.. _astroquery.nasa_ads: **************************************** NASA ADS Queries (`astroquery.nasa_ads`) **************************************** Getting Started =============== This module provides an interface to the online `SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System`_. Only the one-box modern search form is accessible. Note that you need to acquire and provide an API access token. Create and/or sign into your account in the new ADS, then create and copy your API token from your `account settings.`_. Provide your token in the module configuration (example shown below), in the ADS_DEV_KEY environment variable, or store it in a text file at ~/.ads/dev_key Examples ======== Search works by specific identifier ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python .. doctest-skip:: >>> from astroquery import nasa_ads as na # if you don't store your token as an environment variable # or in a file, give it here >>> na.ADS.TOKEN = 'your-token-goes-here' # by default, the top 10 records are returned, sorted in # reverse chronological order. This can be changed # change the number of rows returned >>> na.ADS.NROWS = 20 # change the sort order >>> na.ADS.SORT = 'bibcode desc' # change the fields that are returned (enter as strings in a list) >>> na.ADS.ADS_FIELDS = ['author','title','abstract','pubdate'] # the "^" makes ADS to return only papers where Persson # is first author >>> results = na.ADS.query_simple('^Persson Origin of water around deeply embedded low-mass protostars') >>> results[0].title # to sort after publication date >>> results.sort(['pubdate']) # get the title of the last hit >>> title = results[-1]['title'][0] # printout the authors of the last hit >>> print(results[-1]['author']) Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: astroquery.nasa_ads :no-inheritance-diagram: .. _nasa_ads: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/ .. _SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/ .. _account settings.: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#user/settings/token