

astroquery.sha.core.query(coord=None, ra=None, dec=None, size=None, naifid=None, pid=None, reqkey=None, dataset=2, verbosity=3)[source] [edit on github]

Query the Spitzer Heritage Archive (SHA).

Four query types are valid to search by position, NAIFID, PID, and ReqKey.

position -> search a region naifid -> NAIF ID, which is a unique number allocated to solar

system objects (e.g. planets, asteroids, comets, spacecraft) by the NAIF at JPL.

pid -> program ID reqkey -> AOR ID: Astronomical Observation Request ID

For a valid query, enter only parameters related to a single query type:
position -> ra, dec, size naifid -> naifid pid -> pid reqkey -> reqkey
Parameters :

coord : astropy.coordinates.builtin_systems

Astropy coordinate object. (query_type = ‘position’)

ra : number

Right ascension in degrees, alternative to using coord. (query_type = ‘position’)

dec : number

Declination in degrees, alternative to using coord. (query_type = ‘position’)

size : number

Region size in degrees. (query_type = ‘position’)

naifid : number

NAIF ID. (query_type = ‘naifid’)

pid : number

Program ID. (query_type = ‘pid’)

reqkey : number

Astronomical Observation Request ID. (query_type = ‘reqkey’)

dataset : number, default 2

Data set. Valid options:

1 -> BCD data 2 -> PBCD data

verbosity : number, default 3

Verbosity level, controls the number of columns to output.

Returns :

table : astropy.table.Table


For column descriptions, metadata, and other information visit the SHA query API_ help page: .. _API:


Position query using an astropy coordinate object: >>> import astropy.coordinates as coord >>> import astropy.units as u >>> pos_t = sha.query(coord=coord.FK5(ra=163.6136, dec=-11.784, ... unit=(,, size=0.5)

Position query with optional ra and dec paramters: >>> pos_t = sha.query(ra=163.6136, dec=-11.784, size=0.5)

NAIFID query: >>> nid_t = sha.query(naifid=2003226)

PID query: >>> pid_t = sha.query(pid=30080)

ReqKey query: >>> rqk_t = sha.query(reqkey=21641216)

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