Source code for astroquery.wfau.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import warnings
import re
import time
from math import cos, radians
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from io import BytesIO, StringIO

import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import as votable

from ..query import QueryWithLogin
from ..exceptions import InvalidQueryError, TimeoutError, NoResultsWarning
from ..utils import commons
from ..exceptions import TableParseError

__all__ = ['BaseWFAUClass', 'clean_catalog']

[docs] class BaseWFAUClass(QueryWithLogin): """ The BaseWFAUQuery class. This is intended to be inherited by other classes that implement specific interfaces to Wide-Field Astronomy Unit ( archives """ BASE_URL = "" LOGIN_URL = BASE_URL + "DBLogin" IMAGE_URL = BASE_URL + "GetImage" ARCHIVE_URL = BASE_URL + "ImageList" REGION_URL = BASE_URL + "WSASQL" CROSSID_URL = BASE_URL + "CrossID" TIMEOUT = "" def __init__(self, *, username=None, password=None, community=None, database='', programme_id='all'): """ The BaseWFAUClass __init__ is meant to be overwritten """ super().__init__() self.database = database self.programme_id = programme_id self.session = None if username is None or password is None or community is None: pass else: self.login(username, password, community) def _login(self, username, password, community): """ Login to non-public data as a known user. Parameters ---------- username : str password : str community : str """ # Construct cookie holder, URL opener, and retrieve login page self.session = requests.session() credentials = {'user': username, 'passwd': password, 'community': ' ', 'community2': community} response =, data=credentials) if not response.ok: self.session = None response.raise_for_status() if 'FAILED to log in' in response.text: self.session = None raise Exception("Unable to log in with your given credentials.\n" "Please try again.\n Note that you can continue " "to access public data without logging in.\n")
[docs] def logged_in(self): """ Determine whether currently logged in. """ if self.session is None: return False for cookie in self.session.cookies: if cookie.is_expired(): return False return True
def _args_to_payload(self, *args, **kwargs): request_payload = {} request_payload['database'] = kwargs.get('database', self.database) programme_id = kwargs.get('programme_id', self.programme_id) request_payload['programmeID'] = self._verify_programme_id( programme_id, query_type=kwargs['query_type']) sys = self._parse_system(kwargs.get('system')) request_payload['sys'] = sys if sys == 'J': C = commons.parse_coordinates(args[0]).transform_to(coord.ICRS) request_payload['ra'] = request_payload['dec'] = elif sys == 'G': C = commons.parse_coordinates(args[0]).transform_to(coord.Galactic) request_payload['ra'] = request_payload['dec'] = return request_payload def _verify_programme_id(self, pid, *, query_type='catalog'): """ Verify the programme ID is valid for the query being executed. Parameters ---------- pid : int or str The programme ID, either an integer (i.e., the # that will get passed to the URL) or a string using the three-letter acronym for the programme or its long name Returns ------- pid : int Returns the integer version of the programme ID Raises ------ ValueError If the pid is 'all' and the query type is a catalog. You can query all surveys for images, but not all catalogs. """ if pid == 'all' and query_type == 'image': return 'all' elif pid == 'all' and query_type == 'catalog': raise ValueError( "Cannot query all catalogs at once. Valid catalogs are: {0}.\n" "Change programmeID to one of these." .format(",".join(self.programmes_short.keys()))) elif pid in self.programmes_long: return self.programmes_long[pid] elif pid in self.programmes_short: return self.programmes_short[pid] elif query_type != 'image': raise ValueError("programme_id {0} not recognized".format(pid)) def _parse_system(self, system): if system is None: return 'J' elif system.lower() in ('g', 'gal', 'galactic'): return 'G' elif system.lower() in ('j', 'j2000', 'celestical', 'radec'): return 'J'
[docs] def get_images(self, coordinates, *, waveband='all', frame_type='stack', image_width=1 * u.arcmin, image_height=None, radius=None, database=None, programme_id=None, verbose=True, get_query_payload=False, show_progress=True): """ Get an image around a target/ coordinates from a WFAU catalog. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the `astropy.coordinates` module. waveband : str The color filter to download. Must be one of ``'all'``, ``'J'``, ``'H'``, ``'K'``, ``'H2'``, ``'Z'``, ``'Y'``, ``'Br'``]. frame_type : str The type of image. Must be one of ``'stack'``, ``'normal'``, ``'interleave'``, ``'deep_stack'``, ``'confidence'``, ``'difference'``, ``'leavstack'``, ``'all'``] image_width : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The image size (along X). Cannot exceed 15 arcmin. If missing, defaults to 1 arcmin. image_height : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The image size (along Y). Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. If missing, same as image_width. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. When missing only image around the given position rather than multi-frames are retrieved. programme_id : str The survey or programme in which to search for. database : str The WFAU database to use. verbose : bool Defaults to `True`. When `True` prints additional messages. get_query_payload : bool, optional If `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- list : A list of `` objects. """ readable_objs = self.get_images_async( coordinates, waveband=waveband, frame_type=frame_type, image_width=image_width, image_height=image_height, database=database, programme_id=programme_id, radius=radius, verbose=verbose, get_query_payload=get_query_payload, show_progress=show_progress) if get_query_payload: return readable_objs return [obj.get_fits() for obj in readable_objs]
[docs] def get_images_async(self, coordinates, *, waveband='all', frame_type='stack', image_width=1 * u.arcmin, image_height=None, radius=None, database=None, programme_id=None, verbose=True, get_query_payload=False, show_progress=True): """ Serves the same purpose as `~astroquery.wfau.BaseWFAUClass.get_images` but returns a list of file handlers to remote files. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the `astropy.coordinates` module. waveband : str The color filter to download. Must be one of ``'all'``, ``'J'``, ``'H'``, ``'K'``, ``'H2'``, ``'Z'``, ``'Y'``, ``'Br'``]. frame_type : str The type of image. Must be one of ``'stack'``, ``'normal'``, ``'interleave'``, ``'deep_stack'``, ``'confidence'``, ``'difference'``, ``'leavstack'``, ``'all'``] image_width : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The image size (along X). Cannot exceed 15 arcmin. If missing, defaults to 1 arcmin. image_height : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The image size (along Y). Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. If missing, same as image_width. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. When missing only image around the given position rather than multi-frames are retrieved. programme_id : str The survey or programme in which to search for. See `list_catalogs`. database : str The WFAU database to use. verbose : bool Defaults to `True`. When `True` prints additional messages. get_query_payload : bool, optional If `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- list : list A list of context-managers that yield readable file-like objects. """ if database is None: database = self.database if programme_id is None: programme_id = self.programme_id image_urls = self.get_image_list(coordinates, waveband=waveband, frame_type=frame_type, image_width=image_width, image_height=image_height, database=database, radius=radius, programme_id=programme_id, get_query_payload=get_query_payload) if get_query_payload: return image_urls if verbose: print("Found {num} targets".format(num=len(image_urls))) return [commons.FileContainer(url, encoding='binary', remote_timeout=self.TIMEOUT, show_progress=show_progress) for url in image_urls]
[docs] def get_image_list(self, coordinates, *, waveband='all', frame_type='stack', image_width=1 * u.arcmin, image_height=None, radius=None, database=None, programme_id=None, get_query_payload=False): """ Function that returns a list of urls from which to download the FITS images. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the `astropy.coordinates` module. waveband : str The color filter to download. Must be one of ``'all'``, ``'J'``, ``'H'``, ``'K'``, ``'H2'``, ``'Z'``, ``'Y'``, ``'Br'``]. frame_type : str The type of image. Must be one of ``'stack'``, ``'normal'``, ``'interleave'``, ``'deep_stack'``, ``'confidence'``, ``'difference'``, ``'leavstack'``, ``'all'``] image_width : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The image size (along X). Cannot exceed 15 arcmin. If missing, defaults to 1 arcmin. image_height : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The image size (along Y). Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. If missing, same as image_width. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. When missing only image around the given position rather than multi-frames are retrieved. programme_id : str The survey or programme in which to search for. See `list_catalogs`. database : str The WFAU database to use. verbose : bool Defaults to `True`. When `True` prints additional messages. get_query_payload : bool, optional If `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- url_list : list of image urls """ if frame_type not in self.frame_types: raise ValueError("Invalid frame type. Valid frame types are: {!s}" .format(self.frame_types)) if waveband not in self.filters: raise ValueError("Invalid waveband. Valid wavebands are: {!s}" .format(self.filters.keys())) if database is None: database = self.database if programme_id is None: programme_id = self.programme_id request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, database=database, programme_id=programme_id, query_type='image') request_payload['filterID'] = self.filters[waveband] request_payload['obsType'] = 'object' request_payload['frameType'] = self.frame_types[frame_type] request_payload['mfid'] = '' if radius is None: request_payload['xsize'] = _parse_dimension(image_width) if image_height is None: request_payload['ysize'] = _parse_dimension(image_width) else: request_payload['ysize'] = _parse_dimension(image_height) query_url = self.IMAGE_URL else: query_url = self.ARCHIVE_URL ra = request_payload.pop('ra') dec = request_payload.pop('dec') radius = coord.Angle(radius).degree del request_payload['sys'] request_payload['userSelect'] = 'default' request_payload['minRA'] = str( round(ra - radius / cos(radians(dec)), 2)) request_payload['maxRA'] = str( round(ra + radius / cos(radians(dec)), 2)) request_payload['formatRA'] = 'degrees' request_payload['minDec'] = str(dec - radius) request_payload['maxDec'] = str(dec + radius) request_payload['formatDec'] = 'degrees' request_payload['startDay'] = 0 request_payload['startMonth'] = 0 request_payload['startYear'] = 0 request_payload['endDay'] = 0 request_payload['endMonth'] = 0 request_payload['endYear'] = 0 request_payload['dep'] = 0 request_payload['lmfid'] = '' request_payload['fsid'] = '' request_payload['rows'] = 1000 if get_query_payload: return request_payload response = self._wfau_send_request(query_url, request_payload) response = self._check_page(response.url, "row") image_urls = self.extract_urls(response.text) # different links for radius queries and simple ones if radius is not None: image_urls = [link for link in image_urls if ('fits_download' in link and '_cat.fits' not in link and '' not in link)] else: image_urls = [link.replace("getImage", "getFImage") for link in image_urls] return image_urls
[docs] def extract_urls(self, html_in): """ Helper function that uses regexps to extract the image urls from the given HTML. Parameters ---------- html_in : str source from which the urls are to be extracted. Returns ------- links : list The list of URLS extracted from the input. """ # Parse html input for links ahref = re.compile(r'href="([a-zA-Z0-9_\.&\?=%/:-]+)"') links = ahref.findall(html_in) return links
[docs] def query_region(self, coordinates, *, radius=1 * u.arcmin, programme_id=None, database=None, verbose=False, get_query_payload=False, system='J2000', attributes=['default'], constraints=''): """ Used to query a region around a known identifier or given coordinates from the catalog. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the `astropy.coordinates` module. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. When missing defaults to 1 arcmin. Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. programme_id : str The survey or programme in which to search for. See `list_catalogs`. database : str The WFAU database to use. verbose : bool, optional. When set to `True` displays warnings if the returned VOTable does not conform to the standard. Defaults to `False`. get_query_payload : bool, optional If `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to `False`. system : 'J2000' or 'Galactic' The system in which to perform the query. Can affect the output data columns. attributes : list, optional. Attributes to select from the table. See, e.g., constraints : str, optional SQL constraints to the search. Default is empty (no constrains applied). Returns ------- result : `~astropy.table.Table` Query result table. """ if database is None: database = self.database if programme_id is None: if self.programme_id != 'all': programme_id = self.programme_id else: raise ValueError("Must specify a programme_id for region queries") response = self.query_region_async(coordinates, radius=radius, programme_id=programme_id, database=database, get_query_payload=get_query_payload, system=system, attributes=attributes, constraints=constraints) if get_query_payload: return response result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs] def query_region_async(self, coordinates, *, radius=1 * u.arcmin, programme_id=None, database=None, get_query_payload=False, system='J2000', attributes=['default'], constraints=''): """ Serves the same purpose as `query_region`. But returns the raw HTTP response rather than the parsed result. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str or `astropy.coordinates` object The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate `astropy.coordinates` object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the `astropy.coordinates` module. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. When missing defaults to 1 arcmin. Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. programme_id : str The survey or programme in which to search for. See `list_catalogs`. database : str The WFAU database to use. get_query_payload : bool, optional If `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to `False`. attributes : list, optional. Attributes to select from the table. See, e.g., constraints : str, optional SQL constraints to the search. Default is empty (no constrains applied). Returns ------- response : `requests.Response` The HTTP response returned from the service. """ if database is None: database = self.database if programme_id is None: if self.programme_id != 'all': programme_id = self.programme_id else: raise ValueError("Must specify a programme_id for region queries") request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, programme_id=programme_id, database=database, system=system, query_type='catalog') request_payload['radius'] = _parse_dimension(radius) request_payload['from'] = 'source' request_payload['formaction'] = 'region' request_payload['xSize'] = '' request_payload['ySize'] = '' request_payload['boxAlignment'] = 'RADec' request_payload['emailAddress'] = '' request_payload['format'] = 'VOT' request_payload['compress'] = 'NONE' request_payload['rows'] = 1 request_payload['select'] = ','.join(attributes) request_payload['where'] = constraints # for some reason, this is required on the VISTA website if self.archive is not None: request_payload['archive'] = self.archive if get_query_payload: return request_payload response = self._wfau_send_request(self.REGION_URL, request_payload) response = self._check_page(response.url, "query finished") return response
def _parse_result(self, response, *, verbose=False): """ Parses the raw HTTP response and returns it as a `~astropy.table.Table`. Parameters ---------- response : `requests.Response` The HTTP response object verbose : bool, optional Defaults to `False`. If `True` it displays warnings whenever the VOtable returned from the service doesn't conform to the standard. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` """ table_links = self.extract_urls(response.text) # keep only one link that is not a webstart if len(table_links) == 0: raise Exception("No VOTable found on returned webpage!") table_link = [link for link in table_links if "8080" not in link][0] with commons.get_readable_fileobj(table_link) as flo: content = if not verbose: commons.suppress_vo_warnings() try: io_obj = BytesIO(content.encode('utf-8')) parsed_table = votable.parse(io_obj, verify='warn') first_table = parsed_table.get_first_table() table = first_table.to_table() if len(table) == 0: warnings.warn("Query returned no results, so the table will " "be empty", NoResultsWarning) return table except Exception as ex: self.response = content self.table_parse_error = ex raise raise TableParseError("Failed to parse WFAU votable! The raw " "response can be found in self.response, " "and the error in self.table_parse_error. " "Exception: " + str(self.table_parse_error))
[docs] def list_catalogs(self, *, style='short'): """ Returns a list of available catalogs in WFAU. These can be used as ``programme_id`` in queries. Parameters ---------- style : str, optional Must be one of ``'short'``, ``'long'``. Defaults to ``'short'``. Determines whether to print long names or abbreviations for catalogs. Returns ------- list : list containing catalog name strings in long or short style. """ if style == 'short': return list(self.programmes_short.keys()) elif style == 'long': return list(self.programmes_long.keys()) else: warnings.warn("Style must be one of 'long', 'short'.\n" "Returning catalog list in short format.\n") return list(self.programmes_short.keys())
def _get_databases(self): if self.logged_in(): response = self.session.get(url="/".join([self.BASE_URL, self.IMAGE_FORM])) else: response = requests.get(url="/".join([self.BASE_URL, self.IMAGE_FORM])) root = BeautifulSoup(response.content, features='html5lib') databases = [xrf.attrs['value'] for xrf in root.find('select').find_all('option')] return databases
[docs] def list_databases(self): """ List the databases available from the WFAU archive. """ self.databases = set(self.all_databases + tuple(self._get_databases())) return self.databases
def _wfau_send_request(self, url, request_payload): """ Helper function that sends the query request via a session or simple HTTP GET request. Parameters ---------- url : str The url to send the request to. request_payload : dict The dict of parameters for the GET request Returns ------- response : `requests.Response` object The response for the HTTP GET request """ if hasattr(self, 'session') and self.logged_in(): response = self.session.get(url, params=request_payload, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) else: response = self._request("GET", url=url, params=request_payload, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) return response def _check_page(self, url, keyword, *, wait_time=1, max_attempts=30): page_loaded = False while not page_loaded and max_attempts > 0: if self.logged_in(): response = self.session.get(url) else: response = requests.get(url=url) self.response = response content = response.text if"error", content, re.IGNORECASE): raise InvalidQueryError( "Service returned with an error! " "Check self.response for more information.") elif, content, re.IGNORECASE): page_loaded = True max_attempts -= 1 # wait for wait_time seconds before checking again time.sleep(wait_time) if page_loaded is False: raise TimeoutError("Page did not load.") return response
[docs] def query_cross_id_async(self, coordinates, *, radius=1*u.arcsec, programme_id=None, database=None, table="source", constraints="", attributes='default', pairing='all', system='J2000', get_query_payload=False, ): """ Query the crossID server Parameters ---------- coordinates : astropy.SkyCoord An array of one or more astropy SkyCoord objects specifying the objects to crossmatch against. radius : str or `~astropy.units.Quantity` object, optional The string must be parsable by `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`. The appropriate `~astropy.units.Quantity` object from `astropy.units` may also be used. When missing defaults to 1 arcsec. programme_id : str The survey or programme in which to search for. See `list_catalogs`. database : str The WFAU database to use. table : str The table ID, one of: "source", "detection", "synopticSource" constraints : str SQL constraints. If 'source' is selected, this will be expanded automatically attributes : str Additional attributes to select from the table. See, e.g., system : 'J2000' or 'Galactic' The system in which to perform the query. Can affect the output data columns. get_query_payload : bool, optional If `True` then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to `False`. """ if table == "source": constraints += "(priOrSec<=0 OR priOrSec=frameSetID)" if database is None: database = self.database if programme_id is None: if self.programme_id != 'all': programme_id = self.programme_id else: raise ValueError("Must specify a programme_id") request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, programme_id=programme_id, database=database, system=system, query_type='catalog') request_payload['radius'] = _parse_dimension(radius) request_payload['from'] = 'source' request_payload['formaction'] = 'region' request_payload['xSize'] = '' request_payload['ySize'] = '' request_payload['boxAlignment'] = 'RADec' request_payload['emailAddress'] = '' request_payload['format'] = 'VOT' request_payload['compress'] = 'NONE' request_payload['rows'] = 1 request_payload['select'] = 'default' request_payload['where'] = '' request_payload['disp'] = '' request_payload['baseTable'] = table request_payload['whereClause'] = constraints request_payload['qType'] = 'form' request_payload['selectList'] = attributes request_payload['uploadFile'] = 'file.txt' if pairing not in ('nearest', 'all'): raise ValueError("pairing must be one of 'nearest' or 'all'") request_payload['nearest'] = 0 if pairing == 'nearest' else 1 # for some reason, this is required on the VISTA website if self.archive is not None: request_payload['archive'] = self.archive if get_query_payload: return request_payload fh = StringIO() assert len(coordinates) > 0 for crd in coordinates: fh.write("{0} {1}\n".format(crd.ra.deg, crd.dec.deg)) if hasattr(self, 'session') and self.logged_in(): response =, params=request_payload, files={'file.txt': fh}, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) else: response = self._request("POST", url=self.CROSSID_URL, params=request_payload, files={'file.txt': fh}, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) raise NotImplementedError("It appears we haven't implemented the file " "upload correctly. Help is needed.") # response = self._check_page(response.url, "query finished") return response
[docs] def query_cross_id(self, *args, **kwargs): """ See `query_cross_id_async` """ get_query_payload = kwargs.get('get_query_payload', False) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) response = self.query_cross_id_async(*args, **kwargs) if get_query_payload: return response result = self._parse_result(response, verbose=verbose) return result
[docs] def clean_catalog(wfau_catalog, *, clean_band='K_1', badclass=-9999, maxerrbits=41, minerrbits=0, maxpperrbits=60): """ Attempt to remove 'bad' entries in a catalog. Parameters ---------- wfau_catalog : `` A FITS binary table instance from the WFAU survey. clean_band : ``'K_1'``, ``'K_2'``, ``'J'``, ``'H'`` The band to use for bad photometry flagging. badclass : int Class to exclude. minerrbits : int maxerrbits : int Inside this range is the accepted number of error bits. maxpperrbits : int Exclude this type of error bit. Examples -------- """ band = clean_band mask = ((wfau_catalog[band + 'ERRBITS'] <= maxerrbits) * (wfau_catalog[band + 'ERRBITS'] >= minerrbits) * ((wfau_catalog['PRIORSEC'] == wfau_catalog['FRAMESETID']) + (wfau_catalog['PRIORSEC'] == 0)) * (wfau_catalog[band + 'PPERRBITS'] < maxpperrbits)) if band + 'CLASS' in wfau_catalog.colnames: mask *= (wfau_catalog[band + 'CLASS'] != badclass) elif 'mergedClass' in wfau_catalog.colnames: mask *= (wfau_catalog['mergedClass'] != badclass) return[mask]
def _parse_dimension(dim): """ Parses the radius and returns it in the format expected by WFAU. Parameters ---------- dim : str, `~astropy.units.Quantity` Returns ------- dim_in_min : float The value of the radius in arcminutes. """ if (isinstance(dim, u.Quantity) and dim.unit in u.deg.find_equivalent_units()): dim_in_min = # otherwise must be an Angle or be specified in hours... else: try: new_dim = coord.Angle(dim).degree dim_in_min = u.Quantity( value=new_dim, unit=u.deg).to(u.arcmin).value except (u.UnitsError, coord.errors.UnitsError, AttributeError): raise u.UnitsError("Dimension not in proper units") return dim_in_min