ESA ISO Archive (astroquery.esa.iso)

The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) was a space telescope for infrared light designed and operated by the European Space Agency (ESA), in cooperation with ISAS (now part of JAXA) and NASA. The ISO was designed to study infrared light at wavelengths of 2.5 to 240 micrometres and operated from 1995 to 1998. The two spectrometers (SWS and LWS), a camera (ISOCAM) and an imaging photo-polarimeter (ISOPHOT) jointly covered wavelengths from 2.5 to around 240 microns with spatial resolutions ranging from 1.5 arcseconds (at the shortest wavelengths) to 90 arcseconds (at the longer wavelengths). Its 60 cm diameter telescope was cooled by superfluid liquid helium to temperatures of 2-4 K.

This package allows the access to the ISO Data Archive. It has been developed by the ESAC Science Data Centre (ESDC) with requirements provided by the ESA experts at ESAC.


1. Querying ISO data

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> table = ISO.query_ida_tap(query=("SELECT tdt,ra,dec,aotname,target "
...                                  "FROM ida.observations "
...                                  "WHERE INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS',10.68470833,41.26875,"
...                                  "0.08333333333333333),"
...                                  "ida.observations.s_region_fov)=1"))
>>> table.pprint()  
tdt         ra         dec      aotname    target
            h          deg
-------- ----------- ------------ ------- ------------
43601726 0.712305333     41.26917    C04           M31
43701073 0.712305333     41.26916    C04           M31
43701863 0.712305333     41.26917    C04           M31
58302402     0.71225     41.26945    C01       M31_LW2
58302703     0.71225     41.26945    C01       M31_LW3
40001501     0.71278     41.26997    S01     M31_BULGE
60202005    0.720306     41.38386    L01          M31N
40001621 0.712304666     41.26917    C04           M31
40001622 0.712304666     41.26916    C04           M31
40001717 0.712305333     41.26917    C04           M31
     ...         ...          ...     ...          ...
58302603 0.719229923 41.047816169    C//     Near M31S
40402302    0.713987    41.281959    L//      Near M31
60202005  0.73670327 41.310155308    C//     Near M31N
58302305    0.697341    41.375848    L//  Near M31_LW6
58302402    0.697336     41.37576    L//  Near M31_LW2
58302504    0.697331    41.375662    L//  Near M31_LW1
76100601     0.71225     41.26944    C04       M31_CVF
76100504 0.712055333        41.29    C03      M31 D395
76100708 0.722799457 41.430336366    C//  Near M31_PAH
76196300          --           --    C63
Length = 49 rows

‘query_ida_tap’ executes a TAP (Tabular Access Protocol) query to the ISO archive. In this case, the archive is queried to its main table (‘ida.observations’) for observations that overlaps the position (‘ra=10.68470833, ec=41.26875’ in degrees, that corresponds with M31).

The result of a query can be stored in a file by defining the output format and the output file name.

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> table = ISO.query_ida_tap(query="select top 10 * from ida.observations",
...                       output_format='csv', output_file='results10.csv')

This will execute an ADQL query to query the first 10 observations in the ISO Data Archive. The result of the query will be stored in the file ‘results10.csv’. The result of this query can be printed by doing print(table).

Once we have the observations identifiers (TDT) we can invoke the data download. To discover the tables provided by this service, see section ‘Getting Tables Details’.

2. Getting ISO data

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> import tarfile
>>> ISO.download_data('80000203', retrieval_type="OBSERVATION",
...   product_level="DEFAULT_DATA_SET",
...   filename="80000203", verbose=True)
INFO: [astroquery.esa.iso.core]
INFO: Copying file to 80000203.tar... [astroquery.esa.iso.core]
INFO: Wrote to 80000203.tar [astroquery.esa.iso.core]
>>> tar ="80000203.tar")
>>> tar.list()    
-rw-r--r-- idaops/0       1094 2005-12-23 11:02:55 ././ISO1659972236/EXTRAKON//pich80000203.gif
-rw-r--r-- idaops/0     266240 2005-12-23 11:02:54 ././ISO1659972236/EXTRAKON//C10480000203.tar
-rw-r--r-- idaops/0      14400 2005-12-23 11:02:55 ././ISO1659972236/EXTRAKON//psph80000203.fits
-rw-r--r-- idaops/0       5599 2005-12-23 11:02:55 ././ISO1659972236/EXTRAKON//ppch80000203.gif
-rw-r--r-- idaops/0     266240 2005-12-23 11:02:54 ././ISO1659972236/EXTRAKON//C10180000203.tar
>>> tar.extractall()
>>> tar.close()

‘download_data’ method invokes the data download of files from the ISO Data Archive, using the observation identifier (TDT) as input. There are different product levels:

  • ALL

  • FULLY_PROC: Set of coherent, instrument-independent measurements of images or spectra designed to get as close as possible by automatic means to what could be produced by an astronomer using an interactive analysis system.

  • RAW_DATA: Unpacked telemetry in which no data reduction.

  • BASIC_SCIENCE: Data have been processed further to an intermediate level (with the use of calibration files where necessary), often containing physical units.

  • QUICK_LOOK: Fully reduced standard data sets, either FITS images or ASCII FITS tables, for survey-type work. Although these products contain fully reduced data, it must be emphasised that the processing is done in a standard and automatic way which does not involve any scientific judgement.

  • HPDP: ‘Highly Processed Data Products’ (HPDP). These products include DATA (images, spectra etc.), which have been processed beyond the pipeline and/or using new, refined algorithms and therefore have been improved to any degree compared to the OLP 10 products, as well as any resulting CATALOGUES and ATLASES.

  • DEFAULT_DATA_SET: This is the selected pack of products that better characterize the observation, either pipeline products or HPDP products.

There are two valid values for ‘retrieval_type’: OBSERVATION and STANDALONE. OBSERVATION is the one used commonly to download data from the archive and STANDALONE returns a Virtual Observatory product (if any).

For more info on the data products, please check ‘’, “IDA USERS GUIDE” section.

Both query and download methods are designed to be used in coordination. For example, we can query for SWS observations with a certain target associated (not calibration) for the revolution 800 and we can loop on the observations to download the best products (DEFAULT_DATA_SET) in different tar files.

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> table=ISO.query_ida_tap(query="SELECT tdt, revno, aotname, ra, dec  FROM " +
...                               "ida.observations WHERE " +
...                               "revno=800 and aotname like 'S%' and target != ''")
>>> print(table)   
  tdt    revno aotname      ra        dec
                            h         deg
-------- ----- ------- ------------ --------
80002247   800    S07   2.428012666 62.09789
80002014   800    S02   0.901055333 73.08528
80002504   800    S01       2.74033 55.18761
80000828   800    S02  21.035861333 68.15064
80000104   800    S01  16.477365333 41.88163
80000938   800    S01     21.691944 76.37833
80002304   800    S07   2.428013333 62.09789
80002450   800    S01      2.550044 58.03472
>>> for observation in table:
...     ISO.download_data(str(observation['tdt']), retrieval_type="OBSERVATION",
...        product_level="DEFAULT_DATA_SET", filename=str(observation['tdt']), verbose=True)  

3. Getting ISO postcards

This will download the ISO postcard for the observation ‘80001538’ and it will stored in a PNG called ‘postcard.png’.

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> ISO.get_postcard('80001538', filename="postcard")   
Downloading URL to /Users...
Postcard image for observation 80001538

The postcard downloaded in the example above

4. Getting ISO Tables Details through TAP

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> ISO.get_tables()
INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
['hpdp.cam_sato', 'hpdp.cambendo', 'hpdp.chopc2i', 'hpdp.chopc2ii',
 'hpdp.compkon', 'hpdp.evolkon', 'hpdp.extrakon', 'hpdp.kon3p6i',
 'hpdp.kon3p6ii', 'hpdp.konkoly', 'hpdp.lwsasti', 'hpdp.lwsastii',
 'hpdp.misckon', 'hpdp.p32_c200', 'hpdp.p32virgo', 'hpdp.scanskon',
 'hpdp.sloansws', 'hpdp.solarkon', 'hpdp.sws01hrd', 'hpdp.ysokon',
 'tap_config.coord_sys', 'tap_schema.columns', 'tap_schema.key_columns',
 'tap_schema.keys', 'tap_schema.schemas', 'tap_schema.tables', 'ida.aph',
 'ida.cam_expert', 'ida.cam_measurement', 'ida.dqr', 'ida.dqrflags',
 'ida.iasd_line', 'ida.lws_expert', 'ida.lws_extras', 'ida.lws_lsan',
 'ida.lws_measurement', 'ida.obs_pointing', 'ida.observers',
 'ida.pht_expert', 'ida.postcards', 'ida.proposals', 'ida.publication_authors',
 'ida.sws_common', 'ida.sws_expert', 'ida.usredata', 'ida.usredata_files',
 'ida.object_type', 'ida.observations', 'ida.publications',
 'ida.publications_observations', 'ivoa.obscore', 'ivoa.siap', 'ivoa.ssap']

This will show the available tables in ISO TAP service in the ISO Data Archive.

5. Getting columns details of ISO TAP

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> ISO.get_columns('ida.observations')
INFO: Retrieving tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Parsing tables... [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
INFO: Done. [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
['aotname', 'bp_valid', 'cal_flag', 'cam_par_flag', 'caveat', 'cdec',
 'comment', 'cra', 'croll', 'dec', 'default_vo_product', 'display',
 'dist_status', 'ehalind', 'end_time', 'fov', 'hpdp_available',
 'instid', 'instrument_mode', 'num_publications', 'object_type', 'obsid',
 'obsno', 'obsno_char', 'osn', 'ott', 'prodqlty', 'propid', 'qltyver',
 'ra', 'ra_deg', 'revno', 's_region', 's_region_fov', 'speed',
 'start_time', 'target', 'targetno', 'tdt', 'tdt_char', 'type',
 'usredata_available', 'utc_end', 'utc_start', 'wavelengths']

This will show the column details of the table ‘ida.observations’ in ISO TAP service in the ISO Data Archive.

6. Working with ISO VO tables

ISO provides Virtual Observatory compatible products and tables. Three different VO compatible tables are provided:

  • ivoa.obscore: Compatible with the IVOA Obscore data model format

  • ivoa.ssap: Table that provides spectra compatible with VO tools

  • ivoa.siap: Table that provide images compatible with VO tools

All these tables can be queried using the TAP interface and allow geometrical queries.

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
>>> # First we obtain the coordinates of a certain object (M31) in degrees
>>> result_table = Simbad.query_object("M31")
>>> print(result_table)    
MAIN_ID      RA          DEC      ... COO_WAVELENGTH     COO_BIBCODE
          "h:m:s"      "d:m:s"    ...
------- ------------ ------------ ... -------------- -------------------
  M  31 00 42 44.330 +41 16 07.50 ...              I 2006AJ....131.1163S
>>> c = SkyCoord(result_table['RA'], result_table['DEC'], unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg),
...              frame='icrs')
>>> ra = str([0])
>>> dec = str([0])
>>> # Then we use these coordinates to discover spectral data
>>> table = ISO.query_ida_tap(query="SELECT target_name, ra, dec, reference " +
...                                                           "FROM ivoa.ssap WHERE " +
...                               "INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS'," + ra + "," + dec +
...                                                           ",0.08333333333333333)," +
...                               "s_region_fov)=1")
>>> table.pprint_all()    
            target_name                   ra        dec                                         reference
------------------------------------ ------------ -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ISO SWS01 Spectrum Target: M31_BULGE      10.6917 41.26997
ISO LWS01 Spectrum Target: M31_BULGE  10.69170999 41.26998
      ISO LWS01 Spectrum Target: M31 10.684999995 41.26902
     ISO LWS01 Spectrum Target: M31N     10.80459 41.38386

This query displays spectra with a field of view that overlaps with the central point of M31.

Same can be done to discover images M31 images:

>>> # We use again the coordinates to discover image data
>>> table = ISO.query_ida_tap(query="SELECT image_title, ra, dec, access_url " +
...                               "FROM ivoa.siap WHERE " +
...                               "INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS'," + ra + "," + dec +
...                               ",0.08333333333333333)," +
...                               "s_region_fov)=1")
>>> table.pprint_all()
          image_title              ra      dec                                         access_url
                                  deg      deg
------------------------------- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ISO CAM01 Image Target: M31_LW2 10.68375 41.26945
ISO CAM01 Image Target: M31_LW1 10.68375 41.26944
ISO CAM01 Image Target: M31_LW6 10.68375 41.26945
ISO CAM01 Image Target: M31_LW3 10.68375 41.26945

7. Working with ISO VO products

Either by invocation of the URL provided in every row of previous section or using the STANDALONE retrieval level, VO compatible products can be open using python astropy FITS module.

Images can be displayed by using the following code:

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> from import fits
>>> import matplotlib
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
>>> ISO.download_data('80001538', retrieval_type="STANDALONE",
...                   filename="80001538")
>>> f ='80001538.fits')   
Filename: 80001538.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU      75   (32, 32)   float32
>>> image_data = f[0].data  # The image is in the primary extension
>>> f.close()
>>> plt.ion()
>>> plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='Reds')
>>> plt.colorbar()
Dynamic exploration of CAM images in python

And spectra can be displayed by using the following code:

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> import urllib.request
>>> from import fits
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
>>> from specutils import Spectrum1D
>>> # Search for M31 spectra
>>> table=ISO.query_ida_tap(query="SELECT target_name, ra, dec, " +
...                               "axes, units, reference FROM ivoa.ssap " +
...                               "WHERE " +
...                               "INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS',10.68470833,41.26875," +
...                               "0.08333333333333333)," +
...                               "s_region_fov)=1")
>>> table.pprint_all()
            target_name                   ra        dec       axes      units                                          reference
------------------------------------ ------------ -------- --------- ------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ISO SWS01 Spectrum Target: M31_BULGE      10.6917 41.26997 WAVE FLUX        um Jy
ISO LWS01 Spectrum Target: M31_BULGE  10.69170999 41.26998 WAVE FLUX um W/cm^2/um
      ISO LWS01 Spectrum Target: M31 10.684999995 41.26902 WAVE FLUX um W/cm^2/um
     ISO LWS01 Spectrum Target: M31N     10.80459 41.38386 WAVE FLUX um W/cm^2/um
>>> # Download using the ISO astroquery module
>>> ISO.download_data('58002102', retrieval_type="STANDALONE", filename="58002102")  
>>> # Download using the SSAP table URL invocation (both are equivalent)
>>> urllib.request.urlretrieve('' +
...                            'RETRIEVAL_TYPE=STANDALONE&obsno=580020010',
...                            '58002102.fits')   
('58002102.fits', <http.client.HTTPMessage object at 0x11a6a3fd0>)
>>> # Opening the spectral fits file using astropy modules
>>> quantity_support()
<astropy.visualization.units.quantity_support.<locals>.MplQuantityConverter object at 0x11c1a9d60>
>>> f ='58002102.fits')
Filename: 58002102.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
0    PRIMARY      1 PrimaryHDU      37   ()
1                 1 TableHDU        39   958R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
2                 1 TableHDU        39   962R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
3                 1 TableHDU        39   962R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
4                 1 TableHDU        39   961R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
5                 1 TableHDU        39   958R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
6                 1 TableHDU        39   961R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
7                 1 TableHDU        39   959R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
8                 1 TableHDU        39   959R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
9                 1 TableHDU        39   959R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
10                1 TableHDU        39   962R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
11                1 TableHDU        39   963R x 8C   [F8.4, E11.3, E11.3, I2, I2, I2, I2, A42]
>>> # The spectrum is in the first HDU of this file.
>>> specdata = f[1].data
>>> f.close()
>>> lamb = specdata['WAVE']  *
>>> flux = specdata['FLUX']  * u.Unit('W cm-2 um-1')
>>> spec = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=lamb, flux=flux)
>>> plt.ion()
>>> f, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> ax.step(spec.spectral_axis, spec.flux)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x1204e5190>]
Dynamic exploration of ISO spectra in python


If you are repeatedly getting failed queries, or bad/out-of-date results, try clearing your cache:

>>> from astroquery.esa.iso import ISO
>>> ISO.clear_cache()

If this function is unavailable, upgrade your version of astroquery. The clear_cache function was introduced in version 0.4.7.dev8479.


astroquery.esa.iso Package

European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) European Space Agency (ESA)




Configuration parameters for astroquery.esa.iso.