Source code for astroquery.mast.cutouts

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

MAST Tesscut

Cutout queries on TESS FFIs.


import warnings
import time
import json
import zipfile
import os

from io import BytesIO

import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Angle

from astropy.table import Table
from import fits

from ..exceptions import InputWarning, NoResultsWarning, InvalidQueryError

from .utils import parse_input_location
from .core import MastQueryWithLogin

__all__ = ["TesscutClass", "Tesscut", "ZcutClass", "Zcut"]

def _parse_cutout_size(size):
    Take a user input cutout size and parse it into the regular format
    [ny,nx] where nx/ny are quantities with units either pixels or degrees.

    size : int, array-like, `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The size of the cutout array. If ``size`` is a scalar number or
        a scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of ``size``
        will be created.  If ``size`` has two elements, they should be in
        ``(ny, nx)`` order.  Scalar numbers in ``size`` are assumed to be in
        units of pixels. `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or
        angular units.

    response : array
        Size array in the form [ny, nx] where nx/ny are quantities with units
        either pixels or degrees.

    # Making size into an array [ny, nx]
    if np.isscalar(size):
        size = np.repeat(size, 2)

    if isinstance(size, u.Quantity):
        size = np.atleast_1d(size)
        if len(size) == 1:
            size = np.repeat(size, 2)

    if len(size) > 2:
        warnings.warn("Too many dimensions in cutout size, only the first two will be used.",

    # Getting x and y out of the size
    if np.isscalar(size[0]):
        x = size[1]
        y = size[0]
        units = "px"
    elif size[0].unit == u.pixel:
        x = size[1].value
        y = size[0].value
        units = "px"
    elif size[0].unit.physical_type == 'angle':
        x = size[1].to(u.deg).value
        y = size[0].to(u.deg).value
        units = "d"
        raise InvalidQueryError("Cutout size must be in pixels or angular quantity.")

    return {"x": x, "y": y, "units": units}

[docs] class TesscutClass(MastQueryWithLogin): """ MAST TESS FFI cutout query class. Class for accessing TESS full-frame image cutouts. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() services = {"sector": {"path": "sector"}, "astrocut": {"path": "astrocut"}, "mt_sector": {"path": "moving_target/sector"}, "mt_astrocut": {"path": "moving_target/astrocut"} } self._service_api_connection.set_service_params(services, "tesscut")
[docs] def get_sectors(self, *, coordinates=None, radius=0*u.deg, product='SPOC', objectname=None, moving_target=False, mt_type=None): """ Get a list of the TESS data sectors whose footprints intersect with the given search area. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object, optional The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. NOTE: If moving_target or objectname is supplied, this argument cannot be used. radius : str, float, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional Default 0 degrees. If supplied as a float degrees is the assumed unit. The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored. product : str Default is 'SPOC'. The product whose sectors will be returned. Options are: 'SPOC' or 'TICA', for the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) products, and the TESS Image CAlibration (TICA) high-level science products, respectively. TICA products will usually be available for the latest sectors sooner than their SPOC counterparts, but are not available for sectors 1-26. NOTE: TICA is currently not available for moving targets. objectname : str, optional The target around which to search, by name (objectname="M104") or TIC ID (objectname="TIC 141914082"). If moving_target is True, input must be the name or ID (as understood by the `JPL ephemerides service <>`__) of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet. NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used. moving_target : bool, optional Indicate whether the object is a moving target or not. Default is set to False, in other words, not a moving target. NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used. mt_type : str, optional The moving target type, valid inputs are majorbody and smallbody. If not supplied first majorbody is tried and then smallbody if a matching majorbody is not found. NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored. Returns ------- response : `~astropy.table.Table` Sector/camera/chip information for given coordinates/objectname/moving_target. """ if moving_target: # The Moving Targets service is currently only available for SPOC if product.upper() != "SPOC": raise InvalidQueryError("Only SPOC is available for moving targets queries.") # Check that objectname has been passed in and coordinates # is not if coordinates: raise InvalidQueryError("Only one of moving_target and coordinates may be specified. " "Please remove coordinates if using moving_target and objectname.") if not objectname: raise InvalidQueryError("Please specify the object name or ID (as understood by the " "`JPL ephemerides service <>`__) " "of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet.") params = {"product": product.upper(), "obj_id": objectname} # Add optional parameter is present if mt_type: params["obj_type"] = mt_type response = self._service_api_connection.service_request_async("mt_sector", params) else: # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates, objectname) # If radius is just a number we assume degrees radius = Angle(radius, u.deg) # Making sure input product is either SPOC or TICA if product.upper() not in ['TICA', 'SPOC']: raise InvalidQueryError("Input product must either be SPOC or TICA.") params = {"ra": coordinates.ra.deg, "dec": coordinates.dec.deg, "radius": radius.deg, "product": product.upper()} response = self._service_api_connection.service_request_async("sector", params) # Raise any errors response.raise_for_status() sector_json = response.json()['results'] sector_dict = {'sectorName': [], 'sector': [], 'camera': [], 'ccd': []} for entry in sector_json: sector_dict['sectorName'].append(entry['sectorName']) sector_dict['sector'].append(int(entry['sector'])) sector_dict['camera'].append(int(entry['camera'])) sector_dict['ccd'].append(int(entry['ccd'])) if not len(sector_json): warnings.warn("Coordinates are not in any TESS sector.", NoResultsWarning) return Table(sector_dict)
[docs] def download_cutouts(self, *, coordinates=None, size=5, sector=None, product='SPOC', path=".", inflate=True, objectname=None, moving_target=False, mt_type=None, verbose=False): """ Download cutout target pixel file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object, optional The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. NOTE: If moving_target or objectname is supplied, this argument cannot be used. size : int, array-like, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If ``size`` is a scalar number or a scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of ``size`` will be created. If ``size`` has two elements, they should be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Scalar numbers in ``size`` are assumed to be in units of pixels. `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or angular units. sector : int Optional. The TESS sector to return the cutout from. If not supplied, cutouts from all available sectors on which the coordinate appears will be returned. product : str Default is 'SPOC'. The product that the cutouts will be made out of. Options are: 'SPOC' or 'TICA', for the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) products, and the TESS Image CAlibration (TICA) high-level science products, respectively. TICA products will usually be available for the latest sectors sooner than their SPOC counterparts, but are not available for sectors 1-26. NOTE: TICA is currently not available for moving targets. path : str Optional. The directory in which the cutouts will be saved. Defaults to current directory. inflate : bool Optional, default True. Cutout target pixel files are returned from the server in a zip file, by default they will be inflated and the zip will be removed. Set inflate to false to stop before the inflate step. objectname : str, optional The target around which to search, by name (objectname="M104") or TIC ID (objectname="TIC 141914082"). If moving_target is True, input must be the name or ID (as understood by the `JPL ephemerides service <>`__) of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet. NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used. moving_target : str, optional Indicate whether the object is a moving target or not. Default is set to False, in other words, not a moving target. NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used. mt_type : str, optional The moving target type, valid inputs are majorbody and smallbody. If not supplied first majorbody is tried and then smallbody if a matching majorbody is not found. NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored. Returns ------- response : `~astropy.table.Table` """ if moving_target: # The Moving Targets service is currently only available for SPOC if product.upper() != "SPOC": raise InvalidQueryError("Only SPOC is available for moving targets queries.") # Check that objectname has been passed in and coordinates # is not if coordinates: raise InvalidQueryError("Only one of moving_target and coordinates may be specified. " "Please remove coordinates if using moving_target and objectname.") if not objectname: raise InvalidQueryError("Please specify the object name or ID (as understood by the " "`JPL ephemerides service <>`__) " "of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet.") astrocut_request = f"moving_target/astrocut?obj_id={objectname}&product={product.upper()}" if mt_type: astrocut_request += f"&obj_type={mt_type}" else: # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates, objectname) astrocut_request = f"astrocut?ra={coordinates.ra.deg}&dec={coordinates.dec.deg}" # Adding the arguments that are common between moving/still astrocut requests size_dict = _parse_cutout_size(size) astrocut_request += f"&y={size_dict['y']}&x={size_dict['x']}&units={size_dict['units']}" # Making sure input product is either SPOC or TICA, # and adding the argument to the request URL if product.upper() not in ['TICA', 'SPOC']: raise InvalidQueryError("Input product must either be SPOC or TICA.") astrocut_request += f"&product={product.upper()}" if sector: astrocut_request += "&sector={}".format(sector) astrocut_url = self._service_api_connection.REQUEST_URL + astrocut_request path = os.path.join(path, '') zipfile_path = "{}tesscut_{}.zip".format(path, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) self._download_file(astrocut_url, zipfile_path) localpath_table = Table(names=["Local Path"], dtype=[str]) # Checking if we got a zip file or a json no results message if not zipfile.is_zipfile(zipfile_path): with open(zipfile_path, 'r') as FLE: response = json.load(FLE) warnings.warn(response['msg'], NoResultsWarning) return localpath_table if not inflate: # not unzipping localpath_table['Local Path'] = [zipfile_path] return localpath_table if verbose: print("Inflating...") # unzipping the zipfile zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path, 'r') cutout_files = zip_ref.namelist() zip_ref.extractall(path, members=cutout_files) zip_ref.close() os.remove(zipfile_path) localpath_table['Local Path'] = [path+x for x in cutout_files] return localpath_table
[docs] def get_cutouts(self, *, coordinates=None, size=5, product='SPOC', sector=None, objectname=None, moving_target=False, mt_type=None): """ Get cutout target pixel file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size, and return them as a list of `` objects. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object, optional The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. NOTE: If moving_target or objectname is supplied, this argument cannot be used. size : int, array-like, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If ``size`` is a scalar number or a scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of ``size`` will be created. If ``size`` has two elements, they should be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Scalar numbers in ``size`` are assumed to be in units of pixels. `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or angular units. product : str Default is 'SPOC'. The product that the cutouts will be made out of. Options are: 'SPOC' or 'TICA', for the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) products, and the TESS Image CAlibration (TICA) high-level science products, respectively. TICA products will usually be available for the latest sectors sooner than their SPOC counterparts, but are not available for sectors 1-26. NOTE: TICA is currently not available for moving targets. sector : int Optional. The TESS sector to return the cutout from. If not supplied, cutouts from all available sectors on which the coordinate appears will be returned. objectname : str, optional The target around which to search, by name (objectname="M104") or TIC ID (objectname="TIC 141914082"). If moving_target is True, input must be the name or ID (as understood by the `JPL ephemerides service <>`__) of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet. NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used. moving_target : str, optional Indicate whether the object is a moving target or not. Default is set to False, in other words, not a moving target. NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used. mt_type : str, optional The moving target type, valid inputs are majorbody and smallbody. If not supplied first majorbody is tried and then smallbody if a matching majorbody is not found. NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored. Returns ------- response : A list of `` objects. """ # Setting up the cutout size param_dict = _parse_cutout_size(size) # Add sector if present if sector: param_dict["sector"] = sector if moving_target: # The Moving Targets service is currently only available for SPOC if product.upper() != "SPOC": raise InvalidQueryError("Only SPOC is available for moving targets queries.") param_dict['product'] = product.upper() # Check that objectname has been passed in and coordinates # is not if coordinates: raise InvalidQueryError("Only one of moving_target and coordinates may be specified. " "Please remove coordinates if using moving_target and objectname.") if not objectname: raise InvalidQueryError("Please specify the object name or ID (as understood by the " "`JPL ephemerides service <>`__) " "of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet.") param_dict["obj_id"] = objectname # Add optional parameter if present if mt_type: param_dict["obj_type"] = mt_type response = self._service_api_connection.service_request_async("mt_astrocut", param_dict) else: # Making sure input product is either SPOC or TICA, then add the `product` param if product.upper() not in ['TICA', 'SPOC']: raise InvalidQueryError("Input product must either be SPOC or TICA.") param_dict['product'] = product.upper() # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates, objectname) param_dict["ra"] = coordinates.ra.deg param_dict["dec"] = coordinates.dec.deg response = self._service_api_connection.service_request_async("astrocut", param_dict) response.raise_for_status() # Raise any errors try: ZIPFILE = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content), 'r') except zipfile.BadZipFile: message = response.json() warnings.warn(message['msg'], NoResultsWarning) return [] # Open all the contained fits files: # Since we cannot seek on a compressed zip file, # we have to read the data, wrap it in another BytesIO object, # and then open that using cutout_hdus_list = [] for name in ZIPFILE.namelist(): CUTOUT = BytesIO( cutout_hdus_list.append( # preserve the original filename in the fits object cutout_hdus_list[-1].filename = name return cutout_hdus_list
Tesscut = TesscutClass()
[docs] class ZcutClass(MastQueryWithLogin): """ MAST ZCUT cutout query class. Class for accessing deep field full-frame image cutouts. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.accepted_img_params = ['stretch', 'minmax_percent', 'minmax_value', 'invert'] services = {"survey": {"path": "survey"}, "astrocut": {"path": "astrocut"}} self._service_api_connection.set_service_params(services, "zcut")
[docs] def get_surveys(self, coordinates, *, radius="0d"): """ Gives a list of deep field surveys available for a position in the sky Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. radius : str, float, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional Default 0 degrees. If supplied as a float, degrees is the assumed unit. The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. Returns ------- response : list List of available deep field surveys at the given coordinates. """ # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates) radius = Angle(radius, u.deg) params = {"ra": coordinates.ra.deg, "dec": coordinates.dec.deg, "radius": radius.deg} response = self._service_api_connection.service_request_async("survey", params) response.raise_for_status() # Raise any errors survey_json = response.json()['surveys'] if not len(survey_json): warnings.warn("Coordinates are not in an available deep field survey.", NoResultsWarning) return survey_json
[docs] def download_cutouts(self, coordinates, *, size=5, survey=None, cutout_format="fits", path=".", inflate=True, verbose=False, **img_params): """ Download cutout FITS/image file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. size : int, array-like, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If ``size`` is a scalar number or a scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of ``size`` will be created. If ``size`` has two elements, they should be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Scalar numbers in ``size`` are assumed to be in units of pixels. `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or angular units. survey : str Optional The survey to restrict the cutout. The survey parameter will restrict to only the matching survey. Default behavior is to return all matched surveys. cutout_format : str Optional The cutout file format. Default is fits, valid options are fits, jpg, png. path : str Optional. The directory in which the cutouts will be saved. Defaults to current directory. inflate : bool Optional, default True. Cutout target pixel files are returned from the server in a zip file, by default they will be inflated and the zip will be removed. Set inflate to false to stop before the inflate step. **img_params : dict Optional, only used if format is jpg or png Valid parameters are stretch, minmax_percent, minmax_value, and invert. These arguments are documented here: The Column Name is the keyword, with the argument being one or more acceptable values for that parameter, except for fields with a float datatype where the argument should be in the form [minVal, maxVal]. Returns ------- response : `~astropy.table.Table` Cutout file(s) for given coordinates """ # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates) size_dict = _parse_cutout_size(size) path = os.path.join(path, '') astrocut_request = "ra={}&dec={}&y={}&x={}&units={}".format(coordinates.ra.deg, coordinates.dec.deg, size_dict["y"], size_dict["x"], size_dict["units"]) if survey: astrocut_request += "&survey={}".format(survey) astrocut_request += "&format={}".format(cutout_format) for key in img_params: if key in self.accepted_img_params: astrocut_request += "&{}={}".format(key, img_params[key]) astrocut_url = self._service_api_connection.REQUEST_URL + "astrocut?" + astrocut_request zipfile_path = "{}zcut_{}.zip".format(path, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) self._download_file(astrocut_url, zipfile_path) localpath_table = Table(names=["Local Path"], dtype=[str]) if not zipfile.is_zipfile(zipfile_path): with open(zipfile_path, 'r') as FLE: response = json.load(FLE) warnings.warn(response['msg'], NoResultsWarning) return localpath_table if not inflate: # not unzipping localpath_table['Local Path'] = [zipfile_path] return localpath_table if verbose: print("Inflating...") # unzipping the zipfile zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path, 'r') cutout_files = zip_ref.namelist() zip_ref.extractall(path, members=cutout_files) zip_ref.close() os.remove(zipfile_path) localpath_table['Local Path'] = [path+x for x in cutout_files] return localpath_table
[docs] def get_cutouts(self, coordinates, *, size=5, survey=None): """ Get cutout FITS file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size, and return them as a list of `` objects. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. One and only one of coordinates and objectname must be supplied. size : int, array-like, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If ``size`` is a scalar number or a scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of ``size`` will be created. If ``size`` has two elements, they should be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Scalar numbers in ``size`` are assumed to be in units of pixels. `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or angular units. survey : str Optional The survey to restrict the cutout. The survey parameter will restrict to only the matching survey. Default behavior is to return all matched surveys. Returns ------- response : A list of `` objects. Cutoutfiles for given coordinates """ # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates) param_dict = _parse_cutout_size(size) param_dict["ra"] = coordinates.ra.deg param_dict["dec"] = coordinates.dec.deg if survey: param_dict["survey"] = survey response = self._service_api_connection.service_request_async("astrocut", param_dict) response.raise_for_status() # Raise any errors try: ZIPFILE = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content), 'r') except zipfile.BadZipFile: message = response.json() warnings.warn(message['msg'], NoResultsWarning) return [] # Open all the contained fits files: # Since we cannot seek on a compressed zip file, # we have to read the data, wrap it in another BytesIO object, # and then open that using cutout_list = [] for name in ZIPFILE.namelist(): CUTOUT = BytesIO( cutout_list.append( # preserve the original filename in the fits object cutout_list[-1].filename = name return cutout_list
Zcut = ZcutClass()
[docs] class HapcutClass(MastQueryWithLogin): """ MAST Hubble Advanced Product (HAP) cutout query class. Class for accessing HAP image cutouts. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() services = {"astrocut": {"path": "astrocut"}} self._service_api_connection.set_service_params(services, "hapcut")
[docs] def download_cutouts(self, coordinates, *, size=5, path=".", inflate=True, verbose=False): """ Download cutout images around the given coordinates with indicated size. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. size : int, array-like, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If ``size`` is a scalar number or a scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of ``size`` will be created. If ``size`` has two elements, they should be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Scalar numbers in ``size`` are assumed to be in units of pixels. `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or angular units. path : str Optional. The directory in which the cutouts will be saved. Defaults to current directory. inflate : bool Optional, default True. Cutout target pixel files are returned from the server in a zip file, by default they will be inflated and the zip will be removed. Set inflate to false to stop before the inflate step. Returns ------- response : `~astropy.table.Table` """ # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates) # Build initial astrocut request astrocut_request = f"astrocut?ra={coordinates.ra.deg}&dec={coordinates.dec.deg}" # Add size parameters to request size_dict = _parse_cutout_size(size) astrocut_request += f"&x={size_dict['x']}&y={size_dict['y']}&units={size_dict['units']}" # Build the URL astrocut_url = self._service_api_connection.REQUEST_URL + astrocut_request # Set up the download path path = os.path.join(path, '') zipfile_path = "{}hapcut_{}.zip".format(path, time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) # Download self._download_file(astrocut_url, zipfile_path) localpath_table = Table(names=["Local Path"], dtype=[str]) # Checking if we got a zip file or a json no results message if not zipfile.is_zipfile(zipfile_path): with open(zipfile_path, 'r') as FLE: response = json.load(FLE) warnings.warn(response['msg'], NoResultsWarning) return localpath_table if not inflate: # not unzipping localpath_table['Local Path'] = [zipfile_path] return localpath_table if verbose: print("Inflating...") # unzipping the zipfile zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path, 'r') cutout_files = zip_ref.namelist() zip_ref.extractall(path, members=cutout_files) zip_ref.close() os.remove(zipfile_path) localpath_table['Local Path'] = [path+x for x in cutout_files] return localpath_table
[docs] def get_cutouts(self, coordinates, *, size=5): """ Get cutout image(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size, and return them as a list of `` objects. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. size : int, array-like, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If ``size`` is a scalar number or a scalar `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then a square cutout of ``size`` will be created. If ``size`` has two elements, they should be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Scalar numbers in ``size`` are assumed to be in units of pixels. `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects must be in pixel or angular units. Returns ------- response : A list of `` objects. """ # Get Skycoord object for coordinates/object coordinates = parse_input_location(coordinates) param_dict = _parse_cutout_size(size) # Need to convert integers from numpy dtypes # so we can convert the dictionary into a JSON object # in service_request_async(...) param_dict["x"] = float(param_dict["x"]) param_dict["y"] = float(param_dict["y"]) # Adding RA and DEC to parameters dictionary param_dict["ra"] = coordinates.ra.deg param_dict["dec"] = coordinates.dec.deg response = self._service_api_connection.service_request_async("astrocut", param_dict, use_json=True) response.raise_for_status() # Raise any errors try: ZIPFILE = zipfile.ZipFile(BytesIO(response.content), 'r') except zipfile.BadZipFile: message = response.json() if len(message['results']) == 0: warnings.warn(message['msg'], NoResultsWarning) return [] else: raise # Open all the contained fits files: # Since we cannot seek on a compressed zip file, # we have to read the data, wrap it in another BytesIO object, # and then open that using cutout_hdus_list = [] for name in ZIPFILE.namelist(): CUTOUT = BytesIO( cutout_hdus_list.append( # preserve the original filename in the fits object cutout_hdus_list[-1].filename = name return cutout_hdus_list
Hapcut = HapcutClass()