

class astroquery.simbad.core.Simbad[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astroquery.query.BaseQuery

The class for querying the Simbad web service.

Attributes Summary

ROW_LIMIT int(x=0) -> int or long
SIMBAD_URL str(object=’‘) -> string
TIMEOUT int(x=0) -> int or long
VOTABLE_FIELDS list() -> new empty list

Methods Summary

get_field_description(*args, **kwds) Displays a description of the VOTable field :Parameters: field_name : str the name of the field to describe.
list_votable_fields(*args, **kwds) Lists all the fields that can be fetched for a VOTable.
list_wildcards(*args, **kwds) Displays the available wildcards that may be used in Simbad queries and their usage.
query_bibcode(*args, **kwds) Queries the references corresponding to a given bibcode, and returns the results in an astropy.table.Table.
query_bibcode_async(*args, **kwds) Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_bibcode, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.
query_bibobj(*args, **kwds) Query all the objects that are contained in the article specified by the bibcode, and return results as an astropy.table.Table.
query_bibobj_async(*args, **kwds) Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_bibobj, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.
query_catalog(*args, **kwds) Queries a whole catalog.
query_catalog_async(*args, **kwds) Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_catalog, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.
query_object(*args, **kwds) Queries Simbad for the given object and returns the result as an astropy.table.Table.
query_object_async(*args, **kwds) Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_object, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.
query_region(*args, **kwds) Queries around an object or coordinates as per the specified radius and returns the results in an astropy.table.Table.
query_region_async(*args, **kwds) Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_region, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.
reset_votable_fields(*args, **kwds) resets VOTABLE_FIELDS to defaults
rm_votable_fields(*args, **kwds) Removes the specified field names from astroquery.simbad.Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS
set_votable_fields(*args, **kwds) Sets fields to be fetched in the VOTable.

Attributes Documentation

VOTABLE_FIELDS = ['main_id', 'coordinates']
WILDCARDS = {'*': 'Any string of characters (including an empty one)', '[^0-9]': 'Any (one) character not in the list.', '?': 'Any character (exactly one character)', '[abc]': 'Exactly one character taken in the list. Can also be defined by a range of characters: [A-Z]'}

Methods Documentation

static get_field_description(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Displays a description of the VOTable field

Parameters :

field_name : str

the name of the field to describe. Must be one of those listed by astroquery.simbad.Simbad.list_votable_fields.

static list_votable_fields(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Lists all the fields that can be fetched for a VOTable.

static list_wildcards(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Displays the available wildcards that may be used in Simbad queries and their usage.

static query_bibcode(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Queries the references corresponding to a given bibcode, and returns the results in an astropy.table.Table. Wildcards may be used to specify bibcodes

Parameters :

bibcode : str

the bibcode of the article

wildcard : boolean, optional

When it is set to True it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to False.

Returns :

`astropy.table.Table` :

The results of the query as an astropy.table.Table.

static query_bibcode_async(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_bibcode, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.

Parameters :

bibcode : str

the bibcode of the article

wildcard : boolean, optional

When it is set to True it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to False.

Returns :

response : requests.response object

the response of the query from the server.

static query_bibobj(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Query all the objects that are contained in the article specified by the bibcode, and return results as an astropy.table.Table.

Parameters :

bibcode : str

the bibcode of the article

Returns :

`astropy.table.Table` :

The results of the query as an astropy.table.Table.

static query_bibobj_async(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_bibobj, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.

Parameters :

bibcode : str

the bibcode of the article

Returns :

response : requests.response object

the response of the query from the server.

static query_catalog(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Queries a whole catalog. Results may be very large -number of rows should be controlled by configuring astroquery.simbad.ROW_LIMIT.

Parameters :

catalog : str

the name of the catalog.

Returns :

`astropy.table.Table` :

The results of the query as an astropy.table.Table.

static query_catalog_async(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_catalog, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.

Parameters :

catalog : str

the name of the catalog.

Returns :

response : requests.response object

the response of the query from the server.

static query_object(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Queries Simbad for the given object and returns the result as an astropy.table.Table. Object names may also be specified with wildcard. See examples below.

Parameters :

object_name : str

name of object to be queried

wildcard : boolean, optional

When it is set to True it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to False.

Returns :

`astropy.table.Table` :

The results of the query as an astropy.table.Table.

static query_object_async(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_object, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.

Parameters :

object_name : str

name of object to be queried

wildcard : boolean, optional

When it is set to True it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to False.

Returns :

response : requests.response

the response of the query from the server

static query_region(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Queries around an object or coordinates as per the specified radius and returns the results in an astropy.table.Table.

Parameters :

coordinates : str/astropy.coordinates

the identifier or coordinates around which to query.

radius : str/astropy.units.Qunatity, optional

the radius of the region. If missing, set to default value of 20 arcmin.

equinox : float, optional

the equinox of the coordinates. If missing set to default 2000.0.

epoch : str, optional

the epoch of the input coordiantes. Must be specified as [J|B] <epoch>. If missing, set to default J2000.

Returns :

`astropy.table.Table` :

The results of the query as an astropy.table.Table.

static query_region_async(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Serves the same function as astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_region, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns.

Parameters :

coordinates : str/astropy.coordinates

the identifier or coordinates around which to query.

radius : str/astropy.units.Qunatity, optional

the radius of the region. If missing, set to default value of 20 arcmin.

equinox : float, optional

the equinox of the coordinates. If missing set to default 2000.0.

epoch : str, optional

the epoch of the input coordiantes. Must be specified as [J|B] <epoch>. If missing, set to default J2000.

Returns :

response : requests.response object

the response of the query from the server.

static reset_votable_fields(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

resets VOTABLE_FIELDS to defaults

static rm_votable_fields(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Removes the specified field names from astroquery.simbad.Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS

Parameters :list of field_names to be removed :
static set_votable_fields(*args, **kwds)[source] [edit on github]

Sets fields to be fetched in the VOTable. Must be one of those listed by astroquery.simbad.Simbad.list_votable_fields.

Parameters :list of field_names :

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