("Unable to unzip files " "(gunzip is not available on this system)") return files @staticmethod def _get_unique_files_from_association_tree(xml: str) -> Set[str]: tree = ET.fromstring(xml) return {element.attrib['name'] for element in tree.iter('file')} def _save_xml(self, payload: bytes, filename: str, destination: str): destination = destination or self.cache_location destination = os.path.abspath(destination) os.makedirs(destination, exist_ok=True) filename = os.path.join(destination, filename)"Saving Calselector association tree to {filename}") with open(filename, "wb") as fd: fd.write(payload)
[docs] def get_associated_files(self, datasets: List[str], *, mode: str = "raw", savexml: bool = False, destination: str = None) -> List[str]: """ Invoke Calselector service to find calibration files associated to the provided datasets. Parameters ---------- datasets : list of strings List of datasets for which calibration files should be retrieved. mode : string Calselector mode: 'raw' (default) for raw calibrations, or 'processed' for processed calibrations. savexml : bool If true, save to disk the XML association tree returned by Calselector. destination : string Directory where the XML files are saved (default = astropy cache). Returns ------- files : List of unique datasets associated to the input datasets. """ mode = "Raw2Raw" if mode == "raw" else "Raw2Master" post_data = {"dp_id": datasets, "mode": mode} response =, data=post_data) response.raise_for_status() associated_files = set() content_type = response.headers['Content-Type'] # Calselector can return one or more XML association trees depending on the input. # For a single dataset it returns one XML and content-type = 'application/xml' if 'application/xml' in content_type: filename = self._get_filename_from_response(response) xml = response.content associated_files.update(self._get_unique_files_from_association_tree(xml)) if savexml: self._save_xml(xml, filename, destination) # For multiple datasets it returns a multipart message elif 'multipart/form-data' in content_type: msg = email.message_from_string(f'Content-Type: {content_type}\r\n' + response.content.decode()) for part in msg.get_payload(): filename = part.get_filename() xml = part.get_payload(decode=True) associated_files.update(self._get_unique_files_from_association_tree(xml)) if savexml: self._save_xml(xml, filename, destination) else: raise CalSelectorError(f"Unexpected content-type '{content_type}' for {response.url}") # remove input datasets from calselector results return list(associated_files.difference(set(datasets)))
[docs] @deprecated_renamed_argument(('request_all_objects', 'request_id'), (None, None), since=['0.4.7', '0.4.7']) def retrieve_data(self, datasets, *, continuation=False, destination=None, with_calib=None, request_all_objects=False, unzip=True, request_id=None): """ Retrieve a list of datasets form the ESO archive. Parameters ---------- datasets : list of strings or string List of datasets strings to retrieve from the archive. destination: string Directory where the files are copied. Files already found in the destination directory are skipped, unless continuation=True. Default to astropy cache. continuation : bool Force the retrieval of data that are present in the destination directory. with_calib : string Retrieve associated calibration files: None (default), 'raw' for raw calibrations, or 'processed' for processed calibrations. unzip : bool Unzip compressed files from the archive after download. `True` by default. Returns ------- files : list of strings or string List of files that have been locally downloaded from the archive. Examples -------- >>> dptbl = Eso.query_instrument('apex', pi_coi='ginsburg') >>> dpids = [row['DP.ID'] for row in dptbl if 'Map' in row['Object']] >>> files = Eso.retrieve_data(dpids) """ return_string = False if isinstance(datasets, str): return_string = True datasets = [datasets] if with_calib and with_calib not in ('raw', 'processed'): raise ValueError("Invalid value for 'with_calib'. " "It must be 'raw' or 'processed'") associated_files = [] if with_calib:"Retrieving associated '{with_calib}' calibration files ...") try: # batch calselector requests to avoid possible issues on the ESO server BATCH_SIZE = 100 sorted_datasets = sorted(datasets) for i in range(0, len(sorted_datasets), BATCH_SIZE): associated_files += self.get_associated_files(sorted_datasets[i:i + BATCH_SIZE], mode=with_calib) associated_files = list(set(associated_files))"Found {len(associated_files)} associated files") except Exception as ex: log.error(f"Failed to retrieve associated files: {ex}") all_datasets = datasets + associated_files"Downloading datasets ...") files = self._download_eso_files(all_datasets, destination, continuation) if unzip: files = self._unzip_files(files)"Done!") return files[0] if files and len(files) == 1 and return_string else files
[docs] def query_apex_quicklooks(self, *, project_id=None, help=False, open_form=False, cache=True, **kwargs): """ APEX data are distributed with quicklook products identified with a different name than other ESO products. This query tool searches by project ID or any other supported keywords. Examples -------- >>> tbl = Eso.query_apex_quicklooks(project_id='093.C-0144') >>> files = Eso.retrieve_data(tbl['Product ID']) """ apex_query_url = '' table = None if open_form: elif help: return self._print_instrument_help(apex_query_url, 'apex') else: payload = {'wdbo': 'csv/download'} if project_id is not None: payload['prog_id'] = project_id payload.update(kwargs) apex_form = self._request("GET", apex_query_url, cache=cache) apex_response = self._activate_form( apex_form, form_id='queryform', form_index=0, inputs=payload, cache=cache, method='application/x-www-form-urlencoded') content = apex_response.content if _check_response(content): # First line is always garbage content = content.split(b'\n', 1)[1] try: table =, format="ascii.csv", guess=False, # header_start=1, comment="#", encoding='utf-8') except ValueError as ex: if 'the encoding parameter is not supported on Python 2' in str(ex): # astropy python2 does not accept the encoding parameter table =, format="ascii.csv", guess=False, comment="#") else: raise ex else: raise RemoteServiceError("Query returned no results") return table
def _print_query_help(self, url, *, cache=True): """ Download a form and print it in a quasi-human-readable way """"List of accepted column_filters parameters.")"The presence of a column in the result table can be " "controlled if prefixed with a [ ] checkbox.")"The default columns in the result table are shown as " "already ticked: [x].") result_string = [] resp = self._request("GET", url, cache=cache) doc = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html5lib') form ="html body form pre")[0] # Unwrap all paragraphs paragraph = form.find('p') while paragraph: paragraph.unwrap() paragraph = form.find('p') # For all sections for section in"table"): section_title = "".join(section.stripped_strings) section_title = "\n".join(["", section_title, "-" * len(section_title)]) result_string.append(section_title) checkbox_name = "" checkbox_value = "" for tag in section.next_siblings: if == u"table": break elif == u"input": if tag.get(u'type') == u"checkbox": checkbox_name = tag['name'] checkbox_value = u"[x]" if ('checked' in tag.attrs) else u"[ ]" name = "" value = "" else: name = tag['name'] value = "" elif == u"select": options = [] for option in"option"): options += ["{0} ({1})".format(option['value'], "".join(option.stripped_strings))] name = tag[u"name"] value = ", ".join(options) else: name = "" value = "" if u"tab_" + name == checkbox_name: checkbox = checkbox_value else: checkbox = " " if name != u"": result_string.append("{0} {1}: {2}" .format(checkbox, name, value))"\n".join(result_string)) return result_string def _print_surveys_help(self, url, *, cache=True): """ Download a form and print it in a quasi-human-readable way """"List of the parameters accepted by the " "surveys query.")"The presence of a column in the result table can be " "controlled if prefixed with a [ ] checkbox.")"The default columns in the result table are shown as " "already ticked: [x].") result_string = [] resp = self._request("GET", url, cache=cache) doc = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html5lib') form ="html body form")[0] # hovertext from different labels are used to give more info on forms helptext_dict = {abbr['title'].split(":")[0].strip(): ":".join(abbr['title'].split(":")[1:]) for abbr in form.findAll('abbr') if 'title' in abbr.attrs and ":" in abbr['title']} for fieldset in'fieldset'): legend ='legend') if len(legend) > 1: raise ValueError("Form parsing error: too many legends.") elif len(legend) == 0: continue section_title = "\n\n" + "".join(legend[0].stripped_strings) + "\n" result_string.append(section_title) for section in'table'): checkbox_name = "" checkbox_value = "" for tag in section.next_elements: if == u"table": break elif == u"input": if tag.get(u'type') == u"checkbox": checkbox_name = tag['name'] checkbox_value = (u"[x]" if ('checked' in tag.attrs) else u"[ ]") name = "" value = "" else: name = tag['name'] value = "" elif == u"select": options = [] for option in"option"): options += ["{0} ({1})".format(option['value'] if 'value' in option else "", "".join(option.stripped_strings))] name = tag[u"name"] value = ", ".join(options) else: name = "" value = "" if u"tab_" + name == checkbox_name: checkbox = checkbox_value else: checkbox = " " if name != u"": result_string.append("{0} {1}: {2}" .format(checkbox, name, value)) if name.strip() in helptext_dict: result_string.append(helptext_dict[name.strip()])"\n".join(result_string)) return result_string
Eso = EsoClass()