
class astroquery.wfau.BaseWFAUClass(*, username=None, password=None, community=None, database='', programme_id='all')[source]

Bases: QueryWithLogin

The BaseWFAUQuery class. This is intended to be inherited by other classes that implement specific interfaces to Wide-Field Astronomy Unit ( archives

The BaseWFAUClass __init__ is meant to be overwritten

Attributes Summary








Methods Summary


Helper function that uses regexps to extract the image urls from the given HTML.

get_image_list(coordinates, *[, waveband, ...])

Function that returns a list of urls from which to download the FITS images.

get_images(coordinates, *[, waveband, ...])

Get an image around a target/ coordinates from a WFAU catalog.

get_images_async(coordinates, *[, waveband, ...])

Serves the same purpose as get_images but returns a list of file handlers to remote files.

list_catalogs(*[, style])

Returns a list of available catalogs in WFAU.


List the databases available from the WFAU archive.


Determine whether currently logged in.

login(username, password, community)

Login to non-public data as a known user.

query_cross_id(*args, **kwargs)

See query_cross_id_async

query_cross_id_async(coordinates, *[, ...])

Query the crossID server

query_region(coordinates, *[, radius, ...])

Used to query a region around a known identifier or given coordinates from the catalog.

query_region_async(coordinates, *[, radius, ...])

Serves the same purpose as query_region.

Attributes Documentation

ARCHIVE_URL = 'ImageList'
IMAGE_URL = 'GetImage'

Methods Documentation


Helper function that uses regexps to extract the image urls from the given HTML.


source from which the urls are to be extracted.


The list of URLS extracted from the input.

get_image_list(coordinates, *, waveband='all', frame_type='stack', image_width=<Quantity 1. arcmin>, image_height=None, radius=None, database=None, programme_id=None, get_query_payload=False)[source]

Function that returns a list of urls from which to download the FITS images.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the astropy.coordinates module.


The color filter to download. Must be one of 'all', 'J', 'H', 'K', 'H2', 'Z', 'Y', 'Br'].


The type of image. Must be one of 'stack', 'normal', 'interleave', 'deep_stack', 'confidence', 'difference', 'leavstack', 'all']

image_widthstr or Quantity object, optional

The image size (along X). Cannot exceed 15 arcmin. If missing, defaults to 1 arcmin.

image_heightstr or Quantity object, optional

The image size (along Y). Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. If missing, same as image_width.

radiusstr or Quantity object, optional

The string must be parsable by Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. When missing only image around the given position rather than multi-frames are retrieved.


The survey or programme in which to search for. See list_catalogs.


The WFAU database to use.


Defaults to True. When True prints additional messages.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.

url_listlist of image urls
get_images(coordinates, *, waveband='all', frame_type='stack', image_width=<Quantity 1. arcmin>, image_height=None, radius=None, database=None, programme_id=None, verbose=True, get_query_payload=False, show_progress=True)[source]

Get an image around a target/ coordinates from a WFAU catalog.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the astropy.coordinates module.


The color filter to download. Must be one of 'all', 'J', 'H', 'K', 'H2', 'Z', 'Y', 'Br'].


The type of image. Must be one of 'stack', 'normal', 'interleave', 'deep_stack', 'confidence', 'difference', 'leavstack', 'all']

image_widthstr or Quantity object, optional

The image size (along X). Cannot exceed 15 arcmin. If missing, defaults to 1 arcmin.

image_heightstr or Quantity object, optional

The image size (along Y). Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. If missing, same as image_width.

radiusstr or Quantity object, optional

The string must be parsable by Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. When missing only image around the given position rather than multi-frames are retrieved.


The survey or programme in which to search for.


The WFAU database to use.


Defaults to True. When True prints additional messages.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.

listA list of HDUList objects.
get_images_async(coordinates, *, waveband='all', frame_type='stack', image_width=<Quantity 1. arcmin>, image_height=None, radius=None, database=None, programme_id=None, verbose=True, get_query_payload=False, show_progress=True)[source]

Serves the same purpose as get_images but returns a list of file handlers to remote files.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the astropy.coordinates module.


The color filter to download. Must be one of 'all', 'J', 'H', 'K', 'H2', 'Z', 'Y', 'Br'].


The type of image. Must be one of 'stack', 'normal', 'interleave', 'deep_stack', 'confidence', 'difference', 'leavstack', 'all']

image_widthstr or Quantity object, optional

The image size (along X). Cannot exceed 15 arcmin. If missing, defaults to 1 arcmin.

image_heightstr or Quantity object, optional

The image size (along Y). Cannot exceed 90 arcmin. If missing, same as image_width.

radiusstr or Quantity object, optional

The string must be parsable by Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. When missing only image around the given position rather than multi-frames are retrieved.


The survey or programme in which to search for. See list_catalogs.


The WFAU database to use.


Defaults to True. When True prints additional messages.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.


A list of context-managers that yield readable file-like objects.

list_catalogs(*, style='short')[source]

Returns a list of available catalogs in WFAU. These can be used as programme_id in queries.

stylestr, optional

Must be one of 'short', 'long'. Defaults to 'short'. Determines whether to print long names or abbreviations for catalogs.

listlist containing catalog name strings in long or short style.

List the databases available from the WFAU archive.


Determine whether currently logged in.

login(username, password, community)

Login to non-public data as a known user.

query_cross_id(*args, **kwargs)[source]

See query_cross_id_async

query_cross_id_async(coordinates, *, radius=<Quantity 1. arcsec>, programme_id=None, database=None, table='source', constraints='', attributes='default', pairing='all', system='J2000', get_query_payload=False)[source]

Query the crossID server


An array of one or more astropy SkyCoord objects specifying the objects to crossmatch against.

radiusstr or Quantity object, optional

The string must be parsable by Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. When missing defaults to 1 arcsec.


The survey or programme in which to search for. See list_catalogs.


The WFAU database to use.


The table ID, one of: “source”, “detection”, “synopticSource”


SQL constraints. If ‘source’ is selected, this will be expanded automatically


Additional attributes to select from the table. See, e.g.,

system‘J2000’ or ‘Galactic’

The system in which to perform the query. Can affect the output data columns.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.

query_region(coordinates, *, radius=<Quantity 1. arcmin>, programme_id=None, database=None, verbose=False, get_query_payload=False, system='J2000', attributes=['default'], constraints='')[source]

Used to query a region around a known identifier or given coordinates from the catalog.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the astropy.coordinates module.

radiusstr or Quantity object, optional

The string must be parsable by Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. When missing defaults to 1 arcmin. Cannot exceed 90 arcmin.


The survey or programme in which to search for. See list_catalogs.


The WFAU database to use.

verbosebool, optional.

When set to True displays warnings if the returned VOTable does not conform to the standard. Defaults to False.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.

system‘J2000’ or ‘Galactic’

The system in which to perform the query. Can affect the output data columns.

attributeslist, optional.

Attributes to select from the table. See, e.g.,

constraintsstr, optional

SQL constraints to the search. Default is empty (no constrains applied).


Query result table.

query_region_async(coordinates, *, radius=<Quantity 1. arcmin>, programme_id=None, database=None, get_query_payload=False, system='J2000', attributes=['default'], constraints='')[source]

Serves the same purpose as query_region. But returns the raw HTTP response rather than the parsed result.

coordinatesstr or astropy.coordinates object

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as strings as specified in the astropy.coordinates module.

radiusstr or Quantity object, optional

The string must be parsable by Angle. The appropriate Quantity object from astropy.units may also be used. When missing defaults to 1 arcmin. Cannot exceed 90 arcmin.


The survey or programme in which to search for. See list_catalogs.


The WFAU database to use.

get_query_payloadbool, optional

If True then returns the dictionary sent as the HTTP request. Defaults to False.

attributeslist, optional.

Attributes to select from the table. See, e.g.,

constraintsstr, optional

SQL constraints to the search. Default is empty (no constrains applied).


The HTTP response returned from the service.