Source code for astroquery.svo_fps.core

import requests
import io

from astropy import units as u
from import parse_single_table
# The VOTables fetched from SVO contain only single table element, thus parse_single_table

from . import conf

from ..query import BaseQuery
from astroquery.exceptions import InvalidQueryError, TimeoutError

__all__ = ['SvoFpsClass', 'SvoFps']

# Valid query parameters taken from
_params_with_range = {"WavelengthRef", "WavelengthMean", "WavelengthEff",
                      "WavelengthMin", "WavelengthMax", "WidthEff", "FWHM"}
QUERY_PARAMETERS = _params_with_range.copy()
for suffix in ("_min", "_max"):
    QUERY_PARAMETERS.update(param + suffix for param in _params_with_range)
QUERY_PARAMETERS.update(("Instrument", "Facility", "PhotSystem", "ID", "PhotCalID",
                         "FORMAT", "VERB"))

[docs] class SvoFpsClass(BaseQuery): """ Class for querying the Spanish Virtual Observatory filter profile service """ SVO_MAIN_URL = conf.base_url TIMEOUT = conf.timeout
[docs] def data_from_svo(self, query, *, cache=True, timeout=None, error_msg='No data found for requested query'): """Get data in response to the query send to SVO FPS. This method is not generally intended for users, but it can be helpful if you want something very specific from the SVO FPS service. If you don't know what you're doing, try `get_filter_index`, `get_filter_list`, and `get_transmission_data` instead. Parameters ---------- query : dict Used to create a HTTP query string i.e. send to SVO FPS to get data. In dictionary, specify keys as search parameters (str) and values as required. Description of search parameters can be found at error_msg : str, optional Error message to be shown in case no table element found in the responded VOTable. Use this to make error message verbose in context of the query made (default is 'No data found for requested query') cache : bool Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See :ref:`caching documentation <astroquery_cache>`. Returns ------- astropy.table.table.Table object Table containing data fetched from SVO (in response to query) """ bad_params = [param for param in query if param not in QUERY_PARAMETERS] if bad_params: raise InvalidQueryError( f"parameter{'s' if len(bad_params) > 1 else ''} " f"{', '.join(bad_params)} {'are' if len(bad_params) > 1 else 'is'} " f"invalid. For a description of valid query parameters see " "" ) response = self._request("GET", self.SVO_MAIN_URL, params=query, timeout=timeout or self.TIMEOUT, cache=cache) response.raise_for_status() votable = io.BytesIO(response.content) try: return parse_single_table(votable).to_table() except IndexError: # If no table element found in VOTable raise IndexError(error_msg)
[docs] def get_filter_index(self, wavelength_eff_min, wavelength_eff_max, **kwargs): """Get master list (index) of all filters at SVO Optional parameters can be given to get filters data for specified Wavelength Effective range from SVO Parameters ---------- wavelength_eff_min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with units of length Minimum value of Wavelength Effective wavelength_eff_max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with units of length Maximum value of Wavelength Effective kwargs : dict Passed to `data_from_svo`. Relevant arguments include ``cache`` Returns ------- astropy.table.table.Table object Table containing data fetched from SVO (in response to query) """ query = {'WavelengthEff_min': wavelength_eff_min.to_value(u.angstrom), 'WavelengthEff_max': wavelength_eff_max.to_value(u.angstrom)} error_msg = 'No filter found for requested Wavelength Effective range' try: return self.data_from_svo(query=query, error_msg=error_msg, **kwargs) except requests.ReadTimeout: raise TimeoutError( "Query did not finish fast enough. A smaller wavelength range might " "succeed. Try increasing the timeout limit if a large range is needed." )
[docs] def get_transmission_data(self, filter_id, **kwargs): """Get transmission data for the requested Filter ID from SVO Parameters ---------- filter_id : str Filter ID in the format SVO specifies it: 'facilty/instrument.filter'. This is returned by `get_filter_list` and `get_filter_index` as the ``filterID`` column. kwargs : dict Passed to `data_from_svo`. Relevant arguments include ``cache`` Returns ------- astropy.table.table.Table object Table containing data fetched from SVO (in response to query) """ query = {'ID': filter_id} error_msg = 'No filter found for requested Filter ID' return self.data_from_svo(query=query, error_msg=error_msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_filter_list(self, facility, *, instrument=None, **kwargs): """Get filters data for requested facilty and instrument from SVO Parameters ---------- facility : str Facilty for filters instrument : str, optional Instrument for filters (default is None). Leave empty if there are no instruments for specified facilty kwargs : dict Passed to `data_from_svo`. Relevant arguments include ``cache`` Returns ------- astropy.table.table.Table object Table containing data fetched from SVO (in response to query) """ query = {'Facility': facility, 'Instrument': instrument} error_msg = 'No filter found for requested Facilty (and Instrument)' return self.data_from_svo(query=query, error_msg=error_msg, **kwargs)
SvoFps = SvoFpsClass()