
class astroquery.vizier.VizierClass(*, columns=['*'], column_filters={}, catalog=None, keywords=None, ucd='', timeout=60, vizier_server='', row_limit=50)[source]

Bases: BaseQuery


List of strings

catalogstr or None
keywordsstr or None

“Unified Content Description” column descriptions. Specifying these will select only catalogs that have columns matching the column descriptions defined on the Vizier web pages. See and


Name of the VizieR mirror to use. (This parameter’s default is set from a configuration object.)


timeout for connecting to server (This parameter’s default is set from a configuration object.)


Maximum number of rows that will be fetched from the result (set to -1 for unlimited). (This parameter’s default is set from a configuration object.)

Attributes Summary


The default catalog to search.


Filters to run on the individual columns.


Columns to include.


The set of keywords to filter the Vizier search


UCD criteria: see


Methods Summary

find_catalogs(keywords, *[, ...])

Search Vizier for catalogs based on a set of keywords, e.g. author name.

get_catalog_metadata(*[, catalog, ...])

Get a VizieR's catalog metadata.

get_catalogs(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

get_catalogs_async(catalog, *[, verbose, ...])

Query the Vizier service for a specific catalog

query_constraints(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

query_constraints_async(*[, catalog, ...])

Send a query to Vizier in which you specify constraints with keyword/value pairs.

query_object(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

query_object_async(object_name, *[, ...])

Serves the same purpose as query_object but only returns the HTTP response rather than the parsed result.

query_region(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

query_region_async(coordinates, *[, radius, ...])

Serves the same purpose as query_region but only returns the HTTP response rather than the parsed result.

Attributes Documentation


The default catalog to search. If left empty, will search all catalogs.


Filters to run on the individual columns. See the Vizier website for details.


Columns to include. The special keyword ‘all’ will return ALL columns from ALL retrieved tables.


The set of keywords to filter the Vizier search


UCD criteria: see


>>> Vizier.ucd = '(spect.dopplerVeloc*|phys.veloc*)'

Methods Documentation

find_catalogs(keywords, *, include_obsolete=False, verbose=False, max_catalogs=None, return_type='votable')[source]

Search Vizier for catalogs based on a set of keywords, e.g. author name

keywordslist or string

List of keywords, or space-separated set of keywords. From Vizier: “names or words of title of catalog. The words are and’ed, i.e. only the catalogues characterized by all the words are selected.”

include_obsoletebool, optional

If set to True, catalogs marked obsolete will also be returned.

max_catalogsint or None

The maximum number of catalogs to return. If None, all catalogs will be returned.


Dictionary of the “Resource” name and the VOTable resource object. “Resources” are generally publications; one publication may contain many tables.


>>> from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
>>> catalog_list = Vizier.find_catalogs('Kang W51') 
>>> catalog_list 
OrderedDict([('J/ApJ/684/1143', </>), ('J/ApJ/736/87', </>) ... ])
>>> print({k:v.description for k,v in catalog_list.items()}) 
{'J/ApJ/684/1143': 'BHB candidates in the Milky Way (Xue+, 2008)',
 'J/ApJ/736/87': 'Abundances in G-type stars with exoplanets (Kang+, 2011)',
 'J/ApJ/738/79': "SDSS-DR8 BHB stars in the Milky Way's halo (Xue+, 2011)",
 'J/ApJ/760/12': 'LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave (GW) bursts with GRBs (Abadie+, 2012)',
get_catalog_metadata(*, catalog=None, get_query_payload=False)[source]

Get a VizieR’s catalog metadata.

catalogstr, optional

The catalog identifier. It usually looks like ‘III/55’ for big surveys or ‘J/ApJ/811/67’ for catalogs linked to a published paper. When this parameter is not provided, the function looks for the metadata of the catalog property of the Vizier class instance (catalog).

get_query_payloadbool, optional

When True, returns the dict of HTTP request parameters. This does not execute the search for metadata.


A table with the following columns: - title - authors - abstract (the abstract of the article, modified to explain the data more specifically) - origin_article (the bibcode of the associated article) - webpage (a link to VizieR, contains more information about the catalog) - created (date of creation of the catalog in VizieR) - updated (date of the last modification applied to the entry, this is often metadata, with no appearance in the history tap on the webpage but sometimes also data erratum, which will appear in the history tab) - waveband - doi (the catalog doi when it exists)


>>> from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
>>> Vizier(catalog="I/324").get_catalog_metadata() 
<Table length=1>
               title                        authors         ... waveband  doi
               object                        object         ...  object  object
----------------------------------- ----------------------- ... -------- ------
The Initial Gaia Source List (IGSL) Smart R.L.; Nicastro L. ...              --
>>> from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
>>> Vizier.get_catalog_metadata(catalog="J/ApJS/173/185") 
<Table length=1>
                  title                    ...              doi
                  object                   ...              object
------------------------------------------ ... --------------------------------
GALEX ultraviolet atlas of nearby galaxies ... doi:10.26093/cds/vizier.21730185
get_catalogs(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

Query the Vizier service for a specific catalog

catalogstr, Resource, or list, optional

The catalog(s) that will be retrieved

tableA Table object.
get_catalogs_async(catalog, *, verbose=False, return_type='votable', get_query_payload=False)[source]

Query the Vizier service for a specific catalog

catalogstr, Resource, or list, optional

The catalog(s) that will be retrieved


Returned if asynchronous method used

query_constraints(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

Send a query to Vizier in which you specify constraints with keyword/value pairs.

See the vizier constraints page for details.

catalogstr or list, optional

The catalog(s) which must be searched for this identifier. If not specified, all matching catalogs will be searched.


Any key/value pairs besides “catalog” will be parsed as additional column filters.


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.

tableA Table object.


>>> from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
>>> # note that glon/glat constraints here *must* be floats
>>> result = Vizier(row_limit=3).query_constraints(catalog='J/ApJ/723/492/table1',
...                                   GLON='>49.0 & <51.0', GLAT='<0.0') 
>>> result[result.keys()[0]].pprint() 
    GRSMC      GLON   GLAT   VLSR   DelV  ... alpha  Note RD09 _RA.icrs _DE.icrs
               deg    deg   km / s km / s ...                    deg      deg
------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ... ------ ---- ---- -------- --------
G049.49-00.41  49.49  -0.41  56.90   9.12 ...   0.73    i RD09 290.9536  14.4992
G049.39-00.26  49.39  -0.26  50.94   3.51 ...   0.16    i RD09 290.7682  14.4819
G049.44-00.06  49.44  -0.06  62.00   3.67 ...   0.17    i RD09 290.6104  14.6203
query_constraints_async(*, catalog=None, return_type='votable', cache=True, get_query_payload=False, **kwargs)[source]

Send a query to Vizier in which you specify constraints with keyword/value pairs.

See the vizier constraints page for details.

catalogstr or list, optional

The catalog(s) which must be searched for this identifier. If not specified, all matching catalogs will be searched.


Any key/value pairs besides “catalog” will be parsed as additional column filters.


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.


The response of the HTTP request.


>>> from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
>>> # note that glon/glat constraints here *must* be floats
>>> result = Vizier(row_limit=3).query_constraints(catalog='J/ApJ/723/492/table1',
...                                   GLON='>49.0 & <51.0', GLAT='<0.0') 
>>> result[result.keys()[0]].pprint() 
    GRSMC      GLON   GLAT   VLSR   DelV  ... alpha  Note RD09 _RA.icrs _DE.icrs
               deg    deg   km / s km / s ...                    deg      deg
------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ... ------ ---- ---- -------- --------
G049.49-00.41  49.49  -0.41  56.90   9.12 ...   0.73    i RD09 290.9536  14.4992
G049.39-00.26  49.39  -0.26  50.94   3.51 ...   0.16    i RD09 290.7682  14.4819
G049.44-00.06  49.44  -0.06  62.00   3.67 ...   0.17    i RD09 290.6104  14.6203
query_object(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

Serves the same purpose as query_object but only returns the HTTP response rather than the parsed result.


The name of the identifier.

catalogstr or list, optional

The catalog(s) which must be searched for this identifier. If not specified, all matching catalogs will be searched.

radiusQuantity or None

A degree-equivalent radius (optional).

coordinate_systemstr or None

If the object name is given as a coordinate, you should use query_region, but you can specify a coordinate frame here instead (today, J2000, B1975, B1950, B1900, B1875, B1855, Galactic, Supergal., Ecl.J2000, )


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.

tableA Table object.
query_object_async(object_name, *, catalog=None, radius=None, coordinate_frame=None, get_query_payload=False, return_type='votable', cache=True)[source]

Serves the same purpose as query_object but only returns the HTTP response rather than the parsed result.


The name of the identifier.

catalogstr or list, optional

The catalog(s) which must be searched for this identifier. If not specified, all matching catalogs will be searched.

radiusQuantity or None

A degree-equivalent radius (optional).

coordinate_systemstr or None

If the object name is given as a coordinate, you should use query_region, but you can specify a coordinate frame here instead (today, J2000, B1975, B1950, B1900, B1875, B1855, Galactic, Supergal., Ecl.J2000, )


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.


The response of the HTTP request.

query_region(*args, **kwargs)

Queries the service and returns a table object.

Serves the same purpose as query_region but only returns the HTTP response rather than the parsed result.

At least one of radius or width must be specified.

coordinatesstr, astropy.coordinates object, or Table

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as a string. If a table is used, each of its rows will be queried, as long as it contains two columns named _RAJ2000 and _DEJ2000 with proper angular units.

radiusconvertible to Angle

The radius of the circular region to query.

inner_radiusconvertible to Angle

When set in addition to radius, the queried region becomes annular, with outer radius radius and inner radius inner_radius.

widthconvertible to Angle

The width of the square region to query.

heightconvertible to Angle

When set in addition to width, the queried region becomes rectangular, with the specified width and height.

catalogstr or list, optional

The catalog(s) which must be searched for this identifier. If not specified, all matching catalogs will be searched.

column_filters: dict, optional

Constraints on columns of the result. The dictionary contains the column name as keys, and the constraints as values.

framestr, optional

The frame to use for the request. It should be ‘fk5’, ‘icrs’, or ‘galactic’. This choice influences the the orientation of box requests.


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.

tableA Table object.
query_region_async(coordinates, *, radius=None, inner_radius=None, width=None, height=None, catalog=None, get_query_payload=False, cache=True, return_type='votable', column_filters={}, frame='fk5')[source]

Serves the same purpose as query_region but only returns the HTTP response rather than the parsed result.

At least one of radius or width must be specified.

coordinatesstr, astropy.coordinates object, or Table

The target around which to search. It may be specified as a string in which case it is resolved using online services or as the appropriate astropy.coordinates object. ICRS coordinates may also be entered as a string. If a table is used, each of its rows will be queried, as long as it contains two columns named _RAJ2000 and _DEJ2000 with proper angular units.

radiusconvertible to Angle

The radius of the circular region to query.

inner_radiusconvertible to Angle

When set in addition to radius, the queried region becomes annular, with outer radius radius and inner radius inner_radius.

widthconvertible to Angle

The width of the square region to query.

heightconvertible to Angle

When set in addition to width, the queried region becomes rectangular, with the specified width and height.

catalogstr or list, optional

The catalog(s) which must be searched for this identifier. If not specified, all matching catalogs will be searched.

column_filters: dict, optional

Constraints on columns of the result. The dictionary contains the column name as keys, and the constraints as values.

framestr, optional

The frame to use for the request. It should be ‘fk5’, ‘icrs’, or ‘galactic’. This choice influences the the orientation of box requests.


Defaults to True. If set overrides global caching behavior. See caching documentation.


The response of the HTTP request.