

class astroquery.irsa.core.Irsa[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astroquery.query.BaseQuery

Attributes Summary

GATOR_LIST_URL str(object=’‘) -> string
IRSA_URL str(object=’‘) -> string
ROW_LIMIT int(x=0) -> int or long
TIMEOUT int(x=0) -> int or long

Methods Summary

list_catalogs(*args, **kwds) Return a dictionary of the catalogs in the IRSA Gator tool.
print_catalogs(*args, **kwds) Display a table of the catalogs in the IRSA Gator tool.
query_region(*args, **kwds) This function can be used to perform either cone, box, polygon or all-sky search in the catalogs hosted by the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA).
query_region_async(*args, **kwds) This function serves the same purpose as query_region(), but returns the raw HTTP response rather than the results in an astropy.table.Table.

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation

static list_catalogs(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Return a dictionary of the catalogs in the IRSA Gator tool.

Returns :

catalogs : dict

A dictionary of catalogs where the key indicates the catalog name to be used in query functions, and the value is the verbose description of the catalog.

static print_catalogs(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Display a table of the catalogs in the IRSA Gator tool.

static query_region(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

This function can be used to perform either cone, box, polygon or all-sky search in the catalogs hosted by the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA).

Parameters :

coordinates : str, astropy.coordinates object

Gives the position of the center of the cone or box if performing a cone or box search. The string can give coordinates in various coordinate systems, or the name of a source that will be resolved on the server (see here for more details). Required if spatial is ‘Cone’ or ‘Box’. Optional if spatial is ‘Polygon’.

catalog : str

The catalog to be used (see the Notes section below).

spatial : str

Type of spatial query: ‘Cone’, ‘Box’, ‘Polygon’, and ‘All-Sky’. If missing then defaults to ‘Cone’.

radius : str or astropy.units.Quantity object, [optional for spatial is ‘Cone’]

The string must be parsable by astropy.coordinates.Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. Defaults to 10 arcsec.

width : str, astropy.units.Quantity object [Required for spatial is ‘Polygon’.]

The string must be parsable by astropy.coordinates.Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used.

polygon : list, [Required for spatial is ‘Polygon’]

A list of (ra, dec) pairs (as tuples), in decimal degrees, outlinining the polygon to search in. It can also be a list of astropy.coordinates object or strings that can be parsed by astropy.coordinates.ICRSCoordinates.

get_query_payload : bool, optional

if set to True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.

verbose : bool, optional.

When set to True displays warnings if the returned VOTable does not conform to the standard. Defaults to False.

Returns :

table : Table

A table containing the results of the query

static query_region_async(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

This function serves the same purpose as query_region(), but returns the raw HTTP response rather than the results in an astropy.table.Table.

Parameters :

coordinates : str, astropy.coordinates object

Gives the position of the center of the cone or box if performing a cone or box search. The string can give coordinates in various coordinate systems, or the name of a source that will be resolved on the server (see here for more details). Required if spatial is ‘Cone’ or ‘Box’. Optional if spatial is ‘Polygon’.

catalog : str

The catalog to be used (see the Notes section below).

spatial : str

Type of spatial query: ‘Cone’, ‘Box’, ‘Polygon’, and ‘All-Sky’. If missing then defaults to ‘Cone’.

radius : str or astropy.units.Quantity object, [optional for spatial is ‘Cone’]

The string must be parsable by astropy.coordinates.Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. Defaults to 10 arcsec.

width : str, astropy.units.Quantity object [Required for spatial is ‘Polygon’.]

The string must be parsable by astropy.coordinates.Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used.

polygon : list, [Required for spatial is ‘Polygon’]

A list of (ra, dec) pairs (as tuples), in decimal degrees, outlinining the polygon to search in. It can also be a list of astropy.coordinates object or strings that can be parsed by astropy.coordinates.ICRSCoordinates.

get_query_payload : bool, optional

if set to True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.

Returns :

response : requests.Response

The HTTP response returned from the service

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