
class astroquery.mast.TesscutClass[source]

Bases: MastQueryWithLogin

MAST TESS FFI cutout query class.

Class for accessing TESS full-frame image cutouts.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

init a fresh copy of self



Removes all cache files.


download_cutouts(*[, coordinates, size, ...])

Download cutout target pixel file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size.

enable_cloud_dataset([provider, profile, ...])

get_cutouts(*[, coordinates, size, product, ...])

Get cutout target pixel file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size, and return them as a list of HDUList objects.

get_sectors(*[, coordinates, radius, ...])

Get a list of the TESS data sectors whose footprints intersect with the given search area.

login([token, store_token, reenter_token])

Log into the MAST portal.


Log out of current MAST session.


Resets the cache location to the default astropy cache


Resolves an object name to a position on the sky.


Displays information about current MAST user, and returns user info dictionary.

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

init a fresh copy of self


Removes all cache files.


Deprecated since version v0.4.8: This function is non-operational and will be removed in a future release.

Disables downloading public files from S3 instead of MAST.

download_cutouts(*, coordinates=None, size=5, sector=None, product='SPOC', path='.', inflate=True, objectname=None, moving_target=False, mt_type=None, verbose=False)[source]

Download cutout target pixel file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object, optional

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object.

NOTE: If moving_target or objectname is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

sizeint, array-like, Quantity

Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If size is a scalar number or a scalar Quantity, then a square cutout of size will be created. If size has two elements, they should be in (ny, nx) order. Scalar numbers in size are assumed to be in units of pixels. Quantity objects must be in pixel or angular units.


Optional. The TESS sector to return the cutout from. If not supplied, cutouts from all available sectors on which the coordinate appears will be returned.


Default is ‘SPOC’. The product that the cutouts will be made out of. Options are: ‘SPOC’ or ‘TICA’, for the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) products, and the TESS Image CAlibration (TICA) high-level science products, respectively. TICA products will usually be available for the latest sectors sooner than their SPOC counterparts, but are not available for sectors 1-26.

NOTE: TICA is currently not available for moving targets.


Optional. The directory in which the cutouts will be saved. Defaults to current directory.


Optional, default True. Cutout target pixel files are returned from the server in a zip file, by default they will be inflated and the zip will be removed. Set inflate to false to stop before the inflate step.

objectnamestr, optional

The target around which to search, by name (objectname=”M104”) or TIC ID (objectname=”TIC 141914082”). If moving_target is True, input must be the name or ID (as understood by the JPL ephemerides service) of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet.

NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

moving_targetstr, optional

Indicate whether the object is a moving target or not. Default is set to False, in other words, not a moving target.

NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

mt_typestr, optional

The moving target type, valid inputs are majorbody and smallbody. If not supplied first majorbody is tried and then smallbody if a matching majorbody is not found.

NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored.

enable_cloud_dataset(provider='AWS', profile=None, verbose=True)

Deprecated since version v0.4.8: This function is non-operational and will be removed in a future release.

Enable downloading public files from S3 instead of MAST. Requires the boto3 library to function.


Which cloud data provider to use. We may in the future support multiple providers, though at the moment this argument is ignored.


Profile to use to identify yourself to the cloud provider (usually in ~/.aws/config).


Default True. Logger to display extra info and warning.

get_cutouts(*, coordinates=None, size=5, product='SPOC', sector=None, objectname=None, moving_target=False, mt_type=None)[source]

Get cutout target pixel file(s) around the given coordinates with indicated size, and return them as a list of HDUList objects.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object, optional

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object.

NOTE: If moving_target or objectname is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

sizeint, array-like, Quantity

Optional, default 5 pixels. The size of the cutout array. If size is a scalar number or a scalar Quantity, then a square cutout of size will be created. If size has two elements, they should be in (ny, nx) order. Scalar numbers in size are assumed to be in units of pixels. Quantity objects must be in pixel or angular units.


Default is ‘SPOC’. The product that the cutouts will be made out of. Options are: ‘SPOC’ or ‘TICA’, for the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) products, and the TESS Image CAlibration (TICA) high-level science products, respectively. TICA products will usually be available for the latest sectors sooner than their SPOC counterparts, but are not available for sectors 1-26.

NOTE: TICA is currently not available for moving targets.


Optional. The TESS sector to return the cutout from. If not supplied, cutouts from all available sectors on which the coordinate appears will be returned.

objectnamestr, optional

The target around which to search, by name (objectname=”M104”) or TIC ID (objectname=”TIC 141914082”). If moving_target is True, input must be the name or ID (as understood by the JPL ephemerides service) of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet.

NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

moving_targetstr, optional

Indicate whether the object is a moving target or not. Default is set to False, in other words, not a moving target.

NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

mt_typestr, optional

The moving target type, valid inputs are majorbody and smallbody. If not supplied first majorbody is tried and then smallbody if a matching majorbody is not found.

NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored.

responseA list of HDUList objects.
get_sectors(*, coordinates=None, radius=<Quantity 0. deg>, product='SPOC', objectname=None, moving_target=False, mt_type=None)[source]

Get a list of the TESS data sectors whose footprints intersect with the given search area.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object, optional

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object.

NOTE: If moving_target or objectname is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

radiusstr, float, or Quantity object, optional

Default 0 degrees. If supplied as a float degrees is the assumed unit. The string must be parsable by Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used.

NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored.


Default is ‘SPOC’. The product whose sectors will be returned. Options are: ‘SPOC’ or ‘TICA’, for the Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) products, and the TESS Image CAlibration (TICA) high-level science products, respectively. TICA products will usually be available for the latest sectors sooner than their SPOC counterparts, but are not available for sectors 1-26.

NOTE: TICA is currently not available for moving targets.

objectnamestr, optional

The target around which to search, by name (objectname=”M104”) or TIC ID (objectname=”TIC 141914082”). If moving_target is True, input must be the name or ID (as understood by the JPL ephemerides service) of a moving target such as an asteroid or comet.

NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

moving_targetbool, optional

Indicate whether the object is a moving target or not. Default is set to False, in other words, not a moving target.

NOTE: If coordinates is supplied, this argument cannot be used.

mt_typestr, optional

The moving target type, valid inputs are majorbody and smallbody. If not supplied first majorbody is tried and then smallbody if a matching majorbody is not found.

NOTE: If moving_target is supplied, this argument is ignored.


Sector/camera/chip information for given coordinates/objectname/moving_target.

login(token=None, store_token=False, reenter_token=False)

Log into the MAST portal.

tokenstring, optional

Default is None. The token to authenticate the user. This can be generated at https://ssoportal.stsci.edu/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s1 If not supplied, it will be prompted for if not in the keyring or set via $MAST_API_TOKEN

store_tokenbool, optional

Default False. If true, MAST token will be stored securely in your keyring.

reenter_tokenbool, optional

Default False. Asks for the token even if it is already stored in the keyring or $MAST_API_TOKEN environment variable. This is the way to overwrite an already stored password on the keyring.


Log out of current MAST session.


Resets the cache location to the default astropy cache


Resolves an object name to a position on the sky.


Name of astronomical object to resolve.


The sky position of the given object.


Displays information about current MAST user, and returns user info dictionary.

verbosebool, optional

Default True. Set to False to suppress output to stdout.
