
class astroquery.xmatch.XMatchClass[source]

Bases: BaseQuery

Attributes Summary



Methods Summary

get_available_tables(*[, cache])

Get the list of the VizieR tables which are available in the xMatch service and return them as a list of strings.


Return True if the passed CDS table identifier is one of the available VizieR tables, otherwise False.

query(cat1, cat2, max_distance, *[, colRA1, ...])

Query the CDS cross-match service by finding matches between two (potentially big) catalogues.

query_async(cat1, cat2, max_distance, *[, ...])

Attributes Documentation

URL = 'http://cdsxmatch.u-strasbg.fr/xmatch/api/v1/sync'

Methods Documentation

get_available_tables(*, cache=True)[source]

Get the list of the VizieR tables which are available in the xMatch service and return them as a list of strings.


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.


Return True if the passed CDS table identifier is one of the available VizieR tables, otherwise False.

query(cat1, cat2, max_distance, *, colRA1=None, colDec1=None, colRA2=None, colDec2=None, area='allsky', cache=True, get_query_payload=False, **kwargs)[source]

Query the CDS cross-match service by finding matches between two (potentially big) catalogues.

cat1str, file or Table

Identifier of the first table. It can either be a URL, the payload of a local file being uploaded, a CDS table identifier (either simbad for a view of SIMBAD data / to point out a given VizieR table) or a an AstroPy table. If the table is uploaded or accessed through a URL, it must be in VOTable or CSV format with the positions in J2000 equatorial frame and as decimal degrees numbers.

cat2str, file or Table

Identifier of the second table. Follows the same rules as cat1.


Maximum distance to look for counterparts. Maximum allowed value is 180 arcsec.


Name of the column holding the right ascension. Only required if cat1 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.


Name of the column holding the declination. Only required if cat1 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.


Name of the column holding the right ascension. Only required if cat2 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.


Name of the column holding the declination. Only required if cat2 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.

arearegions.CircleSkyRegion or ‘allsky’ str

Restrict the area taken into account when performing the xmatch Default value is ‘allsky’ (no restriction). If a regions.CircleSkyRegion object is given, only sources in this region will be considered.


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.


Query results table

query_async(cat1, cat2, max_distance, *, colRA1=None, colDec1=None, colRA2=None, colDec2=None, area='allsky', cache=True, get_query_payload=False, **kwargs)[source]

Query the CDS cross-match service by finding matches between two (potentially big) catalogues.

cat1str, file or Table

Identifier of the first table. It can either be a URL, the payload of a local file being uploaded, a CDS table identifier (either simbad for a view of SIMBAD data / to point out a given VizieR table) or a an AstroPy table. If the table is uploaded or accessed through a URL, it must be in VOTable or CSV format with the positions in J2000 equatorial frame and as decimal degrees numbers.

cat2str, file or Table

Identifier of the second table. Follows the same rules as cat1.


Maximum distance to look for counterparts. Maximum allowed value is 180 arcsec.


Name of the column holding the right ascension. Only required if cat1 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.


Name of the column holding the declination. Only required if cat1 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.


Name of the column holding the right ascension. Only required if cat2 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.


Name of the column holding the declination. Only required if cat2 is an uploaded table or a pointer to a URL.

arearegions.CircleSkyRegion or ‘allsky’ str

Restrict the area taken into account when performing the xmatch Default value is ‘allsky’ (no restriction). If a regions.CircleSkyRegion object is given, only sources in this region will be considered.


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.


The HTTP response returned from the service.