ESA Herschel Science Archive (astroquery.esa.hsa)

Herschel was the fourth cornerstone in ESA’s Horizon 2000 science programme, designed to observe the ‘cool’ universe. It performed photometry and spectroscopy in the poorly explored 55-670 µm spectral range with a 3.5 m diameter Cassegrain telescope, providing unique observing capabilities and bridging the gap between earlier infrared space missions and groundbased facilities. Herschel successfully performed ~37000 science observations and ~6600 science calibration observations which are publicly available to the worldwide astronomical community through the Herschel Science Archive.

This package allows the access to the Herschel Science Archive.


1. Getting Herschel data

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> HSA.download_data(observation_id='1342195355',  retrieval_type='OBSERVATION',
...                   instrument_name='PACS')
Downloading URL to 1342195355.tar ... [Done]

This will download the products of the observation ‘1342195355’ with the instrument ‘PACS’ and it will store them in a tar called ‘1342195355.tar’. The parameters available are detailed in the API.

For more details of the parameters check the section 6 of the Direct Product Access using TAP in the HSA users guide.

For more details about the products check:

2. Getting Observation Products

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> HSA.get_observation('1342195355', instrument_name='PACS')
Downloading URL to 1342195355.tar ... [Done]

This will download the product of the observation ‘1342195355’ with the instrument ‘PACS’ and it will store them in a tar called ‘1342195355.tar’. The parameters available are detailed in the API.


There is no difference between the product retrieved with this method and download_data. download_data is a more generic interface that allows the user to retrieve any product or metadata and get_observation allows the user to retrieve only observation products.

For more information check the section 6.1 of the of the Direct Product Access using TAP in the HSA users guide.

For more details of the parameters check the section 6.2 of the Direct Product Access using TAP in the HSA users guide.

3. Getting Herschel Postcard

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> HSA.get_postcard('1342195355', instrument_name='PACS')  
Downloading URL to /home/dev/.astropy/cache/astroquery/HSA/data?&retrieval_type=POSTCARD&observation_id=1342195355&instrument_name=PACS ... [Done]

This will download the postcard (static representation in JPG-format of the final product) of the observation ‘1342195355’ with the instrument ‘PACS’ and it will store them in a tar called ‘1342195355.jpg’. The parameters available are detailed in the API.

For more details of the parameters check the section 6.2 of the Direct Product Access using TAP in the HSA users guide.

4. Getting Herschel metadata through TAP

This function provides access to the Herschel Science Archive database using the Table Access Protocol (TAP) and via the Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL).

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> result = HSA.query_hsa_tap("select top 10 * from hsa.v_active_observation",
...                            output_format='csv', output_file='results.csv')
>>> result.pprint(max_width=100)
                  aor                           bii         ...  target_name   urn_version
--------------------------------------- ------------------- ... -------------- -----------
                        PP2-SWa-NGC3265  28.797292629881316 ...        NGC3265      915907
       PRISMAS_W33a_hifi3b_898GHz_A_D2O  -17.86672520275456 ...           W33A      806737
  GOODS-S_70_d+8+8_forward_r3_shortaxis  -27.80919396603746 ...  GOODS-S d+8+8      894819
      PSP2_HStars-Set12f - RedRectangle -10.637417697356986 ...  Red Rectangle      800938
                 SPIRE-A - G126.24-5.52  57.195030974713134 ...   G126.24-5.52      810242
PSP1_PRISMAS_W31C_hifi6a_1477GHz_A_D2H+  -19.93074108498436 ...           W31C      920099
       Spire Level-2 GOODS-S 37  - copy  -27.81104151290488 ...        GOODS-S      898135
             PSP2_HStars-Set13  - 10216   13.27923027337195 ...      IRC+10216      801364
                  PACS-A - G345.39-3.97  -43.47405026924179 ... G345.39-3.97-1      883176
        PRISMAS_g34_hifi7b_1897GHz_B_C3  1.2495150652937468 ...      G34.3+0.1      921086

This will execute an ADQL query to download the first 10 observations in the Herschel Science Archive. The result of the query will be stored in the file results.csv.

5. Getting table details of HSA TAP

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> HSA.get_tables()
INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
['hpdp.latest_observation_hpdp', 'hpdp.vizier_links', 'hpdp.unique_observation_hpdp', 'hpdp.latest_unique_observation_requests', 'hpdp.files', 'hpdp.latest_requests', 'public.dual', 'public.image_formats', 'tap_schema.tables', 'tap_schema.columns', 'tap_schema.keys', 'tap_schema.schemas', 'tap_schema.key_columns', 'hsa.observation_science', 'hsa.proposal_coauthor', 'hsa.proposal_observation', 'hsa.instrument', 'hsa.observing_mode_per_instrument', 'hsa.spire_spectral_feature_finder_catalogue', 'hsa.hifi_spectral_line_smoothed', 'hsa.publication', 'hsa.quality_flag', 'hsa.v_active_observation', 'hsa.proposal_info', 'hsa.pacs_point_source_070', 'hsa.observing_mode', 'hsa.proposal', 'hsa.proposal_pi_user', 'hsa.spire_point_source_350', 'hsa.spire_point_source_250', 'hsa.v_publication', 'hsa.spire_point_source_500', 'hsa.pacs_point_source_100', 'hsa.v_proposal_observation', 'hsa.hifi_spectral_line_native', 'hsa.pacs_point_source_160', 'hsa.ancillary', 'hsa.metadata_expert_panels', 'pubtool.institutions', 'pubtool.v_first_pub_date', 'pubtool.v_first_pub_date_single', 'pubtool.archival_type', 'pubtool.publication', 'pubtool.publication_details', 'pubtool.authors_institutions', 'pubtool.publication_observation', 'pubtool.authors', 'updp2.latest_observation_updp', 'updp2.vizier_links', 'updp2.latest_unique_observation_requests', 'updp2.files', 'updp2.latest_requests', 'updp2.unique_observation_updp']

This will show the available tables in HSA TAP service in the Herschel Science Archive.

6. Getting columns details of HSA TAP

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> HSA.get_columns('hsa.v_active_observation')
INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
['aor', 'bii', 'dec', 'duration', 'end_time', 'fov', 'global_science_area', 'icon_image', 'icon_location', 'image_2_5_location', 'image_location', 'ingest_queue_oid', 'instrument_oid', 'is_active_version', 'is_public', 'lii', 'naif_id', 'num_publications', 'observation_id', 'observation_oid', 'observer', 'observing_mode_oid', 'obsstate', 'od_number', 'pa', 'polygon_fov', 'position', 'prop_end', 'proposal_id', 'quality_report_location', 'ra', 'science_area', 'science_category', 'spg_id', 'start_time', 'status', 'target_name', 'urn_version']

This will show the column details of the table 'hsa.v_active_observation' in HSA TAP service in the Herschel Science Archive.

7. Query Region

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> c = SkyCoord(ra=100.2417*, dec=9.895*, frame='icrs')
>>> result = HSA.query_region(c, 0.5)
>>> result.pprint(max_width=100)
                      aor                            bii         ...   target_name    urn_version
------------------------------------------- ------------------ ... ---------------- -----------
KPOT_wlanger_1-HPoint-0007 - CII_G202.6+2.0 10.062774289985356 ... CII_G202.6+2.0-1      921022
                                    n2264-o   9.45754288889945 ...          NGC2264      919399
                                    n2264-n   9.45754288889945 ...          NGC2264      919398
                                    n2264-n  9.450299102175919 ...          NGC2264      898497
                                    n2264-o  9.450499719127244 ...          NGC2264      898535

Retrieve a VOTable with the observations metadata of a given region.

8. Query Observations

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> c = SkyCoord(ra=100.2417*, dec=9.895*, frame='icrs')
>>> HSA.query_observations(c, 0.5)
<Table length=5>

Retrieve a VOTable with the observation IDs of a given region.

9. Procedure example

First retrieve the observation IDs based on a position on the sky. To achive this, query the TAP service.

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> HSA.query_hsa_tap("select top 10 observation_id from hsa.v_active_observation where "
...                   "contains(point('ICRS', hsa.v_active_observation.ra, hsa.v_active_observation.dec), "
...                   "circle('ICRS', 100.2417,9.895, 1.1))=1", output_format='csv', output_file='results.csv')
<Table length=9>

In this example we are doing a circle search of 1.1 degrees in an ICRS (Right ascension [RA], Declination [DEC]) position (100.2417, 9.895).

For more information on how to use ADQL see:

After obtaining the desire ID, download the product of the observation ‘1342205057’ with the instrument ‘PACS’.

>>> HSA.download_data(observation_id='1342205057', retrieval_type='OBSERVATION', instrument_name='PACS')
Downloading URL to 1342205057.tar ... [Done]


If you are repeatedly getting failed queries, or bad/out-of-date results, try clearing your cache:

>>> from astroquery.esa.hsa import HSA
>>> HSA.clear_cache()

If this function is unavailable, upgrade your version of astroquery. The clear_cache function was introduced in version 0.4.7.dev8479.


astroquery.esa.hsa Package


The Herschel Science Archive (HSA) is the ESA’s archive for the Herschel mission.




Configuration parameters for astroquery.esa.hsa.