
LAMDA Queries (astroquery.lamda)

Getting started

The Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database (LAMDA_) stores information for energy levels, radiative transitions, and collisional rates for many astrophysically relevant atoms and molecules. To print the list of available molecules for query, use: .. _LAMDA:

>>> from astroquery import lamda
>>> lamda.print_mols()

A query type must be specified among 'erg_levels' for energy levels, 'rad_trans' for radiative transitions, or 'coll_rates' for collisional rates. Example queries are show below:

>>> erg_t = lamda.query(mol='co', query_type='erg_levels')
>>> rdt_t = lamda.query(mol='co', query_type='rad_trans')
>>> clr_t = lamda.query(mol='co', query_type='coll_rates')

Catalogs are returned as astropy.table.Table instances. Often molecules have collisional rates calculate for more than one collisional partner, specify the order of the partner in the datafile using the coll_partner_index parameter:

>>> clr_t0 = lamda.query(mol='co', query_type='coll_rates', coll_partner_index=0)
>>> clr_t1 = lamda.query(mol='co', query_type='coll_rates', coll_partner_index=1)


astroquery.lamda Module

LAMDA Query Tool

Author:Brian Svoboda (

This packaged is for querying the Leiden Atomic and Molecular Database (LAMDA) hosted at:

If you use the data files from LAMDA in your research work please refer to the publication by Schoier, F.L., van der Tak, F.F.S., van Dishoeck E.F., Black, J.H. 2005, A&A 432, 369-379. When individual molecules are considered, references to the original papers providing the spectroscopic and collisional data are encouraged.


print_mols() Print molecule names available for query.
query(mol, query_type[, coll_partner_index]) Query the LAMDA database.