IRSA Queries (astroquery.ipac.irsa)

Getting started

This module can has methods to perform different types of queries on the catalogs present in the IRSA general catalog service. All queries can be performed by calling query_region(), with different keyword arguments. There are 4 different region queries that are supported: Cone, Box, Polygon and All-Sky. All successful queries return the results in a Table. We now look at some examples.

Available catalogs

All region queries require a catalog keyword argument, which is the name of the catalog in the IRSA database, on which the query must be performed. To take a look at all the available catalogs:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> Irsa.list_catalogs()   
{'a1763t2': 'Abell 1763 Source Catalog',
 'a1763t3': 'Abell 1763 MIPS 70 micron Catalog',
 'acs_iphot_sep07': 'COSMOS ACS I-band photometry catalog September 2007',
 'akari_fis': 'Akari/FIS Bright Source Catalogue',
 'akari_irc': 'Akari/IRC Point Source Catalogue',
 'astsight': 'IRAS Minor Planet Survey',
 'xmm_cat_s05': "SWIRE XMM_LSS Region Spring '05 Spitzer Catalog"}

To access the full VOTable of the catalog information, use the full keyword argument.

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> Irsa.list_catalogs(full=True)  
<DALResultsTable length=934>
table_index schema_name             table_name                              description                  ... irsa_access_flag irsa_nrows irsa_odbc_datasource irsa_spatial_idx_name
   int32       object                 object                                   object                    ...      int32         int64           object                object
----------- ----------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ... ---------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------
        303     spitzer              spitzer.m31irac_image                                M31IRAC Images ...               30          4             postgres
        304     spitzer                             mipslg                   MIPS Local Galaxies Catalog ...               30        240              spitzer        SPT_IND_MIPSLG
        305     spitzer             spitzer.mips_lg_images                    MIPS Local Galaxies Images ...               30        606             postgres

Queries over a polygon

Polygon queries can be performed by setting spatial='Polygon'. The search center is optional in this case. One additional parameter that must be set for these queries is polygon. This is a list of coordinate pairs that define a convex polygon. The coordinates may be specified as usual by using the appropriate SkyCoord object. In addition to using a list of SkyCoord objects, one additional convenient means of specifying the coordinates is also available - Coordinates may also be entered as a list of tuples, each tuple containing the ra and dec values in degrees. Each of these options is illustrated below:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> from astropy import coordinates
>>> table = Irsa.query_region("m31", catalog="fp_psc", spatial="Polygon",
... polygon=[coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=10.1, dec=10.1, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),
...          coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=10.0, dec=10.1, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),
...          coordinates.SkyCoord(ra=10.0, dec=10.0, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs')
...         ])
>>> print(table)
    ra        dec     err_maj err_min ... coadd_key coadd        htm20
   deg        deg      arcsec  arcsec ...
---------- ---------- ------- ------- ... --------- ----- -------------------
 10.015839  10.038061    0.09    0.06 ...   1443005    91 4805087709670704640
 10.015696  10.099228    0.10    0.07 ...   1443005    91 4805087709940635648
 10.011170  10.093903    0.23    0.21 ...   1443005    91 4805087710032524288
 10.031016  10.063082    0.19    0.18 ...   1443005    91 4805087710169327616
 10.036776  10.060278    0.11    0.06 ...   1443005    91 4805087710175392768
 10.059964  10.085445    0.23    0.20 ...   1443005    91 4805087710674674176
 10.005549  10.018401    0.16    0.14 ...   1443005    91 4805087784811171840

Another way to specify the polygon is directly as a list of tuples - each tuple is an ra, dec pair expressed in degrees:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> table = Irsa.query_region("m31", catalog="fp_psc", spatial="Polygon",
... polygon = [(10.1, 10.1), (10.0, 10.1), (10.0, 10.0)])  
>>> print(table)
    ra        dec     err_maj err_min ... coadd_key coadd        htm20
   deg        deg      arcsec  arcsec ...
---------- ---------- ------- ------- ... --------- ----- -------------------
 10.015839  10.038061    0.09    0.06 ...   1443005    91 4805087709670704640
 10.015696  10.099228    0.10    0.07 ...   1443005    91 4805087709940635648
 10.011170  10.093903    0.23    0.21 ...   1443005    91 4805087710032524288
 10.031016  10.063082    0.19    0.18 ...   1443005    91 4805087710169327616
 10.036776  10.060278    0.11    0.06 ...   1443005    91 4805087710175392768
 10.059964  10.085445    0.23    0.20 ...   1443005    91 4805087710674674176
 10.005549  10.018401    0.16    0.14 ...   1443005    91 4805087784811171840

Selecting Columns

The IRSA service allows to query either a subset of the default columns for a given table, or additional columns that are not present by default. This can be done by listing all the required columns separated by a comma (,) in a string with the columns argument.

An example where the AllWISE Source Catalog needs to be queried around the star HIP 12 with just the ra, dec and w1mpro columns would be:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> table = Irsa.query_region("HIP 12", catalog="allwise_p3as_psd", spatial="Cone", columns="ra,dec,w1mpro")
>>> print(table)
     ra         dec      w1mpro
    deg         deg       mag
----------- ----------- -------
  0.0407905 -35.9602605   4.837

A list of available columns for each catalog can be found at The “Long Form” button at the top of the column names table must be clicked to access a full list of all available columns.

Direct TAP query to the IRSA server

The query_tap method allows for a rich variety of queries. ADQL queries provided via the query parameter is sent directly to the IRSA TAP server, and the result is returned as a TAPResults object. Its to_table or to_qtable method convert the result to a Table or QTable object.

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> query = ("SELECT TOP 10 ra,dec,j_m,j_msigcom,h_m,h_msigcom,k_m,k_msigcom,ph_qual,cc_flg "
...          "FROM fp_psc WHERE CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS',ra, dec), CIRCLE('ICRS',202.48417,47.23056,0.4))=1")
>>> results = Irsa.query_tap(query=query).to_qtable()  
>>> results
<QTable length=10>
    ra        dec       j_m   j_msigcom ...   k_m   k_msigcom ph_qual cc_flg
   deg        deg       mag      mag    ...   mag      mag
 float64    float64   float32  float32  ... float32  float32   object object
---------- ---------- ------- --------- ... ------- --------- ------- ------
202.900750  46.961285  16.168     0.096 ...  15.180     0.158     ABC    000
202.951614  47.024986  15.773     0.072 ...  15.541     0.234     ABD    000
202.922589  47.024452  14.628     0.032 ...  14.036     0.059     AAA    000
202.911833  47.011093  13.948     0.025 ...  13.318     0.036     AAA    000
202.925932  47.004223  16.461     0.131 ...  17.007       ———     BCU    000
202.515450  46.929302  15.967     0.088 ...  15.077     0.140     AAB    000
202.532240  46.931587  16.575     0.145 ...  15.888       ———     BDU    000
202.607930  46.932255  16.658     0.147 ...  15.430     0.193     BUC    000
202.823902  47.011593  16.555     0.143 ...  16.136       ———     BBU    000
202.809023  46.964558  15.874     0.081 ...  15.322     0.188     AAC    000

Simple image access queries

query_sia provides a way to access IRSA’s Simple Image Access VO service. In the following example we are looking for Spitzer Enhanced Imaging products in the centre of the COSMOS field as an Table.

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> coord = SkyCoord('150.01d 2.2d', frame='icrs')
>>> spitzer_images = Irsa.query_sia(pos=(coord, 1 * u.arcmin), collection='spitzer_seip').to_table()

To list available collections for SIA queries, the list_collections method is provided, and will return a Table:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> Irsa.list_collections()
<Table length=110>

Now open a cutout image for one of the science images. You could either use the the IRSA on-premise data or the cloud version of it using the access_url or cloud_access columns. For more info about fits cutouts, please visit Obtaining subsets from cloud-hosted FITS files.

>>> from import fits
>>> from astropy.nddata import Cutout2D
>>> from astropy.wcs import WCS
>>> science_image = spitzer_images[spitzer_images['dataproduct_subtype'] == 'science'][0]
>>> with['access_url'], use_fsspec=True) as hdul:
...     cutout = Cutout2D(hdul[0].section, position=coord, size=2 * u.arcmin, wcs=WCS(hdul[0].header))

Now plot the cutout.

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.imshow(, cmap='grey')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Other Configurations

By default the maximum number of rows that is fetched is set to 500. However, this option may be changed by changing the astroquery configuration file. To change the setting only for the ongoing python session, you could also do:

>>> from astroquery.ipac.irsa import Irsa
>>> Irsa.ROW_LIMIT = 1000   # 1000 is the new value for row limit here.


astroquery.ipac.irsa Package

IRSA Query Tool

This module contains various methods for querying the IRSA Services.





Configuration parameters for astroquery.ipac.irsa.