Source code for astroquery.solarsystem.pds.core

# 1. standard library imports
import re
import os

# 2. third party imports
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.table import QTable, join
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, Angle
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# 3. local imports - use relative imports
# all Query classes should inherit from BaseQuery.
from ...query import BaseQuery
from ...utils import async_to_sync

# import configurable items declared in, e.g. hardcoded dictionaries
from . import conf

planet_defaults = {
    "mars": {
        "ephem": "000 MAR097 + DE440",
        "moons": "402 Phobos, Deimos",
        "center_ansa": "Phobos Ring",
        "rings": "Phobos, Deimos",
    "jupiter": {
        "ephem": "000 JUP365 + DE440",
        "moons": "516 All inner moons (J1-J5,J14-J16)",
        "center_ansa": "Main Ring",
        "rings": "Main & Gossamer",
    "saturn": {
        "ephem": "000 SAT389 + SAT393 + SAT427 + DE440",
        "moons": "653 All inner moons (S1-S18,S32-S35,S49,S53)",
        "center_ansa": "A",
        "rings": "A,B,C,F,G,E",
    "uranus": {
        "ephem": "000 URA111 + URA115 + DE440",
        "moons": "727 All inner moons (U1-U15,U25-U27)",
        "center_ansa": "Epsilon",
        "rings": "All rings",
    "neptune": {
        "ephem": "000 NEP081 + NEP095 + DE440",
        "moons": "814 All inner moons (N1-N8,N14)",
        "center_ansa": "Adams Ring",
        "rings": "Galle, LeVerrier, Arago, Adams",
    "pluto": {
        "ephem": "000 PLU058 + DE440",
        "moons": "905 All moons (P1-P5)",
        "center_ansa": "Hydra",
        "rings": "Styx, Nix, Kerberos, Hydra",

neptune_arcmodels = {
    1: "#1 (820.1194 deg/day)",
    2: "#2 (820.1118 deg/day)",
    3: "#3 (820.1121 deg/day)",

[docs] @async_to_sync class RMSNodeClass(BaseQuery): """ a class for querying the PDS Ring-Moon Systems (RMS) Node ephemeris tools <> """ def __init__(self, url='', timeout=None): ''' Instantiate RMS Node query ''' super().__init__() self.url = url self.timeout = timeout @property def _url(self): return self.url or conf.url def __str__(self): return "RMSNode instance"
[docs] def ephemeris_async(self, planet, *, epoch=None, location=None, neptune_arcmodel=3, get_query_payload=False, cache=True): """ send query to Ring-Moon Systems Node server Parameters ---------- planet : str One of "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn", "Uranus", "Neptune", or "Pluto". epoch : `~astropy.time.Time` object, or str in format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm, optional. If str is provided then UTC is assumed. If no epoch is provided, the current time is used. location : str, or array-like, or `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`, optional If str, named observeratory supported by the RMS node, e.g. JWST. If array-like, observer's location as a 3-element array of Earth longitude, latitude, altitude that istantiates an `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`. Longitude and latitude should be anything that initializes an `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` object, and altitude should initialize an `~astropy.units.Quantity` object (with units of length). If ``None``, then the geofocus is used. neptune_arcmodel : int, optional. which ephemeris to assume for Neptune's ring arcs Must be one of 1, 2, or 3 (see for details) has no effect if planet != 'Neptune' get_query_payload : boolean, optional When set to `True` the method returns the HTTP request parameters as a dict, default: False cache : boolean, optional When set to `True` the method caches the download, default: True Returns ------- response : `requests.Response` The response of the HTTP request. Examples -------- >>> from astroquery.solarsystem.pds import RMSNode >>> import astropy.units as u >>> bodytable, ringtable = RMSNode.ephemeris(planet='Uranus', ... epoch='2024-05-08 22:39', ... location = (-23.029 * u.deg, -67.755 * u.deg, 5000 * u.m)) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print(ringtable) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA ring pericenter ascending node deg deg ------- ---------- -------------- Six 293.129 52.0 Five 109.438 81.1 Four 242.882 66.9 Alpha 184.498 253.9 Beta 287.66 299.2 Eta 0.0 0.0 Gamma 50.224 0.0 Delta 0.0 0.0 Lambda 0.0 0.0 Epsilon 298.022 0.0 """ planet = planet.lower() if planet not in planet_defaults: raise ValueError("illegal value for 'planet' parameter " "(must be 'Mars', 'Jupiter', 'Saturn', 'Uranus', 'Neptune', or 'Pluto')") if isinstance(epoch, (int, float)): epoch = Time(epoch, format='jd') elif isinstance(epoch, str): epoch = Time(epoch, format='iso') elif epoch is None: epoch = if location is None: viewpoint = "observatory" observatory = "Earth's center" latitude, longitude, altitude = "", "", "" elif isinstance(location, str): viewpoint = "observatory" observatory = location latitude, longitude, altitude = "", "", "" else: viewpoint = "latlon" observatory = "Earth's center" if isinstance(location, EarthLocation): loc = location.geodetic longitude = loc[0].deg latitude = loc[1].deg altitude = loc[2].to_value(u.m) elif hasattr(location, "__iter__"): longitude = Angle(location[0]).deg latitude = Angle(location[1]).deg altitude = u.Quantity(location[2]).to_value(u.m) if neptune_arcmodel not in [1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError(f"illegal Neptune arc model {neptune_arcmodel}. must be one of 1, 2, or 3 " "(see for details).") # configure request_payload for ephemeris query request_payload = dict( [ ("abbrev", planet[:3]), ("ephem", planet_defaults[planet]["ephem"]), ("time", epoch.utc.iso[:16]), ("fov", 10), # figure option - hardcode ok ("fov_unit", planet.capitalize() + " radii"), ("center", "body"), ("center_body", planet.capitalize()), ("center_ansa", planet_defaults[planet]["center_ansa"]), ("center_ew", "east"), ("center_ra", ""), ("center_ra_type", "hours"), ("center_dec", ""), ("center_star", ""), ("viewpoint", viewpoint), ("observatory", observatory), ("latitude", latitude), ("longitude", longitude), ("lon_dir", "east"), ("altitude", altitude), ("moons", planet_defaults[planet]["moons"]), ("rings", planet_defaults[planet]["rings"]), ("arcmodel", neptune_arcmodels[neptune_arcmodel]), ("extra_ra", ""), # figure options below this line, can all be hardcoded and ignored ("extra_ra_type", "hours"), ("extra_dec", ""), ("extra_name", ""), ("title", ""), ("labels", "Small (6 points)"), ("moonpts", "0"), ("blank", "No"), ("opacity", "Transparent"), ("peris", "None"), ("peripts", "4"), ("arcpts", "4"), ("meridians", "Yes"), ("output", "html"), ] ) # return request_payload if desired if get_query_payload: return request_payload # query and parse response = self._request( "GET", self._url, params=request_payload, timeout=self.timeout, cache=cache ) return response
def _parse_result(self, response, verbose=None): """ Routine for parsing data from RMS node Parameters ---------- self : RMSNodeClass instance response : list raw response from server Returns ------- bodytable : `~astropy.table.QTable` ringtable : `~astropy.table.QTable` """ soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html5lib") text = soup.get_text() # need regex because some blank lines have spacebar and some do not textgroups = re.split("\n\n|\n \n", text.strip()) ringtable = None for group in textgroups: group = group.strip() # input parameters. only thing needed is epoch if group.startswith("Observation"): epoch = group.splitlines()[0].split("e: ")[-1].strip() # minor body table part 1 elif group.startswith("Body"): group = "NAIF " + group # fixing lack of header for NAIF ID bodytable_names = ("NAIF ID", "Body", "RA", "Dec", "RA (deg)", "Dec (deg)", "dRA", "dDec") bodytable_units = [None, None, None, None, u.deg, u.deg, u.arcsec, u.arcsec] bodytable =, format="ascii.fixed_width", col_starts=(0, 4, 18, 35, 54, 68, 80, 91), col_ends=(4, 18, 35, 54, 68, 80, 91, 102), names=bodytable_names, units=(bodytable_units)) # minor body table part 2 elif group.startswith("Sub-"): group = os.linesep.join(group.splitlines()[2:]) # removing two-row header entirely bodytable2_names = ("NAIF ID", "Body", "sub_obs_lon", "sub_obs_lat", "sub_sun_lon", "sub_sun_lat", "phase", "distance") bodytable2_units = [None, None, u.deg, u.deg, u.deg, u.deg, u.deg, * 1e6] bodytable2 =, format="ascii.fixed_width", col_starts=(0, 4, 18, 28, 37, 49, 57, 71), col_ends=(4, 18, 28, 37, 49, 57, 71, 90), names=bodytable2_names, data_start=0, units=(bodytable2_units)) # ring plane data elif group.startswith("Ring s"): for line in group.splitlines(): lines = line.split(":") if "Ring sub-solar latitude" in lines[0]: sub_sun_lat, sub_sun_lat_min, sub_sun_lat_max = [ float(s.strip("()")) for s in re.split(r"\(|to", lines[1]) ] systemtable = { "sub_sun_lat": sub_sun_lat * u.deg, "sub_sun_lat_min": sub_sun_lat_min * u.deg, "sub_sun_lat_max": sub_sun_lat_min * u.deg, } elif "Ring plane opening angle" in lines[0]: systemtable["opening_angle"] = ( float(re.sub("[a-zA-Z]+", "", lines[1]).strip("()")) * u.deg ) elif "Ring center phase angle" in lines[0]: systemtable["phase_angle"] = float(lines[1].strip()) * u.deg elif "Sub-solar longitude" in lines[0]: systemtable["sub_sun_lon"] = ( float(re.sub("[a-zA-Z]+", "", lines[1]).strip("()")) * u.deg ) elif "Sub-observer longitude" in lines[0]: systemtable["sub_obs_lon"] = float(lines[1].strip()) * u.deg # basic info about the planet elif group.startswith("Sun-planet"): for line in group.splitlines(): lines = line.split(":") if "Sun-planet distance (AU)" in lines[0]: # this is redundant with sun distance in km pass elif "Observer-planet distance (AU)" in lines[0]: # this is redundant with observer distance in km pass elif "Sun-planet distance (km)" in lines[0]: systemtable["d_sun"] = ( float(lines[1].split("x")[0].strip()) * 1e6 * ) elif "Observer-planet distance (km)" in lines[0]: systemtable["d_obs"] = ( float(lines[1].split("x")[0].strip()) * 1e6 * ) elif "Light travel time" in lines[0]: systemtable["light_time"] = float(lines[1].strip()) * u.second # --------- below this line, planet-specific info ------------ # Uranus individual rings data elif group.startswith("Ring "): ringtable_names = ("ring", "pericenter", "ascending node") ringtable_units = [None, u.deg, u.deg] ringtable =" " + group, format="ascii.fixed_width", col_starts=(5, 18, 29), col_ends=(18, 29, 36), names=ringtable_names, units=(ringtable_units)) # Saturn F-ring data elif group.startswith("F Ring"): for line in group.splitlines(): lines = line.split(":") if "F Ring pericenter" in lines[0]: peri = float(re.sub("[a-zA-Z]+", "", lines[1]).strip("()")) elif "F Ring ascending node" in lines[0]: ascn = float(lines[1].strip()) ringtable_names = ("ring", "pericenter", "ascending node") ringtable_units = [None, u.deg, u.deg] ringtable = QTable([["F"], [peri], [ascn]], names=ringtable_names, units=(ringtable_units)) # Neptune ring arcs data elif group.startswith("Courage"): for i, line in enumerate(group.splitlines()): lines = line.split(":") ring = lines[0].split("longitude")[0].strip() [min_angle, max_angle] = [ float(s.strip()) for s in re.sub("[a-zA-Z]+", "", lines[1]).strip("()").split() ] if i == 0: ringtable_names = ("ring", "min_angle", "max_angle") ringtable_units = [None, u.deg, u.deg] ringtable = QTable([[ring], [min_angle], [max_angle]], names=ringtable_names, units=ringtable_units) else: ringtable.add_row([ring, min_angle*u.deg, max_angle*u.deg]) # do some cleanup from the parsing job # and make system-wide parameters metadata of bodytable and ringtable systemtable["epoch"] = Time(epoch, format="iso", scale="utc") # add obs time to systemtable if ringtable is not None: ringtable.add_index("ring") ringtable.meta = systemtable bodytable = join(bodytable, bodytable2) # concatenate minor body table bodytable.add_index("Body") bodytable.meta = systemtable return bodytable, ringtable
RMSNode = RMSNodeClass()