
class astroquery.imcce.SkybotClass[source]

Bases: BaseQuery

A class for querying the IMCCE SkyBoT service.

Attributes Summary


URI used in query to service.

Methods Summary

cone_search(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

cone_search_async(coo, rad, epoch[, ...])

This method queries the IMCCE SkyBoT cone search service and produces a QTable object containing all Solar System bodies that might be in the cone defined by the cone center coordinates and epoch provided.

Attributes Documentation


URI used in query to service.


>>> from astroquery.imcce import Skybot
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from astropy.time import Time
>>> field = SkyCoord(1*u.deg, 1*u.deg)
>>> epoch = Time('2019-05-29 21:42', format='iso')
>>> skybot = Skybot()
>>> obj = skybot.cone_search(field, 0.1*u.deg, epoch) 
>>> skybot.uri 

Methods Documentation

Queries the service and returns a table object.

This method queries the IMCCE SkyBoT cone search service and produces a QTable object containing all Solar System bodies that might be in the cone defined by the cone center coordinates and epoch provided.

cooSkyCoord object or tuple

Center coordinates of the search cone in ICRS coordinates. If provided as tuple, the input is excepted as (right ascension in degrees, declination in degrees).

radQuantity object or float

Radius of the search cone. If no units are provided (input as float), degrees are assumed. The maximum search radius is 10 degrees; if this maximum radius is exceeded, it will be clipped and a warning will be provided to the user.

epochTime object, float, or string

Epoch of search process in UT. If provided as float, it is interpreted as Julian Date, if provided as string, it is interpreted as date in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS'.

locationint or str, optional

Location of the observer on Earth as defined in the official list of IAU codes. Default: geocentric location ('500')

position_errorQuantity or float, optional

Maximum positional error for targets to be queried. If no unit is provided, arcseconds are assumed. Maximum positional error is 120 arcseconds, larger values are clipped and warning will be provided to the user. Default: 120 arcseconds

find_planetsboolean, optional

If True, planets will be included in the search. Default: True

find_asteroidsboolean, optional

If True, asteroids will be included in the search. Default: True

find_cometsboolean, optional

If True, comets will be included in the search. Default: True

get_query_payloadboolean, optional

Returns the query payload only and performs no query. Default: False

get_raw_responseboolean, optional

Returns the raw response as provided by the IMCCE server instead of the parsed output. Default: False

cacheboolean, optional

Cache this specfific query so it might be retrieved faster in the future. Default: True

tableA Table object.


The following parameters are queried from the SkyBoT service:

Column Name



Target Number (-1 if none provided, int)


Target Name (str)


Target RA (J2000, deg, float)


Target declination (J2000, deg, float)


Target dynamical/physical type (str)


Target apparent brightness (V-band, mag, float)


Positional uncertainty (arcsec, float)


Angular distance of target from cone center (arcsec, float)


RA rate of motion (arcsec/hr, float)


Declination rate of motion (arcsec/hr, float)


Geocentric distance of target (au, float)


Heliocentric distance of target (au, float)


Solar phase angle (deg, float)


Solar elongation angle (deg, float)


Target equatorial vector x (au, float)


Target equatorial vector y (au, float)


Target equatorial vector z (au, float)


Target velocity vector x (au/d, float)


Target velocity vector y (au/d, float)


Target velocity vector z (au/d, float)


Ephemerides epoch (JD, float)


>>> from astroquery.imcce import Skybot
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astropy.time import Time
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> field = SkyCoord(1*u.deg, 1*u.deg)
>>> epoch = Time('2019-05-29 21:42', format='iso')
>>> Skybot.cone_search(field, 0.1*u.deg, epoch)  
<QTable length=2>
Number    Name           RA         ...      vy          vz       epoch
                        deg         ...    AU / d      AU / d       d
int64     str9        float64       ...   float64     float64    float64
------ --------- ------------------ ... ----------- ----------- ---------
180969 2005 MM39 1.0019566666666666 ...  0.00977568 0.003022634 2458630.0
107804 2001 FV58 1.0765258333333332 ... 0.006551369 0.003846177 2458630.0
cone_search_async(coo, rad, epoch, location='500', position_error=120, find_planets=True, find_asteroids=True, find_comets=True, get_query_payload=False, get_raw_response=False, cache=True)[source]

This method queries the IMCCE SkyBoT cone search service and produces a QTable object containing all Solar System bodies that might be in the cone defined by the cone center coordinates and epoch provided.

cooSkyCoord object or tuple

Center coordinates of the search cone in ICRS coordinates. If provided as tuple, the input is excepted as (right ascension in degrees, declination in degrees).

radQuantity object or float

Radius of the search cone. If no units are provided (input as float), degrees are assumed. The maximum search radius is 10 degrees; if this maximum radius is exceeded, it will be clipped and a warning will be provided to the user.

epochTime object, float, or string

Epoch of search process in UT. If provided as float, it is interpreted as Julian Date, if provided as string, it is interpreted as date in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS'.

locationint or str, optional

Location of the observer on Earth as defined in the official list of IAU codes. Default: geocentric location ('500')

position_errorQuantity or float, optional

Maximum positional error for targets to be queried. If no unit is provided, arcseconds are assumed. Maximum positional error is 120 arcseconds, larger values are clipped and warning will be provided to the user. Default: 120 arcseconds

find_planetsboolean, optional

If True, planets will be included in the search. Default: True

find_asteroidsboolean, optional

If True, asteroids will be included in the search. Default: True

find_cometsboolean, optional

If True, comets will be included in the search. Default: True

get_query_payloadboolean, optional

Returns the query payload only and performs no query. Default: False

get_raw_responseboolean, optional

Returns the raw response as provided by the IMCCE server instead of the parsed output. Default: False

cacheboolean, optional

Cache this specfific query so it might be retrieved faster in the future. Default: True


The following parameters are queried from the SkyBoT service:

Column Name



Target Number (-1 if none provided, int)


Target Name (str)


Target RA (J2000, deg, float)


Target declination (J2000, deg, float)


Target dynamical/physical type (str)


Target apparent brightness (V-band, mag, float)


Positional uncertainty (arcsec, float)


Angular distance of target from cone center (arcsec, float)


RA rate of motion (arcsec/hr, float)


Declination rate of motion (arcsec/hr, float)


Geocentric distance of target (au, float)


Heliocentric distance of target (au, float)


Solar phase angle (deg, float)


Solar elongation angle (deg, float)


Target equatorial vector x (au, float)


Target equatorial vector y (au, float)


Target equatorial vector z (au, float)


Target velocity vector x (au/d, float)


Target velocity vector y (au/d, float)


Target velocity vector z (au/d, float)


Ephemerides epoch (JD, float)


>>> from astroquery.imcce import Skybot
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astropy.time import Time
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> field = SkyCoord(1*u.deg, 1*u.deg)
>>> epoch = Time('2019-05-29 21:42', format='iso')
>>> Skybot.cone_search(field, 0.1*u.deg, epoch)  
<QTable length=2>
Number    Name           RA         ...      vy          vz       epoch
                        deg         ...    AU / d      AU / d       d
int64     str9        float64       ...   float64     float64    float64
------ --------- ------------------ ... ----------- ----------- ---------
180969 2005 MM39 1.0019566666666666 ...  0.00977568 0.003022634 2458630.0
107804 2001 FV58 1.0765258333333332 ... 0.006551369 0.003846177 2458630.0