
Source code for astroquery.simbad.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Simbad query class for accessing the Simbad Service
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import json
import os
from collections import namedtuple
import tempfile
import warnings
from ..query import BaseQuery
from ..utils.class_or_instance import class_or_instance
from ..utils import commons
import astropy.units as u
from import get_pkg_data_filename
import astropy.coordinates as coord
from astropy.table import Table
    import as votable
except ImportError:
    import as votable

__all__ = ['Simbad']

def validate_epoch(func):
    A method decorator that checks if the epoch value entered by the user
    is acceptable.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('epoch'):
            value = kwargs['epoch']
                p = re.compile('^[JB]\d+[.]?\d+$', re.IGNORECASE)
                assert p.match(value) is not None
            except (AssertionError, TypeError):
                raise Exception("Epoch must be specified as [J|B]<epoch>.\n"
                                "Example: epoch='J2000'")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def validate_equinox(func):
    A method decorator that checks if the equinox value entered by the user
    is acceptable.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('equinox'):
            value = kwargs['equinox']
            except ValueError:
                raise Exception("Equinox must be a number")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

[docs]class Simbad(BaseQuery): """ The class for querying the Simbad web service. """ SIMBAD_URL = 'http://' + SIMBAD_SERVER() + '/simbad/sim-script' TIMEOUT = SIMBAD_TIMEOUT() WILDCARDS = { '*': 'Any string of characters (including an empty one)', '?': 'Any character (exactly one character)', '[abc]': ('Exactly one character taken in the list. ' 'Can also be defined by a range of characters: [A-Z]' ), '[^0-9]': 'Any (one) character not in the list.' } # query around not included since this is a subcase of query_region _function_to_command = { 'query_object_async': 'query id', 'query_region_async': 'query coo', 'query_catalog_async': 'query cat', 'query_bibcode_async': 'query bibcode', 'query_bibobj_async': 'query bibobj' } # also find a way to fetch the votable fields table from <> # tried something for this in this ipython nb # <> VOTABLE_FIELDS = ['main_id', 'coordinates'] ROW_LIMIT = ROW_LIMIT() @class_or_instance
[docs] def list_wildcards(self): """ Displays the available wildcards that may be used in Simbad queries and their usage. """ for key in Simbad.WILDCARDS: print("{key} : {value}\n".format(key=key, value=Simbad.WILDCARDS[key])) return
[docs] def list_votable_fields(self): """ Lists all the fields that can be fetched for a VOTable. """ # display additional notes: notes_file = get_pkg_data_filename(os.path.join('data', 'votable_fields_notes.json')) with open(notes_file, "r") as f: notes = json.load(f) print ("--NOTES--\n") for i, line in list(enumerate(notes)): print ("{lineno}. {msg}\n".format(lineno=i+1, msg=line)) # load the table votable_fields_table = (os.path.join('data', 'votable_fields_table.txt')), format='ascii') print (votable_fields_table) print("\nFor more information on a field :\nSimbad.get_field_description " "('field_name')")
[docs] def get_field_description(self, field_name): """ Displays a description of the VOTable field Parameters ---------- field_name : str the name of the field to describe. Must be one of those listed by `astroquery.simbad.Simbad.list_votable_fields`. """ # first load the dictionary from json dict_file = get_pkg_data_filename(os.path.join('data', 'votable_fields_dict.json')) with open(dict_file, "r") as f: fields_dict = json.load(f) try: print (fields_dict[field_name]) except KeyError: raise Exception("No such field_name")
[docs] def set_votable_fields(self, *args): """ Sets fields to be fetched in the VOTable. Must be one of those listed by `astroquery.simbad.Simbad.list_votable_fields`. Parameters ---------- list of field_names """ dict_file = get_pkg_data_filename(os.path.join('data', 'votable_fields_dict.json')) with open(dict_file, "r") as f: fields_dict = json.load(f) for field in args: if field not in fields_dict: warnings.warn("{field}: no such field".format(field=field)) elif field in Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS: warnings.warn("{field}: field already present".format(field=field)) else: Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS.append(field)
[docs] def rm_votable_fields(self, *args): """ Removes the specified field names from `astroquery.simbad.Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS` Parameters ---------- list of field_names to be removed """ absent_fields = set(args) - set(Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS) for field in absent_fields: warnings.warn("{field}: this field is not set".format(field=field)) Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS = list(set(Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS) - set(args)) # check if all fields are removed if not Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS: self.reset_votable_fields()
[docs] def reset_votable_fields(self): """ resets VOTABLE_FIELDS to defaults """ Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS = ['main_id', 'coordinates']
[docs] def query_object(self, object_name, wildcard=False, verbose=False): """ Queries Simbad for the given object and returns the result as an `astropy.table.Table`. Object names may also be specified with wildcard. See examples below. Parameters ---------- object_name : str name of object to be queried wildcard : boolean, optional When it is set to `True` it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- `astropy.table.Table` The results of the query as an `astropy.table.Table`. """ result = self.query_object_async(object_name, wildcard=wildcard) return self._parse_result(result, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def query_object_async(self, object_name, wildcard=False): """ Serves the same function as `astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_object`, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns. Parameters ---------- object_name : str name of object to be queried wildcard : boolean, optional When it is set to `True` it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- response : `requests.response` the response of the query from the server """ request_payload = self._args_to_payload(object_name, wildcard=wildcard, caller='query_object_async') response = commons.send_request(Simbad.SIMBAD_URL, request_payload, Simbad.TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def query_region(self, coordinates, radius=None, equinox=None, epoch=None, verbose=False): """ Queries around an object or coordinates as per the specified radius and returns the results in an `astropy.table.Table`. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str/`astropy.coordinates` the identifier or coordinates around which to query. radius : str/`astropy.units.Qunatity`, optional the radius of the region. If missing, set to default value of 20 arcmin. equinox : float, optional the equinox of the coordinates. If missing set to default 2000.0. epoch : str, optional the epoch of the input coordiantes. Must be specified as [J|B] <epoch>. If missing, set to default J2000. Returns ------- `astropy.table.Table` The results of the query as an `astropy.table.Table`. """ # if the identifier is given rather than the coordinates, convert to # coordinates result = self.query_region_async(coordinates, radius=radius, equinox=equinox, epoch=epoch) return self._parse_result(result, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def query_region_async(self, coordinates, radius=None, equinox=None, epoch=None): """ Serves the same function as `astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_region`, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns. Parameters ---------- coordinates : str/`astropy.coordinates` the identifier or coordinates around which to query. radius : str/`astropy.units.Qunatity`, optional the radius of the region. If missing, set to default value of 20 arcmin. equinox : float, optional the equinox of the coordinates. If missing set to default 2000.0. epoch : str, optional the epoch of the input coordiantes. Must be specified as [J|B] <epoch>. If missing, set to default J2000. Returns ------- response : `requests.response` object the response of the query from the server. """ request_payload = self._args_to_payload(coordinates, radius=radius, equinox=equinox, epoch=epoch, caller='query_region_async') response = commons.send_request(Simbad.SIMBAD_URL, request_payload, Simbad.TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def query_catalog(self, catalog, verbose=False): """ Queries a whole catalog. Results may be very large -number of rows should be controlled by configuring `astroquery.simbad.ROW_LIMIT`. Parameters ---------- catalog : str the name of the catalog. Returns ------- `astropy.table.Table` The results of the query as an `astropy.table.Table`. """ result = self.query_catalog_async(catalog) return self._parse_result(result, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def query_catalog_async(self, catalog): """ Serves the same function as `astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_catalog`, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns. Parameters ---------- catalog : str the name of the catalog. Returns ------- response : `requests.response` object the response of the query from the server. """ request_payload = self._args_to_payload(catalog, caller='query_catalog_async') response = commons.send_request(Simbad.SIMBAD_URL, request_payload, Simbad.TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def query_bibobj(self, bibcode, verbose=False): """ Query all the objects that are contained in the article specified by the bibcode, and return results as an `astropy.table.Table`. Parameters ---------- bibcode : str the bibcode of the article Returns ------- `astropy.table.Table` The results of the query as an `astropy.table.Table`. """ result = self.query_bibobj_async(bibcode) return self._parse_result(result, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def query_bibobj_async(self, bibcode): """ Serves the same function as `astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_bibobj`, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns. Parameters ---------- bibcode : str the bibcode of the article Returns ------- response : `requests.response` object the response of the query from the server. """ request_payload = self._args_to_payload( bibcode, caller='query_bibobj_async') response = commons.send_request(Simbad.SIMBAD_URL, request_payload, Simbad.TIMEOUT) return response
[docs] def query_bibcode(self, bibcode, wildcard=False, verbose=False): """ Queries the references corresponding to a given bibcode, and returns the results in an `astropy.table.Table`. Wildcards may be used to specify bibcodes Parameters ---------- bibcode : str the bibcode of the article wildcard : boolean, optional When it is set to `True` it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- `astropy.table.Table` The results of the query as an `astropy.table.Table`. """ result = self.query_bibcode_async(bibcode, wildcard=wildcard) return self._parse_result(result, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def query_bibcode_async(self, bibcode, wildcard=False): """ Serves the same function as `astoquery.simbad.Simbad.query_bibcode`, but only collects the reponse from the Simbad server and returns. Parameters ---------- bibcode : str the bibcode of the article wildcard : boolean, optional When it is set to `True` it implies that the object is specified with wildcards. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- response : `requests.response` object the response of the query from the server. """ request_payload = self._args_to_payload(bibcode, wildcard=wildcard, caller='query_bibcode_async', get_raw=True) response = commons.send_request(Simbad.SIMBAD_URL, request_payload, Simbad.TIMEOUT) return response
@class_or_instance @validate_epoch @validate_equinox def _args_to_payload(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Takes the arguments from any of the query functions and returns a dictionary that can be used as the data for an HTTP POST request. """ script = "" caller = kwargs['caller'] del kwargs['caller'] get_raw = kwargs.get('get_raw', False) if get_raw: del kwargs['get_raw'] command = self._function_to_command[caller] votable_fields = ','.join(Simbad.VOTABLE_FIELDS) # if get_raw is set then don't fetch as votable votable_def = ("votable {" + votable_fields + "}", "")[get_raw] votable_open = ("votable open", "")[get_raw] votable_close = ("votable close", "")[get_raw] if Simbad.ROW_LIMIT > 0: script = "set limit " + str(Simbad.ROW_LIMIT) script = "\n".join([script, votable_def, votable_open, command]) if kwargs.get('wildcard'): script += " wildcard" # necessary to have a space at the beginning del kwargs['wildcard'] # now append args and kwds as per the caller # if caller is query_region_async write coordinates as separate ra dec if caller == 'query_region_async': coordinates = args[0] args = args[1:] ra, dec, frame = _parse_coordinates(coordinates) args = [ra, dec] kwargs['frame'] = frame if kwargs.get('radius'): kwargs['radius'] = _parse_radius(kwargs['radius']) args_str = ' '.join([str(val) for val in args]) # rename equinox to equi as required by SIMBAD script if kwargs.get('equinox'): kwargs['equi'] = kwargs['equinox'] del kwargs['equinox'] # remove default None from kwargs # be compatible with python3 for key in list(kwargs): if not kwargs[key]: del kwargs[key] # join in the order specified otherwise results in error all_keys = ['radius', 'frame', 'equi', 'epoch'] present_keys =[key for key in all_keys if key in kwargs] kwargs_str = ' '.join("{key}={value}".format(key=key, value=kwargs[key]) for key in present_keys) script += ' '.join([" ", args_str, kwargs_str, "\n"]) script += votable_close return dict(script=script) @class_or_instance def _parse_result(self, result, verbose=False): if not verbose: commons.suppress_vo_warnings() parsed_result = SimbadResult(result.content) try: return parsed_result.table except Exception as E: warnings.warn("Error in parsing Simbad result. " "Returning raw result instead.") raise E return result.content
def _parse_coordinates(coordinates): try: c = commons.parse_coordinates(coordinates) # now c has some subclass of astropy.coordinate # get ra, dec and frame return _get_frame_coords(c) except (u.UnitsException, TypeError): raise Exception("Coordinates not specified correctly") def _get_frame_coords(c): if isinstance(c, coord.ICRSCoordinates): ra, dec = _to_simbad_format(c.ra, c.dec) return (ra, dec, 'ICRS') if isinstance(c, coord.GalacticCoordinates): lon, lat = (str(, str( if lat[0] not in ['+', '-']: lat = '+' + lat return (lon, lat, 'GAL') if isinstance(c, coord.FK4Coordinates): ra, dec = _to_simbad_format(c.ra, c.dec) return (ra, dec,'FK4') if isinstance(c, coord.FK5Coordinates): ra, dec = _to_simbad_format(c.ra, c.dec) return (ra, dec, 'FK5') def _to_simbad_format(ra, dec): ra = ra.format(u.hour, sep=':') dec = dec.format(, sep=':', alwayssign='True') return (ra, dec) def _parse_radius(radius): try: angle = commons.parse_radius(radius) # find the most appropriate unit - d, m or s index = min([i for (i,val) in enumerate(angle.dms) if int(val) > 0]) unit = ('d', 'm', 's')[index] if unit == 'd': return str(int( + unit if unit == 'm': sec_to_min = angle.dms[2] * total_min = angle.dms[1] + sec_to_min return str(total_min) + unit if unit == 's': return str(angle.dms[2]) + unit except (u.UnitsException, coord.errors.UnitsError, AttributeError): raise Exception("Radius specified incorrectly") error_regex = re.compile(r'(?ms)\[(?P<line>\d+)\]\s?(?P<msg>.+?)(\[|\Z)') bibcode_regex = re.compile(r'query\s+bibcode\s+(wildcard)?\s+([\w]*)') SimbadError = namedtuple('SimbadError', ('line', 'msg')) VersionInfo = namedtuple('VersionInfo', ('major', 'minor', 'micro', 'patch')) class SimbadResult(object): __sections = ('script', 'console', 'error', 'data') def __init__(self, txt, pedantic=False): self.__txt = txt self.__pedantic = pedantic self.__table = None self.__stringio = None self.__indexes = {} self.exectime = None self.sim_version = None self.__split_sections() self.__parse_console_section() self.__warn() self.__file = None def __split_sections(self): for section in self.__sections: match ='(?ims)^::%s:+?$(?P<content>.*?)(^::|\Z)' % section, self.__txt) if match: self.__indexes[section] = (match.start('content'), match.end('content')) def __parse_console_section(self): if self.console is None: return match ='(?ims)total execution time: ([.\d]+?)\s*?secs', self.console) if match: try: self.exectime = float( except: # TODO: do something useful here. pass match ='(?ms)SIMBAD(\d) rel (\d)[.](\d+)([^\d^\s])?', self.console) if match: self.sim_version = VersionInfo(*match.groups(None)) def __warn(self): for error in self.errors: warnings.warn("Warning: The script line number %i raised " "the error: %s." % (error.line, error.msg)) def __get_section(self, section_name): if section_name in self.__indexes: return self.__txt[self.__indexes[section_name][0]: self.__indexes[section_name][1]].strip() @property def script(self): return self.__get_section('script') @property def console(self): return self.__get_section('console') @property def error_raw(self): return self.__get_section('error') @property def data(self): return self.__get_section('data') @property def errors(self): result = [] if self.error_raw is None: return result for err in error_regex.finditer(self.error_raw): result.append(SimbadError(int('line')),'msg').replace('\n', ' '))) return result @property def nb_errors(self): if self.error_raw is None: return 0 return len(self.errors) @property def table(self): if self.__file is None: self.__file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.__file.write('utf-8')) self.__file.flush() # if bibcode query then first create table from raw data bibcode_match = if bibcode_match: self.__table = _create_bibcode_table(, else: self.__table = votable.parse_single_table(self.__file, pedantic=False).to_table() return self.__table def _create_bibcode_table(data, splitter): ref_list = [splitter + ref for ref in data.split(splitter)][1:] table = Table(names=['References'], dtypes=['object']) for ref in ref_list: table.add_row([ref.decode('utf-8')]) return table

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