
Source code for astroquery.lamda.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# TODO rovib in H2O has wrong format for header
import requests
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

__all__ = ['query', 'print_mols']

url = "{0}.dat"
mols = {
    # Atoms
    'C': ['catom'],
    'C+': ['c+', 'c+@uv'],
    'O': ['oatom'],
    # Molecules
    'CO': ['co', '13co', 'c17o', 'c18o', 'co@neufold'],
    'CS': ['cs@xpol', '13cs@xpol', 'c34s@xpol'],
    'HCl': ['hcl', 'hcl@hfs'],
    'OCS': ['ocs@xpol'],
    'SO': ['so'],
    'SO2': ['so2@xpol'],
    'SiO': ['sio', '29sio'],
    'SiS': ['sis@xpol'],
    'SiC2': ['o-sic2'],
    'HCO+': ['hco+@xpol', 'h13co+@xpol', 'hc17o+@xpol', 'hc18o+@xpol',
    'N2H+': ['n2h+@xpol', 'n2h+_hfs'],
    'HCS+': ['hcs+@xpol'],
    'HC3N': ['hc3n'],
    'HCN': ['hcn', 'hcn@xpol', 'hcn@hfs', 'h13cn@xpol', 'hc15n@xpol'],
    'HNC': ['hnc'],
    'C3H2': ['p-c3h2', 'o-c3h2'],
    'H2O': ['ph2o@daniel', 'oh2o@daniel', 'ph2o@rovib', 'oh2o@rovib'],
    'H2CO': ['p-h2co', 'o-h2co'],
    'OH': ['oh', 'oh@hfs'],
    'CH3OH': ['e-ch3oh', 'a-ch3oh'],
    'NH3': ['p-nh3', 'o-nh3'],
    'HDO': ['hdo'],
    'H3O+': ['p-h3o+', 'o-h3o+'],
    'HNCO': ['hnco'],
    'NO': ['no'],
    'CN': ['cn'],
    'CH3CN': ['ch3cn'],
    'O2': ['o2'],
    'HF': ['hf']
query_types = {
    'erg_levels': '!NUMBER OF ENERGY LEVELS',
    'coll_rates': '!COLLISIONS BETWEEN'

[docs]def query(mol, query_type, coll_partner_index=0): """ Query the LAMDA database. Parameters ---------- mol : string Molecule or atom designation. For a list of valid designations see the :meth:``print_mols`` method. query_type : string Query type to execute. Valid options: 'erg_levels' -> Energy Levels 'rad_trans' -> Radiative transitions 'coll_rates' -> Collisional rates coll_partner_index : number, default 0 If collisional rates are queried, set the index of the collisional partner to the order found in the LAMDA datafile. If no index is specified, the first collsional partner is taken. Returns ------- table : astropy.table.Table Examples -------- >>> t = lamda.query(mol='co', query_type='erg_levels') >>> t.pprint() LEVEL ENERGIES(cm^-1) WEIGHT J ----- --------------- ------ --- 2 3.845033413 3.0 1 3 11.534919938 5.0 2 ... ... ... ... """ if query_type not in query_types.keys(): raise ValueError # Send HTTP request to open URL datafile = [s.strip() for s in requests.get(url.format(mol)).iter_lines()] # Parse datafile string list and return a table table = _parse_datafile(datafile, query_type=query_type, coll_partner_index=coll_partner_index) return table
def _parse_datafile(datafile, query_type, coll_partner_index=0): """ Parse datafile according to query type and return a Table instance of the data. Parameters ---------- datafile : np.ndarray Raw data array pulled from LAMDA query_type : string Valid query_type in ['coll_rates', 'rad_trans', 'erg_levels'] coll_partner_index : number, default 0 Collision partner index, order of partner in file Returns ------- table : astropy.table.Table """ query_identifier = query_types[query_type] if query_type == 'coll_rates': i = coll_partner_index else: i = 0 # Select lines that contain the query identifier # np.in1d does not work in np < 1.7 sections = np.argwhere([query_identifier in line for line in datafile]) if len(sections) == 0: raise Exception('Query data not found in file.') start_index = sections[i][0] # Select rows and columns from the raw datafile list data, col_names = _select_data(datafile, start_index, query_type=query_type) # Convert columns with string data types to floats if possible col_dtypes = _check_dtypes(data) table = Table(data, names=col_names, dtypes=col_dtypes) return table def _select_data(data, i, query_type): """ Select only data relevant to a specific query type in the raw data array and pick out column names from context. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Raw data array pulled from LAMDA i : number Row index to start reading from data in query_type : string Valid query_type in ['coll_rates', 'rad_trans', 'erg_levels'] Returns ------- data : np.array Data for query_type col_names : list Column name list """ # LAMDA datafiles have regular formatting, so the index and an "index # offset" are used to retrieve the row data. if query_type == 'erg_levels': num_erg_levels = int(data[i + 1]) col_names = [s.strip() for s in data[i + 2][1:].split('+')] erg_levels = [data[i + 3 + j].split() for j in xrange(0, num_erg_levels)] return np.array(erg_levels), col_names elif query_type == 'rad_trans': num_trans = int(data[i + 1]) col_names = [s.strip() for s in data[i + 2][1:].split('+')] rad_trans = [data[i + 3 + j].split() for j in xrange(0, num_trans)] return np.array(rad_trans), col_names elif query_type == 'coll_rates': num_coll_trans = int(data[i + 3]) coll_temps = data[i + 7].split() coll_trans = [data[i + 9 + j].split() for j in xrange(0, num_coll_trans)] col_names = ['TRANS', 'UP', 'LOW'] + coll_temps return np.array(coll_trans), col_names else: raise ValueError('Unknown query type.') def _check_dtypes(data): """ Check the data types of each column. If a column cannot be converted to a float, a string is used as a fall-back. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Returns ------- dtypes : list List of a dtypes for each column in data """ dtypes = [] for i in xrange(data.shape[1]): try: data[:,i].astype('float') dtypes.append('<f8') except ValueError: dtypes.append('|S14') return dtypes if __name__ == "__main__": pass

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