Source code for astroquery.vo_conesearch.vos_catalog

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Common utilities for accessing VO simple services.

.. note::

    Some functions are not used by Astroquery but kept for
    backward-compatibility with ``astropy.vo.client``.

import fnmatch
import json
import os
import re
import socket
import urllib
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

from import parse_single_table, table, tree
from import vo_raise, vo_warn, E19, W24, W25
from astropy.utils.console import color_print
from import get_readable_fileobj
from import conf as data_conf
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from astropy.utils.misc import JsonCustomEncoder
from astropy.utils.xml.unescaper import unescape_all

from .exceptions import (VOSError, MissingCatalog, DuplicateCatalogName,
                         DuplicateCatalogURL, InvalidAccessURL)
from ..utils.url_helpers import urljoin_keep_path

# Import configurable items declared in
from . import conf

__all__ = ['VOSBase', 'VOSCatalog', 'VOSDatabase', 'get_remote_catalog_db',
           'call_vo_service', 'list_catalogs']

__dbversion__ = 1

[docs] class VOSBase: """ Base class for VO catalog and database. Parameters ---------- tree : JSON tree """ def __init__(self, tree): self._tree = tree def __getattr__(self, what): """Expose dictionary attributes.""" return getattr(self._tree, what) def __getitem__(self, what): """Expose dictionary key look-up.""" return self._tree[what] def __setitem__(self, what, value): """Expose dictionary key assignment.""" self._tree[what] = value def __iter__(self): """Expose dictionary iteration.""" return iter(self._tree)
[docs] def dumps(self): """ Dump the contents into a string. Returns ------- s : str Contents as JSON string dump. """ return json.dumps(self._tree, cls=JsonCustomEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
[docs] class VOSCatalog(VOSBase): """ A class to represent VO Service Catalog. Parameters ---------- tree : JSON tree Raises ------ VOSError Missing necessary key(s). """ _compulsory_keys = ('title', 'url') def __init__(self, tree): super().__init__(tree) for key in self._compulsory_keys: if key not in self._tree: raise VOSError('Catalog must have "{0}" key.'.format(key)) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """Show the most important and unique things about a catalog.""" out_str = '\n'.join(['{0}: {1}'.format(key, self._tree[key]) for key in self._compulsory_keys if key in self._tree]) return out_str
[docs] def delete_attribute(self, key): """ Delete given metadata key and its value from the catalog. Parameters ---------- key : str Metadata key to delete. Raises ------ KeyError Key not found. VOSError Key must exist in catalog, therefore cannot be deleted. """ if key in self._compulsory_keys: raise VOSError('{0} must exist in catalog, therefore cannot be ' 'deleted.'.format(key)) del self._tree[key]
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, title, url, **kwargs): """ Create a new VO Service Catalog with user parameters. Parameters ---------- title : str Title of the catalog. url : str Access URL of the service. This is used to build queries. kwargs : dict Additional metadata as keyword-value pairs describing the catalog, except 'title' and 'url'. Returns ------- cat : `VOSCatalog` VO Service Catalog. Raises ------ TypeError Multiple values given for keyword argument. """ tree = {'title': title, 'url': url} tree.update(kwargs) return cls(tree)
[docs] class VOSDatabase(VOSBase): """ A class to represent a collection of :class:`VOSCatalog`. Parameters ---------- tree : JSON tree Raises ------ VOSError If given ``tree`` does not have 'catalogs' key or catalog is invalid. """ def __init__(self, tree): if 'catalogs' not in tree: raise VOSError("Invalid VO service catalog database") super().__init__(tree) self._catalogs = tree['catalogs'] if self.version > __dbversion__: # pragma: no cover vo_warn(W24) # Maps access URL to primary key(s). # URL is the real key, but we chose title because it is more readable # when written out to JSON. self._url_keys = defaultdict(list) for key, cat in self.get_catalogs(): self._url_keys[cat['url']].append(key) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """Show the most important and unique things about a database.""" return '\n'.join(sorted(self._catalogs)) def __len__(self): """Return the number of catalogs in database.""" return len(self._catalogs) @property def version(self): """Database version number.""" return self._tree['__version__']
[docs] def get_catalogs(self): """Iterator to get all catalogs.""" for key, val in self._catalogs.items(): yield key, VOSCatalog(val)
[docs] def get_catalogs_by_url(self, url): """Like :meth:`get_catalogs` but using access URL look-up.""" keys = self._url_keys[url] for key in keys: yield key, VOSCatalog(self._catalogs[key])
[docs] def get_catalog(self, name): """ Get one catalog of given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key identifying the catalog. Returns ------- obj : `VOSCatalog` Raises ------ MissingCatalog If catalog is not found. """ if name not in self._catalogs: raise MissingCatalog("No catalog '{0}' found.".format(name)) return VOSCatalog(self._catalogs[name])
[docs] def get_catalog_by_url(self, url): """ Like :meth:`get_catalog` but using access URL look-up. On multiple matches, only first match is returned. """ keys = self._url_keys[url] if len(keys) < 1: raise MissingCatalog( "No catalog with URL '{0}' found.".format(url)) return VOSCatalog(self._catalogs[keys[0]])
@staticmethod def _match_pattern(all_keys, pattern, sort): """Used by :meth:`list_catalogs` and :meth:`list_catalogs_by_url`.""" if pattern is None or len(all_keys) == 0: out_arr = all_keys else: pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate('*' + pattern + '*'), re.IGNORECASE) out_arr = [s for s in all_keys if pattern.match(s)] if sort: out_arr.sort() return out_arr
[docs] def list_catalogs(self, pattern=None, sort=True): """ List catalog names. Parameters ---------- pattern : str or `None` If given string is anywhere in a catalog name, it is considered a matching catalog. It accepts patterns as in :py:mod:`fnmatch` and is case-insensitive. By default, all catalogs are returned. sort : bool Sort output in alphabetical order. If not sorted, the order depends on dictionary hashing. Default is `True`. Returns ------- out_arr : list of str List of catalog names. """ return self._match_pattern(list(self._catalogs), pattern, sort)
[docs] def list_catalogs_by_url(self, *, pattern=None, sort=True): """Like :meth:`list_catalogs` but using access URL.""" out_arr = self._match_pattern(list(self._url_keys), pattern, sort) # Discard URL that maps to nothing return [a for a in out_arr if len(self._url_keys[a]) > 0]
[docs] def add_catalog(self, name, cat, *, allow_duplicate_url=False): """ Add a catalog to database. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key for the catalog. cat : `VOSCatalog` Catalog to add. allow_duplicate_url : bool Allow catalog with duplicate access URL? Raises ------ VOSError Invalid catalog. DuplicateCatalogName Catalog with given name already exists. DuplicateCatalogURL Catalog with given access URL already exists. """ if not isinstance(cat, VOSCatalog): raise VOSError('{0} is not a VO Service Catalog.'.format(cat)) if name in self._catalogs: raise DuplicateCatalogName('{0} already exists.'.format(name)) url = cat['url'] names = self._url_keys[url] if len(names) > 0 and not allow_duplicate_url: raise DuplicateCatalogURL( '{0} already exists: {1}'.format(url, names)) self._catalogs[name] = deepcopy(cat._tree) self._url_keys[url].append(name)
[docs] def add_catalog_by_url(self, name, url, **kwargs): """ Like :meth:`add_catalog` but the catalog is created with only the given name and access URL. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key for the catalog. url : str Access URL of the service. This is used to build queries. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :meth:`add_catalog`. """ self.add_catalog(name, VOSCatalog.create(name, url), **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_catalog(self, name): """ Delete a catalog from database with given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Primary key identifying the catalog. Raises ------ MissingCatalog If catalog is not found. """ if name not in self._catalogs: raise MissingCatalog('{0} not found.'.format(name)) self._url_keys[self._catalogs[name]['url']].remove(name) del self._catalogs[name]
[docs] def delete_catalog_by_url(self, url): """ Like :meth:`delete_catalog` but using access URL. On multiple matches, all matches are deleted. """ keys = sorted(self._url_keys[url]) # Makes a copy of list if len(keys) < 1: raise MissingCatalog('{0} not found.'.format(url)) for key in keys: self.delete_catalog(key)
[docs] def merge(self, other, **kwargs): """ Merge two database together. Parameters ---------- other : `VOSDatabase` The other database to merge. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :meth:`add_catalog`. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Merged database. Raises ------ VOSError Invalid database or incompatible version. """ if not isinstance(other, VOSDatabase): raise VOSError('{0} is not a VO database.'.format(other)) if other.version != self.version: raise VOSError('Incompatible database version: {0}, ' '{1}'.format(self.version, other.version)) db = VOSDatabase.create_empty() for old_db in (self, other): for key, cat in old_db.get_catalogs(): db.add_catalog(key, cat, **kwargs) return db
[docs] def to_json(self, filename, *, overwrite=False): """ Write database content to a JSON file. Parameters ---------- filename : str JSON file. overwrite : bool If `True`, overwrite the output file if it exists. Raises ------ OSError If the file exists and ``overwrite`` is `False`. """ if os.path.exists(filename) and not overwrite: raise OSError('{0} exists.'.format(filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as fd: fd.write(self.dumps())
[docs] @classmethod def create_empty(cls): """ Create an empty database of VO services. Empty database format:: { "__version__": 1, "catalogs" : { } } Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Empty database. """ return cls({'__version__': __dbversion__, 'catalogs': {}})
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, filename, **kwargs): """ Create a database of VO services from a JSON file. Example JSON format for Cone Search:: { "__version__": 1, "catalogs" : { "My Cone Search": { "capabilityClass": "ConeSearch", "title": "My Cone Search", "url": "http://foo/cgi-bin/search?CAT=bar&", ... }, "Another Cone Search": { ... } } } Parameters ---------- filename : str JSON file. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:``. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Database from given file. """ with get_readable_fileobj(filename, **kwargs) as fd: tree = json.load(fd) return cls(tree)
[docs] @classmethod def from_registry(cls, registry_url, *, timeout=60, **kwargs): """ Create a database of VO services from VO registry URL. This is described in detail in :ref:`vo-sec-validator-build-db`, except for the ``validate_xxx`` keys that are added by the validator itself. Parameters ---------- registry_url : str URL of VO registry that returns a VO Table. For example, see ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.validator.conf.cs_mstr_list``. Pedantic is automatically set to `False` for parsing. timeout : number Temporarily set ```` to this value to avoid time out error while reading the entire registry. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:``. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` Database from given registry. Raises ------ VOSError Invalid VO registry. """ # Download registry as VO table with data_conf.set_temp('remote_timeout', timeout): with get_readable_fileobj(registry_url, **kwargs) as fd: tab_all = parse_single_table(fd, verify='warn') # Registry must have these fields compulsory_fields = ['res_title', 'access_url'] cat_fields = tab_all.array.dtype.names for field in compulsory_fields: if field not in cat_fields: # pragma: no cover raise VOSError('"{0}" is missing from registry.'.format(field)) title_counter = defaultdict(int) title_fmt = '{0} {1}' db = cls.create_empty() # Each row in the table becomes a catalog for arr in cur_cat = {} cur_key = '' # Process each field and build the catalog. # Catalog is completely built before being thrown out # because codes need less changes should we decide to # allow duplicate URLs in the future. for field in cat_fields: # For primary key, a number needs to be appended to the title # because registry can have multiple entries with the same # title but different URLs. if field == 'res_title': cur_title = arr['res_title'] title_counter[cur_title] += 1 # Starts with 1 cur_key = title_fmt.format(cur_title, title_counter[cur_title]) # Special handling of title and access URL, # otherwise no change. if field == 'access_url': s = unescape_all(arr['access_url']) cur_cat['url'] = s elif field == 'res_title': cur_cat['title'] = arr[field] else: cur_cat[field] = arr[field] # New field to track duplicate access URLs. cur_cat['duplicatesIgnored'] = 0 # Add catalog to database, unless duplicate access URL exists. # In that case, the entry is thrown out and the associated # counter is updated. dup_keys = db._url_keys[cur_cat['url']] if len(dup_keys) < 1: db.add_catalog( cur_key, VOSCatalog(cur_cat), allow_duplicate_url=False) else: db._catalogs[dup_keys[0]]['duplicatesIgnored'] += 1 warnings.warn( '{0} is thrown out because it has same access URL as ' '{1}.'.format(cur_key, dup_keys[0]), AstropyUserWarning) return db
[docs] def get_remote_catalog_db(dbname, *, cache=True, verbose=True): """ Get a database of VO services (which is a JSON file) from a remote location. Parameters ---------- dbname : str Prefix of JSON file to download from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``. cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. verbose : bool Show download progress bars. Returns ------- db : `VOSDatabase` A database of VO services. """ return VOSDatabase.from_json( urljoin_keep_path(conf.vos_baseurl, dbname + '.json'), encoding='utf8', cache=cache, show_progress=verbose)
def _get_catalogs(service_type, catalog_db, **kwargs): """ Expand ``catalog_db`` to a list of catalogs. Parameters ---------- service_type, catalog_db See :func:`call_vo_service`. kwargs : dict Keywords accepted by :func:`get_remote_catalog_db`. Returns ------- catalogs : list of tuple List of catalogs in the form of ``(key, VOSCatalog)``. Raises ------ VOSError Invalid ``catalog_db``. """ if catalog_db is None: catalog_db = get_remote_catalog_db(service_type, **kwargs) catalogs = catalog_db.get_catalogs() elif isinstance(catalog_db, VOSDatabase): catalogs = catalog_db.get_catalogs() elif isinstance(catalog_db, (VOSCatalog, str)): catalogs = [(None, catalog_db)] elif isinstance(catalog_db, list): for x in catalog_db: assert (isinstance(x, (VOSCatalog, str)) and not isinstance(x, VOSDatabase)) catalogs = [(None, x) for x in catalog_db] else: # pragma: no cover raise VOSError('catalog_db must be a catalog database, ' 'a list of catalogs, or a catalog') return catalogs def _vo_service_request(url, pedantic, kwargs, *, cache=True, verbose=False): """ This is called by :func:`call_vo_service`. Raises ------ InvalidAccessURL Invalid access URL. """ if len(kwargs) and not url.endswith(('?', '&')): raise InvalidAccessURL("url should already end with '?' or '&'") query = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): query.append('{0}={1}'.format( urllib.parse.quote(key), urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(value)))) parsed_url = url + '&'.join(query) with get_readable_fileobj(parsed_url, encoding='binary', cache=cache, show_progress=verbose) as req: pedantic = 'exception' if pedantic else 'warn' tab = table.parse(req, filename=parsed_url, verify=pedantic) return vo_tab_parse(tab, url, kwargs) def vo_tab_parse(tab, url, kwargs): """ In case of errors from the server, a complete and correct 'stub' VOTable file may still be returned. This is to detect that case. Parameters ---------- tab : `` url : str URL used to obtain ``tab``. kwargs : dict Keywords used to obtain ``tab``, if any. Returns ------- out_tab : `` Raises ------ IndexError Table iterator fails. VOSError Server returns error message or invalid table. """ for param in tab.iter_fields_and_params(): if param.ID is not None and param.ID.lower() == 'error': if isinstance(param, tree.Param): e = param.value else: # pragma: no cover e = '' raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned error '{1}'".format( url, e)) for info in tab.infos: if is not None and == 'error': raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned error '{1}'".format( url, info.value)) if tab.resources == []: # pragma: no cover vo_raise(E19) for info in tab.resources[0].infos: if (( == 'QUERY_STATUS' and info.value != 'OK') or ( is not None and == 'error')): if info.content is not None: # pragma: no cover long_descr = ':\n{0}'.format(info.content) else: long_descr = '' raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned status " "'{1}'{2}".format(url, info.value, long_descr)) out_tab = tab.get_first_table() kw_sr = [k for k in kwargs if 'sr' == k.lower()] if len(kw_sr) == 0: sr = 0 else: sr = kwargs.get(kw_sr[0]) if sr != 0 and out_tab.array.size <= 0: raise VOSError("Catalog server '{0}' returned {1} result".format( url, out_tab.array.size)) out_tab.url = url # Track the URL return out_tab
[docs] def call_vo_service(service_type, catalog_db=None, pedantic=None, verbose=True, cache=True, kwargs={}): """ Makes a generic VO service call. Parameters ---------- service_type : str Name of the type of service, e.g., 'conesearch_good'. Used in error messages and to select a catalog database if ``catalog_db`` is not provided. catalog_db May be one of the following, in order from easiest to use to most control: - `None`: A database of ``service_type`` catalogs is downloaded from ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl``. The first catalog in the database to successfully return a result is used. - *catalog name*: A name in the database of ``service_type`` catalogs at ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.vos_baseurl`` is used. For a list of acceptable names, use :func:`list_catalogs`. - *url*: The prefix of a URL to a IVOA Service for ``service_type``. Must end in either '?' or '&'. - :class:`VOSCatalog` object: A specific catalog manually downloaded and selected from the database (see :ref:`vo-sec-client-vos`). - Any of the above 3 options combined in a list, in which case they are tried in order. pedantic : bool or `None` When `True`, raise an error when the file violates the spec, otherwise issue a warning. Warnings may be controlled using :py:mod:`warnings` module. When not provided, uses the configuration setting ``astroquery.vo_conesearch.conf.pedantic``, which defaults to `False`. verbose : bool Verbose output. cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. kwargs : dictionary Keyword arguments to pass to the catalog service. No checking is done that the arguments are accepted by the service, etc. Returns ------- obj : `` First table from first successful VO service request. Raises ------ VOSError If VO service request fails. """ n_timed_out = 0 catalogs = _get_catalogs(service_type, catalog_db, cache=cache, verbose=verbose) if pedantic is None: # pragma: no cover pedantic = conf.pedantic for name, catalog in catalogs: if isinstance(catalog, str): if catalog.startswith('http'): url = catalog else: remote_db = get_remote_catalog_db(service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose) catalog = remote_db.get_catalog(catalog) url = catalog['url'] else: url = catalog['url'] if verbose: # pragma: no cover color_print('Trying {0}'.format(url), 'green') try: return _vo_service_request(url, pedantic, kwargs, cache=cache, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: vo_warn(W25, (url, str(e))) if hasattr(e, 'reason') and isinstance(e.reason, socket.timeout): n_timed_out += 1 err_msg = 'None of the available catalogs returned valid results.' if n_timed_out > 0: err_msg += ' ({0} URL(s) timed out.)'.format(n_timed_out) raise VOSError(err_msg)
[docs] def list_catalogs(service_type, cache=True, verbose=True, **kwargs): """List the catalogs available for the given service type. Parameters ---------- service_type : str Name of the type of service, e.g., 'conesearch_good'. cache : bool Use caching for VO Service database. Access to actual VO websites referenced by the database still needs internet connection. verbose : bool Show download progress bars. pattern : str or `None` If given string is anywhere in a catalog name, it is considered a matching catalog. It accepts patterns as in :py:mod:`fnmatch` and is case-insensitive. By default, all catalogs are returned. sort : bool Sort output in alphabetical order. If not sorted, the order depends on dictionary hashing. Default is `True`. Returns ------- arr : list of str List of catalog names. """ return get_remote_catalog_db(service_type, cache=cache, verbose=verbose).list_catalogs(**kwargs)